Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekend Review {8/31}

First off, let's get this party started with a Happy Birthday shoutout to Teh Mom.  While we may not see eye-to-eye (quite often, let's be honest), you're the one who ensured that my hair was put up REALLY tight (per my request) and the one who celebrated the fact that I had my first period (thereby ensuring me, month after month that having a period was NOTHING to be ashamed about).  You also pissed me off often enough (aka ensured I was responsible and accountable and not a shithead) that I was a "good" teenager who was a pretty good person when I wasn't being an overly-hormonal teenage girl.  You made sure that I knew the right way to do things and to do them right the first time and I wouldn't have to repeat my work over and over (via cleaning the bathrooms).  You taught me to never be ashamed to ask questions.  You impressed upon me that going to the doctor/ER should always be the first move when something bad happens (aka getting hit in the head with a rake).  You showed me that a good book is worth ignoring everything else for sometimes.  Finally, you taught me that sometimes, you just have to pull out your inner bitch to get shit done.  Happy Birthday! :)


The weekend started when I took Yurtle to get her new trailer hitch installed.  While there, I got some work done and chatted with the lady who was running the front desk.  It only took an hour so I was glad I got there a bit early.  It's been a week of adventure for Yurtle.  She also got a new battery last week.

After I got home, I went on a run because Weds was a rest day and Thursday we went out and I didn't get a chance to run before we left.

Ok, this isn't from the weekend, but this is from Thursday when I got a PAIL of liquor.  Yes please.  Sadly, I left the pail, despite intentions to bring it home.

I took the dogs on a mile jog.  You'd think I'd have killed them based on their lethargy after the run.  Wimps.

Friday evening, Teh German and I had planned to get sushi with friends of his, but they had a pet emergency so we went on our own.  I wasn't overly impressed.  While the prices were good, they didn't have a lot of specialty rolls, which is borrrrring.  Originally, we had planned to go see the free movie again, but instead opted to go hang out at Teh SC House Finder's house where they were having a cookout since her sister was in town.  We stopped at Harris Teeter first for Teh German to pick up something to bring to his crossfit cookout on Saturday and some beer and we ended up getting Starbucks as well since we were both pretty tired.

At Teh SC House Finder's house, we hung out till about 11:30 before finally calling it a night and heading back to my house for bedtime.


Saturday morning, Teh German had a crossfit thing in Isle of Palms (IOP) and when he left for that, I set out to get my miles in.  I had some issues which meant I only did 6.5 miles total instead of the 10-11 that I had planned to do.  The training plan only had a 10k listed, so technically I didn't not follow the training plan, I just don't like not achieving my personal goals.

I was met Teh German for a cookout after his crossfit workout, even though I was late.  Oops.  Miles + shower + travel time = lateness.  It didn't matter because the food delivery truck was pulling away as I pulled in, so they hadn't eaten yet anyways.  WIN.  We hung out with his crossfit people for a bit (which included a discussion about Disney runs (yeessssssss)) and walked down the beach.  Finally, we decided to leave and head to my house to feed the dogs and figure out an evening plan.

In step beach walk, well ok.

Also, kudos to the dude who got my shirt.  #nerdsunite
If you don't get it, F1 = Help (and the little man looks like he's drowning)

silly faces are the best.

We had decided to see Inside Out (per Teh German's suggestion (oh yes, he suggested Disney, he knows the key to my heart (and he wanted to see it))) and had discussed EVO for dinner.  Since I needed to go to Target, we ended up doing Sesame for dinner since we were right there and we didn't want to risk waiting to eat dinner after our 7:15 movie with my hangar problem.  It was a solid life choice.

If you haven't heard about how sad Inside Out is, let me just tell you I cried.. in public.. beside a boy.  I couldn't even hold back the tears.  Had I been alone/at my house, I probably would have ugly cried.  ALL THE FEELZ, Gentle Readers.  OMG.  I had heard it was sad, but I wasn't prepared.  I mean it's Disney/Pixar, I can handle it, nbd.  NO, NO I COULD NOT.

Nonetheless, it was an excellent movie.  After we headed home and it was early bedtime because #oldpeople and too many miles.


I hadn't decided on going to church or not, and ended up not going like the heathen I am.  I know that next weekend we probably won't be getting to sleep in much since we'll be trying to get out to go riding and Meri had woken me up at 0130 with the sounds of possible regurgitation, then again at 0530 for breakfast/something.  I fed them at 0530 just so I wouldn't have to be up again at 0630.  I was just exhausted and sleeping in was really a good idea.

We did manage to get out of bed by 10 and had decided to try Sunflower Cafe for brunch.  It was a winner AND it's close to my house, which makes it even better.  After foods, we came back to my house where Teh German facetimed with his aunt while I handled my laundry situation.  After his facetime session, he went to his "closet" to take care of some things.  While he was gone, I powered through cleaning the bathrooms, finished the laundry, cleaned out the fridge, washed the dishes, meal planned, and snuggled with my sick fuzzy girl while I wrote this post.

When Teh German came back (with flowers /swoon), we headed to EVO for dinner, which just so happened to be closed....  Arrrghh.  Instead, we forded some pretty serious puddles to get to Mellow Mushroom.  I needed to pick up some items for dinner this week, so we stopped by the grocery store, then Krispy Kreme since the light was on and I just needed to sate a craving.

When we got back home, we were lazy and hung out while getting some screen time in.  Teh German gave me a pretty big scare when he said he was dizzy then randomly passed out while we were in the kitchen.  Fortunately, I was able to catch him when I saw him stumbling and get him on the floor.  What couldn't have been more than 10 seconds felt like HOURS.  I was just about to start screaming his name and shaking him when he finally returned to the land of the conscious.  He kept apologizing to me because he said I had looked so frightened he felt bad.

