I like things in focus. I like as much as possible in mostly focused. As in, even things in the background. Rarely ever do I purposely shoot the background in bokeh style. I like the background to be fuzzy, but not so out of focus you can't tell what you're looking at.
I actually had to look up how to shoot a bokeh shot for this challenge. Due to my inferiority in this department, I started to look into some old photos that I've taken to see if I've ever even accidentally got a bokeh shot. This was also when the lesson of the challenge day was realized......
The only old shot I could find that would be considered "Bokeh". This was from brunch with Mr. Curly Sweatervest and Shoulda Been a Cowgirl |
I'm not sure if the top is considered bokeh or not, but it's out of focus, which was on purpose. |
I think the second photo is just fine for Bokeh (can't say that with out giggling just a bit.) Again, I argue that this is simply depth of field with a fancy name attached to it, but I'm old and cranky and didn't get my mini-wheats this morning.