Friday night I held down the VX-1 duty office like the best CL2 VX-1 has ever seen. The night didn't really pass quickly, and the day felt really long since I had to be up on Friday morning at normal time since I had a chiropractor appointment first thing. After my appointment, I went to the pharmacy and chatted with my XO while we waited on our meds together. Lots of people at my command aren't his biggest fan, but I don't mind. After getting my meds, I went to Chick-fil-a to get a free breakfast combo that I'd received a coupon for in the mail. (YAY FREE SHIT!)
I, creepily, ate breakfast in the parking lot of Petco since the store wasn't open since it wasn't even 9am. After returning an item that was too small for Phil (surprise) and getting some dog food, it was time to head back home. I had a momentary motivated streak, but it passed after I realized I didn't have the equipment to fullfil the motivation.
You see, Teh Greyhound Neighbors (husband) offered me a free gas weed-eater since he had an extra that he didn't use. This offer meant I could return the unused one that I've been meaning to use but hadn't yet an put $100 back in my pocket. WIN. I let the moment of motivation pass to save $100.
Instead of weed-eating. I furminated Phil-boy.
They say Greyhound don't shed... they do... minimally, but they do.
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Phil's new nickname is "Snowman".. These are Snowman's snowballs. |
I got to Skype with Teh Bear before his phone interview. And after several hours of internetting, I decided to lay down for a nap so I would be able to survive my watch that evening. Teh Bear called as I was laying down to say that everything had went well and he was progressing to step 8 of 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooo!!! (I'm obnoxiously excited about this.)
After a nap and a shower, I was getting ready for work and realized that my dress whites uniform, which I had been telling my LPO was ready to go for the last 2 weeks, isn't actually ready to go.... as it still has a COMUSNAVCENT rocker on the arm. Teh Megan fail.
I stopped by the post office to splurge on some stamps before going into work. During our walk on Thursday, Teh Greyhound Neighbors (wife) and I had been talking about urinalysis. I jinxed myself by saying I wasn't usually on the list, because Friday, I was on the list.
I "failed" my first urinalysis test... because I didn't pee enough! The worst part of "failing" a urinalysis test is "wasting" pee by not peeing enough. Fortunately, I had all night to make some pee. Good times were had by all when I was finally ready.
Teh Jewish Greyhound Friends delivered brownies right before my shift was over, which was awesome! My, sweet, sweet, relief came early, which I appreciated, and once I got home I was ready for bed.... and then, a stupid motivation streak hit me and I ended up doing the dishes and changing the air filter in my AC unit at midnight:20. I can't even make this stuff up. I had to disassemble most of the front of the AC unit to find the filter, but I made it happen. Phil was like, WTF, it's bedtime, yo.
Once I finally got in the bed, Phil started flipping out because a storm was coming. He started panting and pacing and a few minutes later I heard the boom of thunder. Phil actually chose to come lay beside the bed instead of in his bed(s). I told him he could get in bed with me, but he doesn't like being on the furniture. /shrug. By this point it was 1am and I was exhausted since the morning was coming early.
My body woke me up at regular alarm time, and I was like, OH HELL NO! and rolled over and went back to sleep. That worked out for about an hour before my body was like, Oh, you're too hot? Guess what, I win, muchacho. Phil and I got breakfast and after some internetting it was time to get ready to start the day.
First up was heading to GHC for an adoptathon and to help prepare for the GEGR picnic next weekend. Teh Jewish Greyhound Friends went with me and we didn't really get to do much with the dogs, but we rocked an assembly line stuffing give-away bags for the picnic.
I had planned on picking up Moe's for lunch since I was in the area, but when Teh Singing Cat Lady suggested lunch with her and Teh Singing Podcaster, I was like, YES, KTHX! We ended up hitting a new mexican restaurant that just opened in town. We weren't disappointed. Afterwards, Teh Singing Podcaster needed a haircut, which was conveniently located near a Payless Shoe Source, so Teh Singing Cat Lady and I went shoe hunting for me while Teh Singing Podcaster was getting his hair did.
I acquired 2 new pairs of shoes and we rocked some "awesome" sunglasses (pics/posts to come). We also hit up Target for a few items we needed, after making a pit stop at the sunglasses wall.... I had to leave because I was supposed to be at the fairgrounds for my first Pets on Wheels volunteer event, and I needed to pick up Phil to go be my accomplice.
We made it to the event right on time and we even got to see our vet (it was an animal fair event) who checked Phil's boo-boos from the dog fight a few weeks ago with the foster and complimented his healing abilities. We weren't at our booth long before the thunder and the rain started. The lady that was there with me and I decided to start packing stuff up. We were ready to go by 4 and since she was taking all the stuff with her, she told me to go ahead and leave.
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This thing was so heavy it set off the passenger seat seat belt indicator. |
Teh Jewish Greyhound Friends (wife) suggested I drop Phil off at their place, since they live on base, while I ran my errands, saying that "Gracie wanted to see Phil." I said, "Sounds like you want to see Phil, so he'll be there in a few minutes!" I think its totally acceptable to want to hang out with other people's dogs. NBD. After Phil was dropped off, I headed to the uniform store to remedy my dress whites situation and to the commissary to pick up groceries all while on my regular Saturday chat with Teh Dad.
