-snuggles under the Christmas lights
-when Friday was actually Saturday and Saturday was Sunday (Arabic weekends are Fri/Sat, since their holy day is on Friday)
-chocolate martinis, Teh BFF, and Teh ZepZep on Thursday nights (any night really, but Thursday nights were special)
-the mountains
-more than a few inches of snow
-shifting gears (sometimes, not often, just often enough to make me remember that Teh Kaar was different than Yurtle)
-always having someone around that I could tell my secrets to
-Teh Sister answering my text messages
-Teh Sister sending me ridiculous text messages
-playing the baritone
-reading music
-NOT feeling guilty about NOT volunteering
-when I didn't have to worry about my weight, I was just skinny because I was
-going to bed at 3am and waking up whenever I feel like it any day of the week
-having flowers that I didn't have to grow
-being under the water on a day with no current
-the naivety of being young
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