After my heartbeat resumed it's normal pace and Teh German had recovered enough to feel comfortable laying down again, it was bedtime.

Saw this crazy in the parking lot at the grocery store.  Can we just get a wooooaaaahhh nelly?

Linking up with these ladies:
Ashely @ A Cute Angle
Meg @ Life of Meg
Biana @ BLovedBoston

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Sweats #9


Shitbag here, who didn't put in the miles.  Whatever.  Sometimes you just gotta be lazy and lay in bed and watch Hercules and snuggle with the handsome man in your bed.


10.84 miles, 10:24m/m (1:52:43)
Uuuuggghhh this was punishment for not doing my miles over the weekend.  I was super pleased that it wasn't overly hot outside and I was able to get my miles done.  Despite my attempts to prohibit chafing, I got a serious spot on my hip.  MY HIP of all places!  I assume that my running belt was rubbing my skin.  No me gusta.  I kept the pace slow since I knew that I was going to do at least 8 miles.  10 miles was the goal, but when I went over I wasn't disappointed.  That said, I'm feeling very hopeful that under the right conditions, I mighttttt be able to really push the pace for my 1/2 and come in close to 2 hours!  Fingers crossed for not a lot of crazy hills for the Navy-AF half.


3.93 miles, 10:11m/m (40:01)
Truthfully, I really didn't want to run after 10.8 miles the day before.  I was hurting all day long (my legs and hip chafing (that made me feel nauseous all the day) but I knew that I probably wouldn't be running on Wednesday.  It also felt like 103*F and well, that shit is for the birds.  The pace felt super slow and my brain was just not into it.  I survived, that's what's important.

+1 mile jog/walk with the pups.  They have been heathens recently, so we ran at least half of the mile because they needed to be exhausted.


Legit rest day.


Evening plans meant no run.


3.23 miles @ 9:26m/m (30:31) + 1.21 miles @ 10:34m/m (12:45) w/ Meri and Phil.
I did a short run to get some miles before my long run on Saturday morning.  It was perfect weather with a slight breeze.  Moar please!!!  Bring on the fall temps!


5.57 miles, 10:26m/m (58:06) + 1.17 miles, 14:12 (16:39).
I had planned 10-11 miles on Saturday then around mile 4.75, the urge to pee hit me.  I debated on finding some bushes or just going home, because going home meant dealing with overly excited dogs, but something was just off, so I went home and peed.  Yet, it didn't help.  That feeling of still needing to pee lingered.  I decided to take the dogs out for a quick mile and bring them home and see how I was feeling before deciding to finish or not.  I tried to jog with the dogs, but that feeling of needing to pee was incessant and I was pretty sure I was going to literally pee on myself, so we walked most of the mile.  When we got home, I gave up.  I was also supposed to meet Teh German at 11:45 and not finishing the miles meant there was a chance I might be able to make it on time (I didn't).  I showered and finally an hour or so later of "holding it" the urge to pee finally went away.

I tested some O2 Gold that a coworker had given me to try out, which I took right before I started running (so it would hit me when I was starting to struggle) and I also took an energy gel around mile 3.5.  I'm not sure if one of these things contributed to my problem or other... "activities" but I'd really prefer that shit not to happen again ever.

Wanna be friends on Runkeeper?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Five on Friday #63


I posted about this on Teh Blog page, but I'm going to repost it here because it's pretty serious to me.

It's no secret how much I love dogs. In addition to all the adorable dog photos and the FB Trending section telling me it was ‪#‎NationalDogDay‬, THREE people asked me if I was aware that it was Dog Day yesterday (I assume because my lack of dog posts).

What I hadn't realized was that it was also the anniversary of the 19th Amendment being incorporated into the Constitution, something that is pretty near and dear to this female-parts-owner.

When I saw ‪#‎WomensEqualityDay‬ was the 26th in TODAY'S (the 27th) Trending section I was sad. ‪#‎WeCanDoBetter‬ ‪#‎YesAllWomen‬

I feel like a feminist failure for not even realizing.  Then again, I live in a bubble, so it's really not surprising.  Additionally, if it's not on my calendar, it doesn't exist in my life.  I was pretty proud of myself for my restraint on posting dog-smut.  I posted my daily dog photo on instagram and that was that, I didn't even use the dog day hashtag.

We live in a world that dogs > women's rights remembrance.  That makes me sad on the inside.


I went to my first chiropractor appointment (of many more to come) yesterday.  It was soooo good.  All the right pops, in all the right places.  Since it was my initial visit, the doc also chatted with me about my issues and took some xrays.  Not only did he compliment me on my ability to take awesome xrays, we got along swimmingly.

When he was going over my xrays (btw I love looking at any type of "imagery" I can analyze.  Thanks, Navy) he explained where my problem spots were.. which was more than just my bulging disk in my lower back, to include my mid-back, some spots of arthritis forming, and my neck not having a curve like it should.  After going over my xrays and lots of jokes, he adjusted me and oh my all the pops.  Soooo loud, soooo good, sooo many. 

I'll be seeing him on a weekly basis for the near future and I'm excited about all the pops in my future.  That said, I feel pretty achy today.  I'm just hoping that my runs this weekend will feel good after the adjustment and my shoulders stay loose.


