Ok, I'm kinda taking charge and changing the rules a bit. I'm going to share more than 5 blogs, but these are the blogs that I definitely notice when they don't pop up in Google Reader (/weep), soon to be Feedly, often enough.
Cindy @ This and That (yay MD friend!)
Terri @ Life, Liberty and Wine (yay college friend!)
Brit @ Delightfully Awkward Brittany (yay blogging soul mate!)
Jess @ Chuckle at Chaos (yay Greyhound friend!)
Brooke @ Who Moved My Cheesecake? (my newest addiction addition who is hilarious!)
Bree @ .simply.girly. (yay Canada!)
Kate @ Marshmellow Goodness (yay got married and joined the Peace Corps!)
Jamie @ Jamie the Very Worst Missionary (she keeps Jesus real!)
So there you haz it.
I will have to check some of these out, thanks :)