Technically, the weekend isn't over since it's a 3 day weekend in Teh Household, but I never planned for that to be the case, so I'm kinda sad about it (this whole civilian vacation/paid time off thing is wayyy different than Navy leave/vacation/holidays).
Either way, it was a great weekend. Let's talk about it, shall we?
After not really being tasked all week (aka, I was super bored at work all week and spent most of the days on FB/reading blogs), Friday held plenty of things for me to do, le sigh. To include being asked to generate a document from scratch based on someone else's document (which makes it infinitely easier) at 1:30 when I was leaving at 2. Fortunately, they didn't need it until next week, which means yay for having things to do next week!
I was going to go to the gym, but after dealing with all the soreness earlier in the week and then being sore from Thursday's workout, decided to skip it instead. I had something to return at Target and I needed to pick a few items up. On my way to Target, I stopped at Payless to look for a blue heels, which I couldn't find in my comfortable brand. While I was in Target, Mr. Scrooge called me to barter saying that he'd do all the grocery shopping Friday night (to include dealing with rush hour traffic) if I did all the cleaning. I wasn't a fan of this plan, since I had been planning for us to both go out, and the trip out was going to include a dinner stop. He told me to hurry home because he didn't want the traffic to get bad. I guess he's not fully aware of how Friday evening traffic works, because he wasn't pleased when there was already traffic at 3:30 when we left and I had to explain that people (like me) leave early on Fridays, so rush hour starts sooner... at least in my experience.
We went by Lowes to pick up stepping stones for the backyard, hoping that they will help solve some of the dog tracking mud issues we get when it rains. Mr. Scrooge was completely unbearable and I couldn't figure out what his problem was. When I offered to help, he said yes, but then wouldn't move to let me help him load the stones on the cart thingy. Then when I was trying to put a stone in the truck (while trying to be very careful not to scratch the bedliner because OMFG if I did that, the world could end) he flipped out at me, at which point he got a lovely FUCK YOU yelled at him in the middle of the Lowes parking lot for everyone to hear and I got in the truck and let him load the other 14 stepping stones (which are actually quite heavy) in the truck by himself. Bitch, please.
Then, Detective Teh Megan solved the problem. When we were leaving Lowes I asked Mr. Scrooge what he'd had for lunch. He said nothing. Yeah, I'm not the only one who gets the hangar. Sooo he hadn't eaten anything but cereal for breakfast all day. Good talk. I then suggested that we just do dinner at that point since I was super excited about my egg salad sammich and I could eat since I had early lunch and he hadn't eaten at all. He wasn't a fan of this idea (he's not a fan of any of my ideas when he's hangry, just to be clear). I finally got tired of trying to be patient and gentle with him and exploded with, "I want to go eat dinner now because you are absolutely UNBEARABLE." He then told me to quit yelling (which I had escalated to, because I was frustrated with trying to be nice and gentle and patient and being met with his
impatience and rage hangar). I just quit speaking, to further highlight my pissed off-ness. Since the place we were having dinner was on our way to the grocery store we were told was awesome, I was silently relieved when he pulled into the parking lot.
But seriously though, he was being unbearable and there's only so much niceness I can fake when you're being a dickhead when I'm going out of my way to be nice to you.
His demeanor was much improved after eating. MUCH IMPROVED. I didn't point it out to him, but I took satisfaction in knowing that I was right. We went to the "Super" Bi-lo, which happened to be exactly like the Bi-lo we usually go to, except with a big pharmacy and HBA section and more space. Mr. Scrooge had been told they had an awesome fresh meat counter, but there wasn't a meat counter at all. Le sigh.
We were doing a Low Country Boil (potatoes, corn on the cob, sausage, shrimpies, and crab legs and we added scallops) and a Fish Fry (we used Cod instead of Cat Fish) for dinner for Saturday night's gathering/late birthday party, so we were looking for fresh supplies and ended up having to buy frozen. Fortunately, most of the stuff was on sale since it was Valentine's Day weekend. Mr. Scrooge started to whine on the way home when we hit a bubble of 5 o'clock traffic that if he hadn't waited on me he wouldn't be dealing with this traffic and I pointed out to him that if he hadn't been with me, he wouldn't have gotten crab legs for the boil (they weren't on sale), so he stfu.
While I put the groceries away, he unloaded all the stones from the truck (his choice, I just went with it). I also fed the beasts to keep them distracted while I put the groceries away. I feel like I would leveled up if I was a human parent by figuring out how to distract my children with food while I'm trying to accomplish something.
We sat around for a short bit watching tv (him) and catching up on the internet (me) and finally we gave up. Mr. Scrooge went and took a bath and I went and laid in bed, reading. This was at 7pm. We're like 90. I have no idea what time it was when Mr. Scrooge emerged from the bathroom to go out and play video games, but I know the water had to have been getting cold.