Teh German and I are still doing our thing.  Besides his adorable accent, I'm also smitten with the fact that he does the dishes if I cook dinner after we finish eating, he uses hashtags, he makes me feel sexy (remember when I was worried that wouldn't happen again?), we workout (sometimes together #win), he is accepted by the dogs, his friends told us to get a room, we make a great team, we frequently think the same thing at the same time (which is simultaneously creepy and cute), and he continues to quiet my brain and make me laugh constantly.

Not that I checked (ok, I totally did), but the 2nd will be 1 month since my last bout of food poisoning our first date.  It's not really cause for celebration (I'm cheesy, but not that cheesy), but I can definitely say it's been an enjoyable month.  Also, I've taken to calling his house his closet since that's it's primary use now.  #allthesnugglesforme #allthetime

All that said, I'm constantly fighting the "is it too soon?" battle in my head.  Is this love or lust?  I know that no one but he and I can answer those questions, but I still struggle with my past sometimes and I've been burned before trying to talk about these things so I hesitate to discuss/bring them up.  I know I need to better about moving past that, but I give myself the excuse it's only a been a month and Turbo, here, needs to slow her roll.


I signed up for the Reddit Teacher Exchange and was super pumped to get matched.  The teacher I was matched with had a pretty generic list of things she wanted (pens/pencils/dry erase markers/cleaning stuffs) so I messaged her and asked if she had come up with more specific items she was looking for.  After 2 days of getting no response, I went ahead and ordered $50 in stuff from Amazon that she had listed.

2 hours after I placed the order, she finally responded to my message, listing different items than in her original request.  I was straight up with her and said I had already ordered the stuff a few hours before but hopefully she still enjoyed it. 

This is 2015, when someone messages you, respond promptly.  2 days isn't prompt.  Because of her delay, she will not be receiving my annual "special" gift of mini liquor bottles to get her through the tough days.  Also, I'm poor.  So 2 reasons for that, but mostly because lack of proper communication skills.  If I had signed up for free stuff, you better believe if I got a message about it I'd be looking at it asap.  Few things in life are more important than free shit.


I'm BSing cinco because I've been sitting here for over an hour pinning sappy stuff and I can't find anything funny enough to share and I think it's past time to get this posted.  I have weekend to get to!  Yay for a possibly lazy weekend, even if it rains, that means lots of naps.... :)

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
Linking up with these ladies since it's FFFFRRRRRRIIIIIIDDDDAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

2015 Ramblin Rose Triathlon - Winston-Salem, NC

Teh MD Adult Roomie and I participated in the Ramblin Rose triathlon in Winston-Salem on August 16, 2015. It was... an experience.

We decided that we're not tri-ers, we're runners.  If I was being completely honest, I'd totally do a regular triathlon (vs a sprint, which is what this one was) if I didn't have to do the bike portion.  I'd happily swim AND run, as long as I didn't have to bike.  Although the bike was when I got to wear my special helmet, so there's that.


We picked up our packets on Saturday at Fleet Feet in Winston-Salem.  Suzy/Google didn't know that Fleet Feet had moved, so I was following directions to their unoccupied building.. no bueno.  That did lead me to finding a Winterfire store, which meant I got to peruse some StoryPeople prints while I was waiting on The MD Adult Roomie to arrive, so I didn't mind.

The race workers who were handing out packets were bitches and there was no real direction on what to do.  There were many first time triathletes there, so I'm sure we all could have used a little more direction.

First we were approached by a lady who was holding up a sign for us to estimate our swim time on and she would assign us a group and write a number on our hand.  She was helpful.  Then we went into the packet area and there was no one at one of the tents, but the merchandise tent had someone at it.  There was also a little table with forms on it.

That form seemed important and since it was the first thing on the way in the area, we went there to fill out a form.  Since there was no one at the table, we figured we could fill out the form there since there were no clipboards or any open tables to write on.  We just started writing when someone came over and told us we needed to move in a not friendly way (this isn't just my opinion, Teh MD Adult Roomie agreed with me and she's way nicer than me).  Almost 1/2 way through the form I realized we didn't actually need to do the form, but the lady hadn't asked us if we were already registered so we had figured we needed it.  Ugggh.

Then the ladies were jerks when we explained to them that we were pretty sure we already had filled out the form.  I figure as the 2nd interaction a participant has with race workers, you'd want to be a good interaction.. but that did not seem to be the case with these 2 ladies.  Finally, packets were handed over and we meandered to the merchandise table so Teh MD Adult Roomie (MD-AR) could pick up a bib belt (that's a thing apparently).  We walked inside and picked up our shirts and got swim caps (that neither of us wore because why would anyone wear a latex swim cap when silicone doesn't break all your hair off?).  We browsed around Fleet Feet and I picked up Body Glide (which Erin pointed out could be dirty, but it's anti-chafing stuff (that didn't work the first time I used it)) and my own bib belt (which I was gonna return but Meri ate the receipt like the #goatdog she is).

Then it was time to wait on it to be race day!


Our hotel was only 8 minutes from the YWCA where the race was happening, so we weren't worried when we looked at the clock and it was already 0620 and we hadn't left yet.  We wanted to get there early to get our biked checked over and tires pumped and get our station set up.

When we arrived, we brought our stuff to our station and then went to pick up our timing chips and got body art (left arm: race number, right arm: name, left calf: team name, right calf: age).  After we had all the stuffs, we set up our stations like we had seen in the example on Saturday at Fleet Feet. 

We made it!

Getting my tires pumped up

Sexy body art!

