-We have one guy who likes to take over one of our most used conference rooms (because it doesn't show out to the work space) all the day long for his conference calls. Except, usually, he's the only one on the call from our office. He likes to spread all of his stuff out on the table around him. Dude, if you can't do this at your desk, clean off your desk. Despite our open work area, he often takes calls at his desk anyways, so I'm not sure why he wouldn't make the call from his desk. #somepeopleskid
-After telling Teh German since November (when I found out about this situation) that he should change insurance companies because they were money raping him (at the tune of ~$3500 a year compared to my ~$1500 a year), it finally happened. By "it happened", I mean, I went online and did the estimates for him and set the levels and showed him just how much he was getting raped. Yeah, that definitely lit the fire under his ass. And by lit the fire, I mean, I did absolutely everything for him except for put in his personal information and debit card number.
Now, in his defense, the American insurance system is
Because he seemed to have no idea what I was talking about when I explained the limits to him, I broke down every single section of the insurance and explained it to him (with trusty Google by my side). What $100/300/100k means, the difference between comprehensive and collision and how he was required to have both, why he didn't need rental or roadside coverage, etc. I think he felt comfortable with the limits I'd set and raising his deductibles. Also, saving a lot of money really helped. I did tell him he was responsible for cancelling his Rape-surance, which he took care of the following day.
He admitted that he didn't like dealing with these things and I "admitted" that I didn't like dealing with them for myself, much less someone else. I did add that maybe once day we'll be on the same policy and I won't mind so much. #adultinglikeaboss #carinsuranceisrape
-There are people that share their Timehop/On this Day memories every day on FB. While I like seeing those things occasionally, every day is a little much for me. #notthatanyoneaskedformyopinion
-I read a book written by someone I "know" and I didn't like it. I feel guilty leaving a review because other people have written such good reviews about it. Also, it contained very personal topics and I don't want to be the person that is heartless. #tryingtobeobjective #butIcant
-I have high hopes for the oven tech that is coming on Friday to at least do something to my oven to make it work moderately better. There is potential that it will get used this weekend, so yeah.. that's a concern. #IhateWhirlpool
-Teh Mom and I made a game plan for noms for the party on Saturday. I think she is very excited about cooking and having unlimited kitchen access. I'm very excited for her to come and enjoy my kitchen and I'll be "helping." #itsshakenbakeandIhelped
-AFTER Teh Mom and I made a food plan, Teh German and I went to Walmart to get the party stuffs. We were headed to the checkout when Teh Dad messaged us with, "SURPRISE! Guess who will be in [Charleston] this weekend after all!" I immediately called Teh Dad and said, "You realize Mom is coming right?"
Side note: My parents don't really get along. They will awkwardly tolerate each other when they are together at events, but it is just that, awkwardddd. That said, I'd probably be awkward if I was around my ex too. Then again, I'm always awkward, so really it'd be no different than normal.
He said that he was aware of Mom's presence and when I told him he'd be sleeping on an air mattress, he only hesitated for a moment and said, "It's fine." I texted her asking her if she'd still come if Dad was coming and she said yes. I just don't want things to be weird and I am still excited for her to come take over my kitchen and make her mac and cheese (she uses velveeta, it will change your life). #divorcedparentsdrama #stress
-I finally went to the pool in my community. I really like it. It doesn't go deeper than 5 feet and there's a huge 11 inch section which is nice for just cooling your feet off. #lovemyhouse
-I've been listening to Deadpool's Baby Makin' Beats on Spotify. It gives me the lolz, but I also really enjoy the music. #eclectictastes
-Work has been super stressful and we've been trying to prep for this weekend, so I've not worked on my Germany posts or edited photos. However, I DID download Game of Thrones for Teh Brother(-in-law) (formerly Teh Utah Specialist) since he'd been unable to watch for the last few months since he was away. #bestsisterever
-I've finally figured out my decorating style! "mid-90's Lisa Frank" best describes my sense of style. I shared this on FB and my close friends and Mom definitely agreed. #theyknowmesowell #adultingishard
-This is what it looks like when you are in Lowe's Hardware, wearing heels and a dress and you're waiting on Teh Dad to respond to your photo about which anchors to get (since he got the wrong ones the first time). A lady with a kid in a shopping cart passed by and said, "Honey, I totally understand. I've been there too!" We had a good laugh. Sometimes, people are awesome. #womeninhardwarestores
-Saw this gem after a relatively irritating day and it definitely helped me feel a little better about the fact that they were going 10 under the speed limit:
I'm sure you probably can't tell what that is, buttttttttttttttt let me just explain. It is the Pocahontas bed set pillow case. The SAME pillowcase from the SAME bed set I had (and LURVED) as a kid. I tailgated this person just to take this photo, ok and because they were going under the speed limit. #notsorry #Pocahonatas #Disneylife #haveyoueverheardthewolfcrytothebluecornmoon
Linking up with:
Life with Lolo
Humpday Confessions with Nadine and Kathy