I stopped by to pick up Phil and socialized for a little bit before the wall of tiredness hit me. I invited them over for dinner and stole one of their dogs, Buddy, because he was so excited to leave. Buddy rarely leaves his Mom's side, so I was impressed as at how well he did without Gracie or his Hu-Mom. I was home long enough to clean off the table when Teh Jewish Greyhound friends arrived. Apparently my dining room table is where every item that enters the house must spend time before it can be processed through the system and put away....
While Teh Jewish Greyhound Friend (wife) and I were making dinner, Teh Jewish Greyhound Friend (husband) was unbelievably awesome and weed eated my yard (with the weed eater than Teh Greyhound Neighbors (husband) had dropped off earlier in the day while I was out). He actually ran out of gas and didn't get to finish the front because the back was so bad! I let him use my brand new shampoo in exchange. Not that those things really equate, but there wasn't really anything I could offer in exchange that could even compete with the kindness of him doing my yard work that I've been dreading doing for 2 weeks. I have vowed that I will NOT let it get that out of control again, so that way I can maintain it myself.
Lets just pause for a minute and talk about how awesome my friends are. Seriously.
Free weed eater, someone doing my overwhelming yard work for me? I don't even have the words to thank these guys. I kinda want to cry because its so nice.
After Teh Jewish Greyhound Friends left, I chatted with Teh Bear and did some laundry while catching up on the internetz that I had missed all day. I thought about going to bed early but definitely didn't make it... due to a good reason (blogging).
Sunday morning, Phil and I woke up and had breakfast. Then it was time for church, which I missed last week due to the Color Me Rad 5k. After a baptism and a special children's performance, I headed to Walmart to pick up a few items.
A few items turn into $90 worth of stuff mostly of that stuff being $15 I spent on plants... which is a big deal, Gentle Readers, as I have a black thumb. Proof:
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I'm about 100% sure it's NOT supposed to look like that. |
This bamboo I've had since I got to MD. Teh Humanitarian has tried to give it TLC, it just... hates me. I finally tossed it over the fence, rocks and all.
I came home from my successful Walmart trip and chatted with Teh Bear before he went to work and had lunch. After he signed off to get ready, I tried to take a nap, but I was unsuccessful, so I got up and went to diggin in the yard.
PSA #1: I'm a priss. I do NOT like dirt under my finger nails. I felt sooo icky! There were even WORMS. I know that earth worms are good for flower beds, so I didn't freak out too much about them.
I also did some weeding. Literal pulling weeds out of the ground. That was pretty good for my OCD.
PSA #2: This is my first time ever doing my own yard work. NO JK. Teh Dad only let me mow the grass a few times since I only liked to mow the grass in the fastest gear possible.
PSA #3: Weed eating is hard, ya'll. Seriously. I had to read the instructions FOUR times to get how to start the stupid thing (it's gas).
PSA #4: Outside makes me sneeze wayyyyyy more than inside.
PSA #5: Don't wear tennis shoes to do yard work when your dog uses the yard to poop. Just take my word on that, wear some solid (as in with no holes) Crocs. Rubber shoes are genius for yard work.
I finished planting flowers in the front yard and decided to relocate to the back yard, which needed to be raked after Teh Jewish Greyhound Friends (husband) had weed eated the night prior. Seriously, it was a jungle out there. I started raking and less than 5 minutes in, about the time I started feeling a potential blister trying to form on my hand, I gave up and headed to Teh Greyhound Neighbor's house for a tutorial on how to make weed eater gas and to borrow the leaf blower (to clear out the yard).
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The tulip went here. |
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Random annuals around the tree. |
I ended up staying for dinner and socializing, which was cool. I enjoyed meeting people we had chatted about before. I finally made it back home and restarted on the yard. Since I had more gas, I was able to finish weed eating the front yard and I went back over the back yard where the weeds had been laid over. I raked the rest of the grass out the back gate, planted a few more flowers in the back yard and called it quits due to exhaustion and the smell of gas and knowing there was probably dog poop and/or dirt in my hair. Please refer to PSA #1. Sadly, there were no pics of the back yard since it was dark after my shower. Just take my word for it, there was digging and more dirt under my nails.
I did forget the rest of the bulbs Teh Mom had given me for my birthday, but those will prob get done this week at some point... maybe.
After a shower, exhaustion slammed into me like a Mac truck, but I knew I wasn't done yet. I still had GEGR foster blogs to make, Teh Blogs to write, and internetz to check. Once those tasks were complete I was toast.
This week will be an adventure of a different type since I'll be in my "get out of the Navy" class for the entire week, then the GEGR picnic is Saturday annnnnddddd The Color Run in DC is is 7 days!!!!!
PS. Teh Bear made it to step 8 of 8.... Just sayin'. /hugegrin
Yay yardwork! I didn't think I would be excited about that, but I'm looking forward to moving in to the house and planting pretty pretty flowers :) Hopefully I will be able to make them grow.