We totally welcomed this photobomber.
Ok, and I had bombed their photo.  #sorrynotsorry


They opened the pool for warmups and I figured why not.  Yeah, after doing a few laps I was worried about the swim.  Then when I went to get out, I slipped off the edge and bashed my shin on the wall.  I had a knot form quickly after.  Good times.  It's a really pretty green/yellow color now and really prohibits satisfactory foam rolling.

Fishy selfie!

After warmups, we had to vacate the transition area and line up for the swim.  I had already told Teh MD-AR that I was going to wait on her before starting the bike portion, so we wished each other luck and headed to our different swim groups.  I had nothing to worry about during warm ups.  Once I got in my swimming groove, swimming 225 meters was fine.  Unfortunately, I underestimated my skill/time and I ended up having to pass 2 women and then got stuck in a line behind another lady, there were 3 of us stuck behind her, but we were almost to the end.  I ended up doing a lot of breast stroke because I needed to go slower so I wouldn't hit the person in front of me.

I waited 20 minutes for Teh MD-AR to finish her swim, then we headed off for 8 miles on the bikes.  During my wait, I did that awkward thing where I put on my sports bra over my swim suit.  I almost left it on over the suits since I was struggling with the straps and fearing REALLY stretching out my suit, but since I had time, went through the hassle of putting it under my suit, despite potential onlookers.  Whatevs, I couldn't NOT wear it for the run portion, so it had to happen.

Teh MD-AR had practiced biking, so she was way better than me.  Additionally, Monty was giving me serious problems and refused to shift gears which was obnoxious.  Had I practicing my biking more than once, I still wouldn't have been prepared for the HUGE FUCKING HILLS we encountered.  There's nothing in Charleston that steep except for one side of the bridge.  The worst part?  We had to do 2 laps for the bike course so it wasn't a one and done situation..... #nomegusta.

The best/worst part of the bike was all the compliments on my awesome helmet.  I really appreciated the compliments, but as a lady who had been behind us pointed out after the race, "I bet you were so tired of hearing it!"  I was.  I was trying not to be rude and stay motivated and say thank you to everyone who said something, but as the one person who stands out in the crowd, at least 50 people said something, and when I was trying to push up that devil hill, the last thing I wanted to be was polite.  I was glad the lady said something about it so I didn't feel guilty about feeling frustrated.

It took almost 1.5 miles to get into running after slaying my legs during the bike part.  Then we only had 1/2 a mile left and I was like, that's it? 

Running selfies.  I told Teh MD-AR that she looked like she was growling in this photo and I think it's funny, but she's going to want to kill me when she sees this.  Sorry you'll have to wait a few more weeks! ;)

The run was the final event, and we ran into the chute holding hands because we did it together!

We survived the Tri!

We checked out the tents and picked up some snacks and water.  Hell yes to the person who was like, "Let's have blueberry bagels."  I love you.  Same to the person who was giving out little cups of Jelly Bellys.  Me love you long time.  I was sad there wasn't a roller station since that was the highlight of finishing my 10-Miler in April, but eh, whatevs.

After we checked out the tents and decided we weren't going to wait to see the results scroll through, we headed back to the transition area to pack up and head back to the hotel for showers.  Since I'm a rewards member with Holiday Inn, we were able to get late checkout, which was delightful.

Post-race photos were completely necessary!

I participate in virtual races and when they had a BFF run that came with 2 medals, I KNEW I needed to get one for Teh MD-AR and I.  I had meant to give it to her after we finished the race, but I completely failed and forgot until we got back to the hotel, so I gave it to her before I went to shower.

So we got TWO medals for the race, which for this bling motivated girl, was completely awesome.  We totally wore our medals to brunch.  We saw several other women from the race where we went to breakfast (their shirts/body art gave it away).  That's my favorite part of post race meals, seeing others who participated with you.  It's especially fun after a color run!  These women weren't overly friendly, so we didn't chat with them, but that was ok.

Overall, I'd say the race was fun and it's good for someone who wants to try a triathlon.  It's a sprint so it's not the regular distances so you get a feel for each activity.  There were a lot of first-timers there, including us, so that tells you something.  There were also hardcore triathletes there.  There were small girls, they were the most impressive.  Some of them completed the whole race, some of them were just part of a team.  Either way, to see them out there was awesome.

I personally felt like I hadn't really done much after we finished.  Both the swim and run left me wanting more.  I wasn't tired from the tri like I usually am after a solid run, despite the struggle that was the biking portion.  Honestly, driving home was more exhausting than the tri, that is not the case with my other races.  When I run in a race that I've trained for, I want to be challenged!  This didn't feel like a challenge, but I also think Teh MD-AR and I underestimated our skill levels.  We can run 13 miles.  This was like running around the gym track expecting to feel fulfilled (at least for me).

Will I do another triathlon?  Uuuuuggghhh, probably if I was super peer pressured.  I'd prefer to do it as a team.  I'd be willing to swim AND run (for a full or sprint) if I didn't have to bike though.  If I'm completely honest, this medal wasn't worth it.  It wasn't anything better than I get from doing the virtual runs, or maybe I'm just a medal snob after my Divas 1/2 and Tarheel 10-Miler medals (this isn't because I expected a different medal than the one they actually give either)?  Also, I have high expectations for the Navy-AF medal after seeing the Marine Corps 1/2 medal that Teh MD-AD has.  Teh MD-AR and I agreed that it was maybe a once a year thing, but definitely not a regular thing.

Would I recommend the Ramblin Rose Triathlon?  Sure.  Especially if you want to try it out and see what it's all about.  I would say not to go in with high expectations of being a star because there are definitely some badasses out there.  That said, I would also take my time, which is exactly what we did.  I waited 20 minutes for Teh MD-AR during the first transition because I wanted to do it WITH her (heheh that's what she said).

