Sunday, November 8, 2015

Sweaty Sunday #17

November 1-7, 2015


More guilt about not running 11 miles.  Sooo much guilt.


Chiro day.  He said I was in better shape than the week prior and I told him that's because I'd been a lazy ass.  He said, whatever works.


Trapt concert, so nope.


Strength: 4×4@85% of Push Press 1 RM - 2 push press, 2 jerk (55lbs)
AMRAP in 12min (3x31)
Buy in - 400m Run
12 Dead Lift (115lbs), 9 Ring Dips (assisted), 6 Hand Stand Pushups (or hand stand, come down, then push up)


AMRAMP 12 Mins: (3ish sets)
10 Single Arm Kettle Bell Swings (20lb), 15 Alternating Reverse Lunges Bar in front rack (started at 55, scaled down to 45 after crazy pain), 30 Double-Unders
AMRAMP 8 mins: (4x25 sets)
20 Air Squats, 15 Ab Mat situps, 5 Pull Ups (ring ups)

Ball Roll Glute, Shoulders


I considered Crossfit, but knew if I went, I wouldn't run, so I opted to run on Saturday over go to Crossfit.  #difficultlifechoices


6.45 miles. 1:09:24 (10:45m/m)
I can't even put into words how much this run sucked.  It was hot.  It's November and it was almost 80 degrees and some crazy humidity percentage.  The soreness from the lunges and squats on Thursday was pretty debilitating.  Around mile 5.75ish my hip started tweaking and I was afraid I was going to have to call Teh German and tell him to pick me up from the side of the road on his way home from work.  This entire run was a HUGE mental roadblock for me.  I've not been running like I feel like I should have been to train for my 1/2. 

I'm glad I started Crossfit, but I know my running has suffered because of it.  That said, I'm glad I started Crossfit as an option to running because I was burned out.  Runs were becoming obligations and they weren't enjoyable anymore.  I was choosing runs over social activities (mostly because it was too hot to run during the daytime).


Exorbitant amounts of "I should have ran" guilt.
2 days of Crossfit.
6.45 extremely miserable miles.

I KNOW I'm not ready and properly trained for my 1/2 marathon.  That said, I need to get out of that mentality.  I KNOW I can run 13.1 miles.  I've done it twice now.  I have the ability, I just need to get out of my head and let my body do the work that I know it can do.

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