I am a first world problems child. I can't help it. Judge me, I don't even care, but it's true. I whine at work because the internet is slow. Yeah, I know that 15 years ago the Navy was still giving out paper pay checks. So, this is 2013. I expect the browser to be compatiable with websites that I have to use for work... which means that NMCI should at least consider updating the Internet Exploder browser to 8.. maybe 9, but lets not get too needy.
I try to talk myself down. At least I have the internet. At least I work in a space with air conditioning. Blah blah blah. But seriously though, it's 2013. Y can't I haz good internetz at work????
In reality, I don't really consider anything about my "lot in life" difficult. Maybe that means I'm spoiled. Maybe that means I've got a good perspective. Not sure.
For now though, I'll keep on lovin' the First World Problems Memes.
So when I got upgraded to my Windows 7 machine, it came with IE9 installed. I had to downgrade to IE8 because a few of my websites I have to use for work (DAU and Sharepoint to name two) weren't compatible with IE9... So, if you were to upgrade to IE9, they'd have to probably update those websites...