That said, I'm glad it's over.  Monty is too.  When I pulled him out of Yurtle when I got home, his front tire completely detached from the wheel.  So much for possibly continuing to ride the bike...  I'll stick with running and possibly swimming. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Confessions {8/26}

-Why is toilet paper advertised as "double" or "triple" the roll.  Really?  REEEAALLY?  When have I ever seen an actual single roll of toilet paper to compare it to?  Can you just tell me what the ply count is and the total length of the roll without me having to do calculus equations to figure it out?  Plskthx.  #yourenotfoolinganyone

-Rage inducing, WHY THE FUCK IS THIS TRENDING/NEWS??  Why do we give fools the time of day?  #USMediasucks

-As a tech writer, it is my job to be the asshole.. so this happened:
Team Lead (TL): Hey, I made some changes to the diagram, can you look it over and see if there need to be any changes?
Me: Sure, but I'm not sure about technical stuff in that diagram, but I can look at everything else.
TL: Ok.
Me (a few minutes later): So, really the only issue I see is that you have spaces next to your slashes.  As in word / word is incorrect it should be word/word.
TL: Nit-picky.
Me: That's my job.

He didn't respond so I figured he was going to just not bother.  When I got the updated diagram images, there were no spaces.  Small victories.  #YesIlookeditupfirst
I did not correct him on his classifications markings.  #theresalwaysnexttime

-Bar hopping on Saturday night made me feel almost adult as just shopping the perimeter of the grocery store.  #adultingwin

-I confess that after watching The Americans, when Teh German left to go pick up items from his "closet" (aka his house that he doesn't really stay at anymore, yay!), I took 2 very not-small sips from the vodka in my freezer and I would have drank way more if it wouldn't have burned so bad.  #dealingwithproblemslikeanadult

-Teh German has officially spent the night at my house every night for a week now.  #bowchickawowwow

times 7

-That said, we are currently planning to go to Home, Home over Labor Day weekend and do some motorcycle riding, which I told Teh Dad about because that means we'll stay at his house.  He came back to me and asked if Teh Stepmom should make up one room or two.  At which point I said, "One room, he's been staying at my house for the last week.  I think we're good with 1 bed."  If I get asked about it again, I'm planning on responding, "Do you think he's been sleeping in the guest room these past few weeks?"  #adultsleepoversarethebestsleepovers

-"When you're at church, tell Him I said thanks for you."  That's what Teh German told me when I left for church on Sunday morning.  Next time, we'll see what happens when I tell him he should just come with me and tell Him, himself.

-Yurtle is getting a.. butt sag.  And by that I mean, I'm getting a trailer hitch put on Yurtle.  This will enable us to rent a motorcycle trailer for Mike and Suzi (Teh German's bike's name, which is often confused with Suzy, my phone) so we can go to Home, Home and do some NC mountain rides.  I'm super pumped about this.  I'm pretty sure that means there's nothing else I could possibly add to Yurtle.  #shouldhavedonethismonthsago #Iwastedmymoneyonthecargorack #Isaidrack

-I went to the grocery store and picked up a pack of chicken that didn't have the price/full barcode on it.  It had the weight and the price per pound though, so I figured it would be no big deal to just do the math then manually enter the price.  Yeah, that was too overwhelming for my simple cashier.... and his manager that came over to respond to his call for help.  It wasn't until I had pointed out several times to both of them that we had all the necessary information to do the math that they agreed with me.  I had even already done the math on my cell phone so they could see I wasn't making up a random price.  #Wearegettingstupider #Isaystupiderisaword

Linking up with:
Life with Lolo
Hodges Podge

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Training for Tuesday #3

One event down!


Upcoming events:

20 September 2015: Navy-Air Force Half Marathon in Washington, D.C.
14 November 2015: Sweet Tea Half in Summerville, SC
18-21 February 2016: Glass Slipper Challenge weekend + 5k in Orlando, FL (Disney World)
02 April 2016: Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston, SC

August's Goals:

~Acquire new running shoes (uggggghhhh)
~Continue training for the 1/2 marathon
~Ride Monty
     ~Put Monty's new seat cushion on and pump up his tires with my handy dandy air pump.
~Make a hotel reservation in Winston-Salem for Teh MD Adult Roomie and I... (I swear I'll get this done, if you're reading this.. I did at least make the Disney reservation (and picked our our Magic Band colors)!!)
~Don't die in the heat
~Maybe run the bridge if I can motivate myself to get there.  If a stranger suggested that as a first date, I'd be all over it!


I DID IT ALL!!!  Call that a first for sure!  I've also continued kicking my training plan's ass.  #likeaboss

Additionally, I've cut out the walking portions of my runs in the last week or so, which is a big deal.  Especially when you add in the decrease in pace from running with Teh German.

If you're wondering how the triathlon went, check back on Thursday and the review will be posted.  Summary: I'm a runner/swimmer not a biker.  Period, ever.

New running shoes have been broken in and I haven't died in the heat and while it wasn't a first date, it was definitely a date when Teh German and I ran the bridge.

Another accomplishment that wasn't listed as a goal is that I did NOT purchase tickets to a DisneyLand run.  The Tinker Bell 1/2 Marathon was calling my name (for that Coast-to-Coast medal) but the bank account (and logic) said I should hold off, at least for now.  Also, I'd like to do a not girly run.  The Divas run was almost all women (if not all women, I can't remember) and the Tri was all women.  I'm an equal gender opportunist.  I'm thinking the Avengers weekend or the Dumbo Dare weekend.  I just know that 2016 needs to be DisneyLand year and I need to make that happen (lookin' at you, savings account).

