For the first time in a month, it was a lazy weekend.
But lets take it back shall we? To last weekend!
Remember the dress competition for the Battle of Britain? Well, let me show you the winner (and some other fun photos).
Teh Bear and I representing the 1940s. |
Teh Megan, the former VX-1 skipper who dressed as a 40s aviator (WIN!), and Teh Christmas Candy |
Das Germans! |
Teh Christmas Candy, Mr. W. Churchill, and Teh Megan |
At least it's a cute picture of me? |
At least this is a cute photo of Teh Bear. |
The ladies |
There was minimal dancing, and by minimal, I mean we danced to one song at the very end of the night, which killed my feet, so I was glad we only danced to one song.
The next morning, I dropped Roofadoofs off at Greyhound Central (GHC) to get adopted (which still needs to happen), and drove the 5 hours to NJ to become a Godmother to this dude:
Baby Godson |
I joined them on Saturday afternoon at an 80th bday party for a family member (yay for huge families and kinda blending in). That night we decorated the reception hall and at 10:30 I was done with awakeness. I was obviously pretty pooped since I slept in till 9:30 Sunday morning.
"jail" is tasty. |
YAY egg, cheese, and porkroll bagel for breakfast! |
This is Lola, she was Teh ZepZep's first love. |
It was a non-stressful morning getting ready and heading to the church. The baptism was easy-peasy and Teh Godson smelled like he'd gotten a massage afterwards which made me really want a massage.
Teh Megan and Mrs. Boomkin |
I will shake these balloons and it will make all the people laugh! |
Sadly, I needed to leave before the after-party had ended due to my 5 hour commute back to S.MD. Teh Godson's Pop-Pop was headed back to the house to feed the dogs, so I caught a ride with him after telling everyone bye. Fortunately, it was an easy Sunday afternoon drive.
Hello and Goodbye Philly. |
Phil's cousin wanted to race. Yurtle showed him. |
It freaks me out when road signs question me. If I wasn't sure before, I'm definitely not sure now! |
Rum and coke? |
Chesapeake Bay Bridge |
Chesapeake Bay Bridge |
Chesapeake Bay Bridge |
I came home and finished some laundry and crashed and dreaded writing my final paper all week long. It did get written by Tuesday night. It had a primary revision by Thursday and Friday I was able to ignore it completely.
This weekend was a lazy weekend, despite Teh Bear having to work.
Friday after work, I took the dogs on a walk with Teh Greyhound Neighbors Wife. After dinner, I headed to a former neighbor's house to watch her give her speech for her online class. Teh Bear stayed home and relaxed and did some housework.
Saturday, Teh Bear had to work, but I took the opportunity to get in an early walk with the beasts, do a final revision on my paper, and give the upstairs a thorough cleaning. After Teh Bear got home, we hung out for a bit then decided to make the plunge and go to a real, non-commissary, grocery store. We ended up going to Giant, which was a fairly pleasant experience. The only real complaint I have was that the aisles were SOOO narrow. It would have been impossible to get 2 carts side by side with the poles in the middle of the aisles. We came home and watched
Wreck It Ralph. Afterwards, it was time for bed.
Sunday, after church, Teh Bear and I went to Joann's and purchased halloween decorations. We came home and had lunch and watched
Django Unchained (which was a good movie until the Tarentino parts started). After 3 hours of movie, my head hurt, so Teh Bear decided to let me take a TV break and he washed Lionel Richie and Yurtle while I laid on the couch listening to Roofadoofs whine incessantly. We made a field trip to CVS to return the movies to the Redbox with the pups then came back home to watch
Breaking Bad (and not the finale, I'm only on season 2, so don't ruin it for me, kthx). I got a call from Teh FL Greyhound Neighbors asking if I could go over and let Buddy and Gracie out and feed them dinner since they weren't going to make it home in time from their adventures due to a traffic jam at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Apparently, fire under the bridge is a big deal? I arrived back home and we finished another episode of
Breaking Bad. Then it was bedtime.
YAY for a relaxing week.
This week the plan is to start getting ahead on my reading for my TWO upcoming classes and Teh Bear begins his "regular", non-training work schedule.
Linking up with all these ladies:
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