Monday, June 9, 2014

Challenge ACCEPTED on a lazy weekend.

I told you what I did on Friday already, so we're gonna skip ahead to Saturday...


Meri woke me up at 0545 whining to go out.  I woke up feeling refreshing and overly friendly because I had slept SO well Friday night.  The dogs had come to bed with Teh MD Roomies after I had already went to bed.  I didn't even hear Teh Adult Roomie come in and put Meri in her crate.  I was OUT!  While everyone was going business, I made doggy breakfasts.  After breakfast time, I let them all back out and watched Meri "stalk" Miley and Olive in the yard.  It was unbearably adorable.  She just wants these big dogs to play with her and they are all such breed snobs.  Greyhounds, /eyeroll.  I let them all back in and after Meri got all her energy out, it was after breakfast naptime for all the dogs.  I finished the Saturday blog and decided it was my after breakfast naptime too.

When I woke up, I responded to a surprise email from an old friend, ate lunch, and made a few dead end phone calls to listed contacts on some of the TN houses I've found so far.  Let's just say the search isn't going well, kinda.  Additionally, it's incredibly hard to find a place to live without seeing it first, but to the place with the video tour, YOU ROCK!!!

I was surprised when I saw the email from the old friend because I haven't spoken to her since March 2008.  I wasn't sure if I had walked away on good or bad terms and I've honestly wondered a lot about her and her family since then.  I was relieved to finally be able to tell her all the things I've wanted to tell her since March 2008.  If almost felt as if something that was missing was returned.

Teh MD Adult Roomie needed to run some errands and she still needs a chauffeur, so I got to take her out on the town!  We stopped by BJ's for some items, then headed to Lowes to pick up a new faucet for the kitchen sink (since she loathes the one we currently have (as do I, but its a rental)).  The person who is installing the faucet said, "Well, at least it's not Kohl's.  There can't be anything she can get into there."  Yep, he saw the bra experience at Kohl's on Teh Blog.


And Lowes Hardware?  Lowes is an excellent place to find all the ridiculousness.


Seriously mowing the parking lot.

Finding something to grill

Becoming a grill master.


This is the free therapy couch.
I was talking to my friends Grumpy and Sailor Dog.  BFFs for life.

Being a totem pole isn't as easy as it looks.

Check out my hat!!!

I'm hidin'!  You can't see me!

Time for business.
(The 2 people working the service desk didn't even act surprised when they saw this happening)

"Is this the right thing?"
I'd be a great Vanna White.

Takin' a shower.  I was using our new faucet.


Just takin' a bath.

Wait, this isn't the Tardis!!!  Let me out!

Helloooo?!  Are you in there??  I can't see you!!  Let me in!!

I will knock incessantly until you let me in!!

Fine, I'll just come in via your open window!!

No one's gonna notice if I hijack this cone, right??

Pipe head!!

Mad balancing skillz, yo.

Do you like my nose job?

Tehehe.. hehehehe.
Check out my pipenis.

That's all I've got to say about that.
(I'd call it a double success since I was able to use a Loki gif to convey my success)

After Lowes was Target and then home.  Later, I headed to Teh FL Greyhound Neighbor's for dinner and socializing.  We got to make smores over their new fire pit and it was marvelous.  I'm not sure if I've ever revealed this secret about myself to my Gentle Readers, but I'll just tell you now, I'm a master of marshmallow toasting.  I've perfected the toasted marshmallow.  The crispy outside, the gooey center, mmmmmmmm.  It's a skill that I'm quite proud of.  I love toasting marshmallows for other people so I can hone my skills.  After an enjoyable evening, it was time to head back home to release the hounds and crash in bed.

A perfectly toasted/melty marshmallow.


I got an early start Sunday morning when Meri started whining.  I rolled over to ignore her and go back to sleep and my hand landed on my phone, which vibrated within the subsequent minute.  Taking that as my sign, I got up and released the hounds and prepared their breakfast while attempting to wake up and talk to Mr. Mystery, which didn't last long enough to warrant my awakeness.  I went back to bed and my really good dream was interrupted by a herd of elephants Teh MD Teenage Roomie going up and down the stairs at 0730.  It was like the world knew I was aware again.  Teh Sister messaged me, Mr. Mystery messaged me.  Apparently, nap time was over.  I talked to both of them through my shower time and had to throw on clothes and rush to church in time to add the rest of the slides before the service.

After another successful solo soundbooth day, I went to pick up Teh MD Teenage Roomie and headed back home to pick up Teh MD Adult Roomie for lunch.  We had lunch at Lonestar and Sweet Frogs for dessert, nomnomnom.  Afterwards we came home for naptime and relaxation.  I talked to Teh Dad for a while, it had been a while since we had chatted and Teh MD Adult Roomie found our conversation mostly hilarious.  While I was talkin' to Teh Dad, Teh MD Adult Roomie was sending me job links and she found a super awesome job that I realllllllyyyyy would like to have, marketing and communications manager.  ME, ME, ME!!  PICK ME, PICK ME!!  So now the motivation to redo my resume is hot, hot, hot.  That job would be perfect because it would be on base and it would use my DEGREE (omg, what?!) and it would even still be Navy related (perfect opportunity for those continued LT Stories of the Day for my personal FB friends).

The rest of the evening was spent playing with puppies and cleaning house and being generally lazy.

Lazy weekends are seriously the best.

Linking up with these ladies:

still being [molly]
Dateless in Dallas

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