September's Goals:

-Keep up with the training plan(s).  Those long runs are killer and fall means several activities on the horizon, which means keeping up with the runs, EVEN IF I'm out of town for the weekend.
-Run the Greenway in West Ashley.
-Run the bridge again/run more with Teh German who really pushes my pace.
-Add some cross training into the mix (I might count sexy time and random dance offs with Teh German (this is my motivation to not be so shy and just shake these hips), don't judge me). 
-Navy-Air Force 1/2 Marathon!!!
-Keep running after the Navy-AF 1/2.. the Sweet Tea 1/2 is coming!  We'll see if I try to talk someone into doing the Sweet Tea run with me or just run it as my first solo 1/2.
-Manage this chafing issue I've been dealing with.  If it's not underboob chafing, it something else.  I wish I was kidding, but I go hip chafing from my hydration belt recently.  WTF?  #chafingsagaof2015

Wanna be friends on RunKeeper and stalk each other?
Linking up with Alyssa and Tracy!

Countdowns make it more real!

Online Countdown Clock

Countdown Clocks

Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekend Review {8/24}


After work, Teh German came over and we headed out to dinner at Sesame in West Ashley.  He'd never been to Sesame and I'd never been to the West Ashely location, so it was a win.  Also, the food was delicious.  After we had planned to either go see a movie at the park we went to last weekend or do the indoor trampoline thing in North Charleston.  We ended up doing neither since the movie got cancelled due to weather and his friends invited us out to get drinks with them. 

I'm not sure who invited adult bar Jenga, but they are most excellent.  Sorry for the dark photos, Suzy was at 1% when we got back to my house, so it was the no flash party going on for me.

Teh German concentrating and being photobombed.

Oh noes!
Group shot by a stranger.
*Also, yay for a new cute monster shirt that I'm wearing (that you can't really see (It's awesome just take my word on it)).

It was wwaaayyyy past my bedtime when we got back home so it was definitely sleepy time.


Originally, Teh German and I had planned to do a beach/10 mile run (since I needed to get in 10 miles this weekend), but that didn't happen.  Nope, nope, nope.  Instead, we adulted the shit out of Saturday and stayed in bed until 2pm.  We would have actually probably stayed in bed until we had to leave for the Riverdogs game we had tickets for, but hunger started to set in and we wanted to go to Early Bird Diner, which closes from 3-5 on Fri/Sat because they are open so late, so that meant we HAD to get up.  Bleh, but Teh German finally got to experience their chicken and waffles, so it was a win.

We went back to my house after lunch? dinner? whatever the meal is when you eat mid-afternoon.  We hung out with the dogs and eventually settled down on the couch.  I read while Teh German slept.

I roused him when it was time to leave for the game.  We were concerned it was going to be cancelled due to weather, but the game went on.  When we arrived I met a different friend of Teh German who had our tickets.  We stayed at the game for a while, but left early due to rain and general disinterest (the tickets were free).  We decided to go out and get drinks with Teh German's friend and his wife would met up with us later.

Our first stop was Voodoo, but we decided to head to Triangle Char and Bar since Voodoo was dead.  After eating some food at Triangle, I was set for more drinking.  When Teh German's friend's wife showed up, we decided to go back to Voodoo.  While there we got to experience a super drunk dude break it down and try to grind up against several women.  He tried to get me to hold his beer and I was like, nope, go over there and dance with the girl who is trying to wave you down.  He was too drunk to understand.  I was too sober to give any fucks.  Nope. 

I got the Painkiller (description to the right of the beverage) and it came with a little pineapple straw!

After we finished our drinks at Voodoo, it was suggested we go to DD Peckers.  I'll just come clean here and now.  This is my first ever "bar hopping" in my adult life.  See, I'm a classy drinker.  I go to a gathering of my friends at someone's house and drink and drink and we never leave.  We just keep drinking.  If someone is leaving, they have a DD worked out (which for me usually meant I wasn't drinking since I was driving).  In GTMO, I would walk to other rooms since it was semi-communal living, but that was s much traveling as I did.  Yeah, this is adulthood.

So at DD Peckers we ordered drinks and chatted some.  We agreed that if Guardians of the Galaxy is playing at the park next weekend we should all go and that we should pre-game the movie with sushi downtown.  Having introduced Teh German to sushi on one of our first dates, he was super interested since he liked really liked it.

Yawns started happening and it was finally time to go home.  There was a short discussion about ordering another round and Teh German looked at me questioningly and I told him, "Sorry I'm too drunk to drive us home."  He then said, "Even if you weren't, you can't drive my car, it's a stick."  Bahahahahahahahah.  I told him that he'd cut me deep and explained that Teh Kaar was a stick and I drove it for almost 10 years.  Can't drive a stick, beech please.  Lesson of the night: Never underestimate Teh Megan. 

I've kind of stopped worrying about time over the last week.  I get to bed when I get there and I get up in time for work.  Who needs sleep? 


Sunday morning, I woke up and fed the dogs and went back to bed for snuggles.  Teh German and I figured out a game plan that I'd go to church, which would give him the chance to run some errands and go to his "closet" and pick up his Suzi (motorcycle) then come back to my house, at which point we'd head out to meet Teh SC House Finder and Teh Architect at Fat Hen. 

As has been the case, my pew at church was open (3rd row on the left side, sitting towards the center, if you're interested), so it was like I needed to be there (I can hear Teh WJL reading this and going duhhhh).  After church, I headed back home to hang out with the dogs and read while I waited on Teh German to return.

