I got to work on Friday and there was no internet at the office. The facilities guy said it usually took 3-4 hours for the internet to be restored if it went down after maintenance upgrades. I took that as my leave. None of the employees with MiFis were in the office, so there was no network to be had for me. While most of my work is not accomplished with the internet (one could say it is very much hindered by the internet), Friday I actually needed Google's help to generate an acronym list. I headed home within 30 minutes of arriving at work. The beasts were pleased to hang out with me for the entire day.I accomplished work and after lunchtime, headed to Roux's house with Phil and Meri for a midday play-date. Since Company's holiday party was later that night, I was pleased for the opportunity to let them expend some energy. For Phil, that meant staring at Roux's Humom with his best beggins eyes since she was sitting in "his" chair. For Meri, that mean coming in and out of the house with Roux.
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What it looks like when I work from home and have work to do. I spread out everywhhhheeeerrreeeeee. |
I eventually headed back home, finished up my acronym list, and it was time to do preparations for the evening. I had white elephant presents to wrap and I needed to start getting ready early since I knew that doing my hair was going to take at least 30 minutes.
Teh German ended up getting home a little after 5 and he seemed to be in a rush. I explained to him that he didn't need to rush and he had plenty of time because my hair would take a bit. He relaxed some and jumped in the shower and started getting ready.
About 30 minutes later, my hairs were straight!
Shortly after we fed the beasts around 6, we headed to the party.
We went to Duvall, a venue, and it was essentially a casino theme. We got dressed up all fancy (yay for repurposing that MOH dress) and had a good time and delicious noms. The open bar was also not a problem for any of us. I learned that I'm no good at Roulette, I will never understand Craps, and the Blackjack table was so crowded the entire time that I didn't even bother. Everyone was given a cup of chips and the more chips you had, the more tickets you could trade them in for, which essentially gave you higher odds of winning a prize. As someone who has never won anything at any holiday party ever, I wasn't overly disappointed when we were left chipless an hour before the drawing.
The only real "Megan" moment was when I asked what happened with the leftover food and asked if I could bring some of the bbq/biscuit things home with me so we could eat them for breakfast the next morning. They were essentially like homemade hot pockets and soooo delicious. I was told that usually the staff devoured the leftovers or it went in the trash. Since there were no less than 30 of the pockets thing left, I asked for 5. They ended up bringing out half the tray and putting it back out. I located a clean napkin and wrapped 5 of the pockets in it. A few minutes later, one of the servers came out with a gallon-sized ziploc bag for me to put them in. Seriously though, no matter how "tacky" it might have been, it was totally worth it.
After we got some group photos and prizes were won (no surprise, we didn't win), it was time to go. We had been invited to a white elephant party hosted by friends of Teh German. We arrived late, around 10:30, but there were still people hanging out, so we weren't too late. We did arrive too late for the white elephant exchange, so those gifts can be saved for next year. We did get to hang out with the hosts and Teh SC German and Teh SC Teacher and their friend.
I'm loving Baloo more and more. Since Teh German loves driving the truck, that makes him a built in DD. So I got to get runkidy-runk (drunk) while Teh German maintained enough to be able to drive us home.
We finally ended up heading home after socializing for an hour or so. We made it home around midnight:30ish, let the beasts out, prepared for bed, and promptly passed out.
I woke up with a killer headache Saturday morning. I wasn't sure if it was a hangover headache or a pressure front headache. Since I got up to feed the dogs, I took some advil and extra sudafed with my vitamins. I went back to bed about 30 minutes later and when I woke up an hour or so later, I was better again. Woot.We ended up rolling out of bed by 10. I heated up the hot pocket things for breakfast and we social media-ed while we ate and had our tea and coffee. We were supposed to be at Roux's house by 11:30, but we were running a bit late. I was mostly ready to walk out the door at 11:30, but he still needed to put on clothes and do his hairs and then it should have been on ME to text and say we're going to be late? Uhh, no. I was actually willing to leave without him, but he must have picked up the pace some since he came downstairs and was mostly ready by the time I'd gathered Phil and Meri and leashed them up.
We ended up arriving right at 11:45, but nothing was ruined. We snacked for lunch and let the dogs romp around outside. Phil was in his element because he claimed his throne and was able to relax instead of having to move around on the slippery floor. Around 12:15 we cleaned everything up, we walked the dogs back to the house and put them away, and Mr. Golfer and Roux's Humom picked us up.
