.96 miles. Took the dogs on their promised walk AND I washed Yurtle. Calories = burned.
5.06 miles on the bike. I had wanted to do a bike ride on Sunday, butttt that didn't work out. At least I got in one ride before the Tri!
Laziness mostly fueled by the end of the day meeting where we were furloughed on Wednesday, but we were allowed to make the hours up later in the month. I should have ran since I was stressed, but I napped on the couch instead. #sorrynotsorry #okImsorry
It's been so "nice" this week that I had to take a break at work to enjoy being outside for a bit. By "nice" I mean, reasonable Southern temps and low humidity during daylight hours. |
1.05 mile dog walk AND we finally got to meet the "greyhound" neighbors (who don't currently have a greyhound, but told me that Phil and Meri could poop in their yard anytime they wanted and I didn't have to pick it up, I love dog people).I followed up the walk with:
4.26 miles (10:45m/m). Honestly, it was hot and it was noon and I was miserable from walking the dogs, but I got a suntan anddd a super sexy watch line!!
The calendar said 5 miles and combined, that's what I got. I didn't really WANT to, but the idea of melted butter with dinner motivated me.
5.42 miles (10:26m/m). Ran the ENTIRE Bridge* and back with Teh German. Honestly, if he hadn't been there, my pace would have been much slower. I did walk some since I didn't want to push too hard before the tri this weekend. But omggggg killl mmmmmeeeee. We parked on the downtown side and ran to the Mount Pleasant side and back, this was good and bad. Good because the slight incline was the beginning, but bad because the hard uphill part was after the turn around point. The run was literally uphill both ways ANDDD we had a solid breeze going against us when we started and that same breeze wasn't pushing me back down on the return. No me gusta. I survived and I walked a lot less than I anticipated. I told Teh German we could do it again. Also, people that walk/run the Bridge are assholes who refused to move over to faster traffic.To the old lady that stared my boobs down something serious, Take a picture, it lasts longer! |
Got more underboob chafing because I haven't bought any Body Glide/Gold Bond stuff like all my homies suggested last weekend (I haven't had the chance/couldn't find it yet). Not gonna lie, I took a photo and almost considered sharing it here, but I just couldn't commit to my underboobies being on the internet. Just imagine angry red marks on the bottoms of someone's boobs and around their rib cage. No me gusta.
*Bridge references the Author Ravenel Bridge, which is the bridge Teh MD Adult Roomie and I ran in March when she came to visit. Also, one of the top 10 10k's in the US.
Almost did yoga in the AM, but then went back to bed and laid there wishing I could sleep for 45 minutes instead. It was so nice out I wanted to do something, but opted for resting instead and called it preparing for my Tri.
Nothin'. Drove to NC and got to spend some GLORIOUS time with Teh MD Adult Roomie. We'll be running our Tri today, so wish us luck!!!Also, someone please send me some magical money so I can sign up for a DisneyLand run and get my Coast-to-Coast medal so my running life's ambitions will be satisfied? Plskthx. The Tinker Bell 1/2 is still open or I could do the Dumbo Double Dare.. cause ya know, glutton for punishment.
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So many calories torched! You are a champion! I totally get the underboob thing. Yesterday they were hurting pretty awful and when I took my bra off I found a small lady bug like thing had somehow gotten caught by my cleavage and died. I can't make this shit up. Humiliation is my middle name. I hate summer.