We met up at Fat Hen around noon (we were late) and had a delicious brunch.  Teh German and I considered riding around more, but I suggested we go to the motorcycle shop so I could pick up a bluetooth headset.  Truthfully, I was super jealous that Teh German had all the jams and super frustrated that I can't really communicate with him, especially since my horn doesn't work (I can't even discuss it).  Mr. Scrooge had bought similar headsets for us and I had updated the software and they had been charged, he just never installed them on our helmets.. and then I left, so ya know that part makes sense if you don't consider that they sat on the bar for 2 months prior my leaving.   

I didn't plan it properly and had no where to put the headset after I purchased it, but Teh German was awesome and told me he could carry it under his jacket.  WIN.  I was thinking I'd have to go 5 minutes home and get my backpack and come back.  His idea was better.  When we got back to my house, Teh German set it up for me and we tested linking to my phone and then talking to each other.  I'm super pumped to go out on a ride and test it out... AND BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE PERSON I'M RIDING WITH.

After testing out the headsets, we were lazy for the rest of the afternoon.  We watched Hercules so Teh German could see it in English to get some of my references, then I finally finished Modern Romance and then started on dinner while Teh German was napping.  We started watching The Americans during dinner. 

I'd heard it was an excellent show, so it's been on my list for a while and it's available on Prime, so I was excited.  And then... in the pilot episode, it shows the female lead getting raped (around 17ish minutes in (I checked that for you)) and I wasn't even a little bit prepared and it I never recovered.  I wanted to but my reaction was so evident that I knew that it would have to be discussed and that was awkward and I was quite distracted for the rest of the episode, which is over an hour long, also unprepared for that.  At 43 minutes I'm definitely getting antsy.  By 60 minutes I'm obviously floundering around wondering when it is gonna end. 

I was obviously struggling during the episode, but I told Teh German we could discuss it after it ended.  Several things actually, 1- the rape scene and being unprepared for that.  It felt just like when the shrink had asked me about if something had happened and I had to decide then to lie and say no or admit the truth and then discuss it.  2- I don't really talk about my actual navy job on Teh Blog much because it was a sensitive position and the less people that knew, the better, mostly just in case, but because personal security is totally a thing.  The Americans entails some aspects of my real navy job and I found myself making comments then realizing that those comments to a German citizen were probably less than ok and I needed to think before I made my flippant comments about workings of the US Intelligence Community.  (In case you one day read this, I'm sorry it's awkward, but just remember that I reported our relationship to my security manager less than 3 weeks after our first date!)

Teh German had to leave to run to his house to drop off his bike and pick up clothes for Monday but was coming back.  This was tough because as I admitted on Friday, he makes the bad places in my mind quiet down, and even if he didn't know it, he was leaving me in a pretty bad place despite how much I was trying to cover it up.  While he was gone, I started putting dinner leftovers away and just couldn't focus.  I went to the computer and reached out to Teh Dive Buddy to ask if he'd watched The Americans, but he wasn't available so I listened to some Spotify and tried to just relax a bit.  When I was a slightly less wound up, I went to the kitchen to finish cleaning up dinner.  When I was putting everything away, I may have stopped by the freezer for 2 (not small) sips of the sherbert vodka that Ms. Boomkin introduced me to.  The episode was truly too much for me and I could feel myself winding back up as I was finishing putting food into bowls and I had only been away from the music for 3 minutes.  

I did finally finish everything up in the kitchen and started getting ready for bed while waiting on Teh German to get back.  I had to keep busy otherwise, I knew I'd go back to the freezer and I knew that wasn't the solution.  When Teh German finally got back, it was bedtime.  We had a very generalized conversation about something happening but I he didn't ask for specifics so I didn't clarify.  I didn't mention the vodka. 

Teh Dive Buddy had responded last night, but I didn't see it because I'd already walked away from the computer.  We chatted this morning about the show and how I had struggled with the scene and used some "assistance" in dealing with my problem.  So I did at least admit that I had taken some shots to someone, because I know better and recently it's just gotten bad.  I think mostly it has to do with the fact that I'm introducing lots of new people into my life right now and they don't know.  They don't know my entire life story like 99.9% of My People.  So when Ginger Beard would make a rape joke and I didn't take it well, he had no context and when I had an obvious reaction to a rape scene, Teh German had no idea why. 

It's just not something I want to discuss, which makes it even worse.  Even typing this, I'm in tears because I hate it all so much.  I hate that it happened, that it happened to me, that I didn't say anything but at the same time glad that I didn't say anything, it's just a completely fucked up situation and it's tangled up with my disability rating which makes me feel guilty for those people who get out of the military who are struggling with physical disabilities that are more obvious than PTSD (which is what they deemed this situation to be since it includes some racism, trust, etc issues).  This isn't "regular" PTSD.  I didn't get shot at, but I guess in my own way I'm fucked up now and have to struggle with these demons so maybe I deserve what I got in the end?  Idk, but this isn't how I planned to end this post!

Overall, a spectacular weekend with Teh German.  We've discussed how fast it feels like everything is going, but that's it's comfortable and we fit so well together.  We're not doing anything crazy for the time being, just enjoying the comfort (and sappiness if you're me).  There are many plans in the works, which is exciting!

Happy Last Week of August 2015, Gentle Readers!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday Sweats #8


Triathlon.  Review will be posted soon (later this week, promise (it's already scheduled))..


Rest day.