We didn't actually go to sleep until 10:30-11ish, but I was IN the bed at 7pm. I'm not sure where the old lady in me came from, but ok. When I got up to get ready for bed, the dogs started being super adorable, so I had to take a photo.
Since Teh Sister and Teh Mom left Fayetteville at 8am, it meant I had to get up slightly early to start cleaning the disaster-house. I had discussed with Mr. Scrooge a divvying up of chores and he hadn't given an approval, but I was going with it. I was to clean the bathrooms and swiffer the kitchen floor and he just had to vacuum and beat out the rugs (his job because the rugs are unwieldy since I'm so small). I did get both bathrooms completely cleaned to my standards before they arrived. Granted, I was in the shower when they arrived, but not the point. Mr. Scrooge on the other hand wasn't done with his vacuuming since he didn't start until 10:15ish. Whatevs. Later I learned he "cleaned" the kitchen floor with my clorox wipes and had to ask him (for the 2nd/3rd time NOT to do that, since we actually have stuff to clean the floor with that is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than buying a new container of wipes...). At least the floor was "clean." When I got home, I could barely tell the rugs and kitchen had been vacuumed because the dogs had already tracked in so much dead grass from the yard.
Cleaning equipment. You know you're a blogger when.... |
After I got out of the shower and got ready, it was time to head downtown for Teh Sister's wedding dress appointments. I scheduled appointments for her at
Southern Protocol and
DeBorah's Bridal. I honestly just looked up places on the googly and called each place I had found to see if they had the type of dress that Teh Sister was looking for and to see if they had appointments available on Saturday. I really hadn't heard anything about either place until I called.
Southern Protocol was helpful on the phone and they said that their dresses were completely customizable, which meant that if Teh Sister wanted one shoulder, it could be created for her on a strapless dress. I liked how nice they were on the phone. I probably should have realized from their location being downtown that they were going to be a tad pricey, but we had nothing to lose but time and Teh Sister was going to narrow down options regarding what she wanted EXACTLY.
Having only ever been to David's Bridal with Teh Sister before, I didn't expect to walk into a place this classy. We got complimentary champagne. Which was excellent for my liquid lunch. Oh yeah, I was feelin' it after my glass and half of Teh Mom's. We didn't really have time for me to pick up lunch and I hadn't eaten breakfast since I was cleaning. My bad. The most important thing was that I didn't get a headache, which didn't happen.
While all the dresses at Southern Protocol were completely customizable, they were also extremely expensive. If your dress budget is 3k+, this is the place for you! I mean, while I enjoy the idea of someone making a dress to fit me EXACTLY, I do NOT like the idea of paying someone more than a month's pay to make said dress. Sorry, can't do it. Nonetheless, it was awesome to get to experience a classy dress shop after the David's Bridal experience. We were the only ones in the store other than a few ladies who came looking for a fur shawl and one of the owner's husband and kids and dog (which we were super pumped about) who came to deliver the owners roses since it was valentine's day.
Free champagne, apparently a theme in my life for this month. |
IT HAS POCKETS! too bad, it made Teh Sister look... "fluffy". |
The dress she ended up REALLY liking there. ONLY $4k, but french silk and french lace. |
After our Southern Protocol appointment, we dropped of Hema (Teh Sister's car, see I'm not the only one who names things) at Hendrick Honda to get an oil change. She hates her Honda place so much that she made sure she got an oil change while she was in Charleston. During the drive, Teh Mom gave me a Snickers since I hadn't eaten and all I could think of was the Snicker's commercial.
Then we headed to DeBorah's Bridal. We arrived slightly early and were told that our consultant was still with the previous appointment. I still hadn't eaten lunch, so we asked the lady where a good place was to get something to snack on. She recommended
Manny's, which was in the same strip mall as the dress shop, which was awesome since we could just walk there.
We ended up ordering cheese fries and the Mediterranean Trio (Hummus, Babaganouj, & Tzaziki). The hummus rivaled Bahrain hummus. I wanted to eat all of it by myself, but I didn't. I tried to focus on cheese fries as well. Since the appointment was supposed to start at 3:30, I sent Teh Sister and Teh Mom to the dress shop to get started while I closed out our check.
Sadly, DeBorah's didn't allow photography since some of their dresses are private collections... to mean that of course I took photos, but I'm respectful enough of the place that I'm not going to post them on the internet. After trying on over EIGHT dresses at DeBorah's (and 4/5 at Southern Protocol), Teh Sister found THE dress, which took the addition of red lipstick to be sure, but it was THE DRESS. She also discovered that she really does love the birdcage veil. I was the genius that suggested finding/making one where the veil detaches so you don't have to wear the veil for the reception. I'm a big deal, whatever.
