What is all that about? you ask. Well you see... I want
your opinion, Gentle Reader. Read on.
Slowly but surely, I'm catching up in the blogging world. Guess what I did yesterday?
MADE BUTTONS!?!?! SOOOOOO ridiculously excited about this.
But, dilemma.. which one is the best?
I give you
2 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
6 |
5 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
13 |
11 |
12 |
14 |
So now the question is... which button do you like the best? Do you like the font? Do you like the photo? Do you like the web address on the side or no? Do you like the "shadowy stuff" in some of the silly face ones? Why do you like the one(s) you liked???
And obviously I kinda had a theme going. Lucky for me, I'm really good at the WTF, Mate? face... apparently.
PS. You didn't think I was going to break this blogging every day streak so soon did you? Bwahahahhaha.
Maybe tomorrow....
I liked 6 because I really like that font and think that picture is very funny and fitting! And I think the blog address on the side is a little bit awkward.