4.25 miles, 40:46 (9:35m/m).  Run in the afternoon with Teh German.  He pushed my pace and when we ended I didn't feel like I was dying, but possibly in the near future.  We both know he's much faster than me, so for him this was just a light jog.  I wanted to be careful not to push too hard because I know how competitive I can be.  I finally admitted to him that I'm used to being the one that goes slower for my running partners so I had been trying to keep up with him, and he was keeping up with me.. so you can see how that was going to end.  Our first mile was 9:07m/m..  Yeah, we had to take it down a level after that.  If we keep this up, I might be able to finish my Navy-AF 1/2 in under 2 hours.  It's currently a loose goal for me, but I won't be disappointed if I don't hit it.

After we walked the dogs for 1 mile as a cool down.


Nope.  Walked outside after the storm and it was a mabillionty percent humidity and I could barely breathe.  I had all the guilt about it.


5.02 miles, 48:07 (9:36m/m).  I was feeling guilty about my lack of motivation and like I needed to prepare for the melted butter that I was going to consume (but didn't).  Can I just get a hell yeah for keeping my pace down on a solo run?  I was listening to an audiobook, so I'm thinking that probably helped since music wasn't setting my cadence.  Also, I'm glad I finally got to the interesting part of this book because I was about to put it down (The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest).


2.54 miles, 23:46 (9:22m/m).  It was just after the storm in the afternoon and it was sooo humid that breathing felt impossible but apparently the humidity can't keep this girl down!  Pushing my pace down for real!  There was some shin splint pain in my left leg from being unable to roll well due to the bruise from falling back into the pool during warm up laps for the tri, but I powered through it.  I was glad for a short run.


Teh German and I had planned a beach/10 mile run, but it didn't happen.  We discussed how maybe 10 miles was a little extreme for my first beach run since 2009 and agreed to take the miles down.  Then we didn't end up going.  I vowed to get the miles in before Monday.  Even if it's Sunday night at 10pm, that still counts!

Wanna be friends on Runkeeper?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Five for Friday #62


*Sappy alert!*

Teh German has stayed at my house every night since Tuesday and each day it gets harder and harder to get out of bed and get to work on time.  I've never been more excited that it's Friday because tomorrow means sleeping in and not having to get up for work.  If we didn't have an AM run planned, I'm not sure if we would get out of bed other than for food.

Fortunately for him, his work is a short drive away from my house.  Unfortunately for me, a lack of desire to get out of bed, coupled with his short commute means I've been arrive to work later than my standard 0645-0730. 

This morning it was totally worth it.  We left the house and I was behind him at the last redlight before the interstate.  I was just listening to the radio when I saw him get out of his car and come up to Yurtle so I rolled down the window to see what was up.  Nothing.  He just needed to kiss me.  #YESPLEASEMOAR  But seriously, I swooned.  I couldn't stop smiling.  I don't want to stop smiling.  Work days have never seemed so long. 

I feel like a teenager again and it makes me giggle and feel silly and happy and want to doodle little hearts all over everything.  I admitted that with the way things were going, I was going to get spoiled very quickly and he was in grave danger of me falling for him, so he was proceeding at his own risk now that I had warned him.  He told me that was exactly what he was hoping for.  No but really, could he be sweeter? 

Teh German makes all the bad places my mind likes to go completely silent.  It's a welcome relief from my brain that likes to bring up things like Mr. Scrooge at inopportune times.  When I was with Ginger Beard, many Mr. Scrooge things would haunt me and it was very unsettling.  Teh German doesn't leave room in my mind for anyone else, just him.  Also, he's working his way into my heart very quickly. 

A very minor part of me is worried the bottom will fall out because everything is going so well, but I'm trying to ignore that because I just want to be happy without worrying for once.  For now, I'm getting kissed at red lights by a handsome man from the car in front of me and it's bringing me great joy. 

PS.  The dudes in the car behind me approved of what happened and I grinned like an idiot the entire way to work and throughout most of the day.  I can't imagine a better way to start Friday.


Many big things are coming and I'm super pumped!!!

-Labor day weekend (which might include a motorcycle adventure to NC, we shall see)
-Navy-AF 1/2 marathon and MD in Sept
-NC Renn Faire


I really should be a better maid of honor and get on my paper folding for the toss bouquet and pick a dress and whatever else Teh Sister tasks me with.  Uggghhh.. it shouldn't be so hard.  That said, Teh Sister (re)informed me of her wedding date that I had forgotten (she's changed it a few times, so I get a pass on this!), which gives me an extra 2 weeks.  So THAT'S a win.  Now if I would just take advantage of all this time.  Bhahahahah, sorry Teh Sister that I'm such a shitty MOH.


Yesterday I discovered Relevant's The Drop section on their website and I found so many new artists!!!  That said, having to buy albums on iTunes since they aren't on Spotify crushes my soul.  Who even uses iTunes?  Ughhhh.  That said, Us & Our Daughters is possibly one of my new forever faves.

Also, how do I find out about awesome music festivals?  After seeing someone post about a music festival in SF where Mumford & Sons were and then checking their website, it wasn't listed on their tour schedule.  I CAN'T PROPERLY STALK YOU IF YOU DON'T MAKE YOUR INFORMATION AVAILABLE, DAMMIT!!!  I just want to give you my dollars so you'll croon at me!!!  Gosh!

I'd probably kill to see M&S in concert.  Seriously.  Ok, maybe not seriously, but I'd pay a lot of money.  Maybe as much as running Disney.  That kind of serious.  At least the first time.


Crossfit has earned a new appreciation from me.  Mmmm.

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
Linking up with these ladies since it's FFFFRRRRRRIIIIIIDDDDAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!