Post THE dress being picked. |
By the time we left DeBorah's, it was 5:30 and we still had to pick up Hema. We magically made it home by 6:05, which was 5 minutes
after I'd told people we would have food ready. Oops. I had tried to call Mr. Scrooge 3 times on my way home, but he misses the point of having a cell phone and often leaves it on silent, which I've yet to really understand since he can't have his phone at work, the only time it would interrupt us with the noise is at night. He makes ZERO sense so often. It's good he's cute.
Anyways, the boil didn't get started until after I got home, which Mr. Scrooge couldn't blame on me since he didn't answer the phone. SCORE! We also learned a valuable lesson about frying stuff.. the oil can't be 500°F and actually cook whatever is on the inside. After an initial bad batch of hushpuppies, the rest came out PERFECT. Also, it's good that the man is a genius in the kitchen. I mostly managed the boil while Mr. Scrooge did the frying of stuffs.
That huge bowl was actually full, but I got distracted with eating before I remembered to take a photo of our masterpiece. |
Everything turned out amazing. I think Mr. Scrooge and I were both quite surprised. After noms, a few people headed home and Kate from Target and her BF arrived and they helped eliminate some leftovers. After we put the leftovers away and cleaned off the table, which was easy peasy with the newspapers, Teh Wisconsin Blond, Teh Sister, Kate from Target, her BF, Mr. Scrooge, and I all sat around chatting. I had pulled out Cards Against Humanity and Things to play, but we seemed to be having fun chatting, so I didn't even suggest a game.
By 11, everyone had left and we headed to bed.
Sunday morning, Teh Mom and I went to church. The service wasn't as good as I had wanted it to be. I'm trying to stop letting my MD church taint all the things, but it's so difficult because I enjoyed that church so much. After the service, Teh Mom and I met Teh Sister and Mr. Scrooge at Another Broken Egg Cafe downtown for brunch. I would have like to have also taken Teh Sister and Teh Mom to walk along the battery or to rainbow row, but we didn't really have time (we did actually, but we didn't since we wanted to be at the Bridal Show at noon when it opened).
My first thought when we walked in was that there wasn't a lot of vendors. It kinda just looked like the pet expo... but after going to every.single.booth in the place and signing up to win free crap (apparently bring address labels would have been a HUGE help) and eating free samples and having fun in 4 photobooths, I was tired and it was 2 hours later. There was also supposed to be a show of some sort (I assume wedding dresses?) that we weren't super interested in. Sadly, you had to be present to win the honeymoon trip and the drawing wasn't until 4:45 and that was a long time to wait, so we left. As we were leaving, we all checked our phones and Teh Sister had a voicemail from one of the vendors saying she'd won something at the Belk booth. WOOT!
The Mom and I rested while we waited on Teh Sister to go retrieve her free gift, which ended up being valued at more than we paid for the tickets (and we had an extra), so it was a worthwhile trip.
The boudoir photography vendor had a lot of fun stuff, to include a an antique 4-post bed. |
Teh Sister modeling some fake boobies. We found great joy in poking these. |
Photobooth fun. |
Crazy eyes. |
It almost felt like I was a part of the super bowl show with this hat on. |
As we were getting out of the car, we noticed ladies carrying bags in with them and thought that might be a good idea to do as well. So we brought in my 31 bag, which ended up being an outstanding idea since it was packed full with jackets and information and magazines and free pens and cookies and coozies. Teh Sister and Teh Mom were also carrying bags they had gotten from The Knot booth that'd put stuff in so what you see in that photo wasn't all of the stuff we ended up getting. |
The Knot bags. |
Teh Sister's free crystal photo frame. |
The most fun part of the show was all the photobooths. Seriously, they are my new obsession and we didn't have to pay for these!
After the show, we headed back to Casa de Teh Megan where Mr. Scrooge was napping away a headache. After sorting out all our goodies, Teh Mom and Teh Sister headed back to Fayettenam. Then it was my turn for a nap while Mr. Scrooge took Teh Puppies out on a walk.
Soon after they got back, I got up and we started the dinner discussion. We decided we weren't ready for leftovers for dinner, so we ordered Chinese instead. After dinner, Mr. Scrooge took a bath and I was doing some internet shopping for Meri since she could really use a housecoat, which is different than jammies because a coat doesn't have the legs, which Mr. Scrooge thinks are ridiculous.
The weekend shall continue through today with a nap since Phil and Meri didn't want us to really sleep last night. Phil was up barfing and left us a pile of poop in the floor this morning and Meri had to be let out at some ungodly hour of the night. Since Mr. Scrooge had handled the middle of the night business, I got up and fed them, which was extra effort since I forgot to refill the food container last night. Meh.
The rest of the day is up in the air, but I'm considering a nap, putting away some dishes, doing some laundry, and trying not to leave the house.
Linking up with these ladies:
Weekend Recap w/ Bella and the City |
Weekending w/ B Loved Boston