Thursday, January 24, 2013

30 Second Thursday #2

Ahhhhhh!!!  Week 2!  SOOOO EXCITED!!!!  I'm like a child, really.  I can't help it.  

Kaitlyn // Wifessionals
Samantha // Hooah And Hiccups
Hallie // Life Oceanside

This week's prompt is:
What is the WORST present you've ever received?

Ok, so more like 1 minute Thursday.  Whatevs, don't yell at me.  Kaitlyn said that the time had been extended up to 1 minute since 30 seconds was proving to be quite a challenge.

PS. I might get better at eye to camera contact one day, maybe.  Although if a tv production class didn't help this problem, it's probably best that I never tried to be an actress.
PPS.  I don't know what the sound is in the background.  It wasn't in last week's video, so I'm wondering if I was just turned the wrong way?  Computers are finicky you know?
PPPS.  If the worst present ever wasn't already packed, I would have shown it to you.
PPPPS.  If I do these for long enough, I'm going to have the best blooper roll ever.


  1. Hahaha, what a cool kind of tradition!! Too funny!

  2. Hahaha I love that it turned into something great! :)

  3. That's such a good idea! And I'm with you on the blooper roll... it takes me at least 6 takes each week!

    1. In this take a messed up "ridiculed me" but didn't even want to have to redo it.. I'm learning to accept my flaws, lol.

  4. hahahaha I love that you made it into a fun family challenge!

  5. That's great! Love that you made it into a tradition! Have you ever read the book, The Faraday Girls? They have a tradition like that!

    1. I've never actually heard of that book. I think the only reason I even came up with the idea of "re-gifting" the purse was because we were talking about people regifted crappy Christmas presents after Christmas..

  6. hahahah the fake smile reaction is the WORST! ;) I love the idea that you guys came up with:)

  7. That was so cool that you turned it into the gift exchange!


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