We had planned a neighborhood field trip to the Firefly Distillery. I thought there was a tour, but there was not. Instead, we got to enjoy a tasting at both the distillery and winery (well, Teh German did, I only tasted at the distillery). I had picked up four free tasting tickets over the last year, which was perfect. I gave 2 to Mr. Golfer and Roux's Humom and we used the other 2. The drive to the distillery was an hour since it's located on Wadmalaw Island, which is down near-ish to Edisto/Kiawah if you're regionally apt.
It was chilly outside, but it was still fun. There was a little marketplace set up on the patio since it was also Firefly's open house event. Not really sure what that means, but there were carolers and vendors set up selling goods. I perused the Luluroe stuff, even knowing I wouldn't buy anything. I saw some cute patterns, but after all the shirts I've bought over the last month, the last thing I need is another shirt. I live with someone who has worn the same 7 button down shirts to work every single week since I've known him. I have a shirt for at least 3 months worth of time, without doing laundry.
I did almost punch one of the vendors in the face after he insisted that his marindes weren't spicy and I should try the cilantro one. He put half a spoonful on a cracker and I ate it any fucking mouth set on fire. I can't even taste the cilantro. He picks up the bottle and shows me that it says mild. I turn the bottle around and read the ingredients. Jalapeno peppers were the #2 ingredient. I point this out to the asshole and not-so-politely said, "If you have someone who approaches you and says, 'I can't handle table pepper.' and you give them something that YOU believe is 'mild' that includes jalapeno peppers, you aren't going to make the sale." I was ragey. I headed back to a different table with a cream cheese spread to grab some dip and crackers to turn off the fire in my mouth. Sadly, I had already finished off my milk beverage that I had purchased.
We finally decided to head home around 4 from the distillery. We had done the distillery tasting first, then a few of us socialized while the others did the winery tasting. We bought Firefly shirts since it's local (and because I have no will power against shirts). On the way home, we stopped for early dinner at Bojangles since Mr. Golfer didn't want to have to cook when they got home. I didn't either, but I was willing since I knew I had something easy already in the fridge.. or there was sandwiches.. or frozen pizza.
Once we got home, Teh German settled on the couch for some YouTube time and I headed upstairs to do puzzles for a little while and eventually I settled for a nap. Teh German woke me up around 7 to go to Mr. Golfer's house since we had agreed to pregame the neighborhood holiday gathering at their house with some eggnog. Teh German seemed unaware that since we had pushed back our party arrival time to 8 (rather than 7:30), that meant that other activities were also pushed back 30 minutes. I told him that I'd be there in a little bit and he left without me. Teh German Time is a vixen. You never know if you're supposed to be early, on-time, or late. I was so tired, I didn't care.
Shortly after 7:40, I arrived at their house and had my eggnog. While I was drinking it, I prepped a peppermint hot chocolate beverage to take with me to the party. I had had hot chocolate at Roux's house on Friday and I didn't have any hot chocolate mix at home that was plain, so I borrowed some from Mr. Golfer to make my beverage. I also made hot chocolate for Roux's Humom so she could add some vanilla vodka and have herself a holly jolly Christmas, too, lol.
Around 8, we all loaded into our cars and drove the mile (it was 35 degrees outside, don't judge us) to the party. We got to meet several neighbors, which was fun. The invitation had said "dress to impress" with no real guidance so outfits were across the board. Teh German and I rocked our tacky Christmas outfits, some people were dressed up, a few were in Santa outfits. We were all having fun and that's what mattered.
We did participate in the white elephant exchange here, but knowing that this isn't the same kind of crowd that is at the other white elephant exchange, I had to mix it up. I had an extra copy of Tarzan (Disney) on Blue-ray and a cocktail recipe book that we brought to participate. The amount was set to $10, so those items were perfect. I ended up with a megaphone (BWAhahahahahahahahaha) and Teh German ended up with a candy g-string. I actually hid the megaphone because I didn't want anyone to take it. It was obviously used, but I didn't care because a megaphone is something I didn't know I always needed. AND it has a siren which definitely got a few head tilts from the dogs.
We ended up hanging out till almost 0100. It was 0130 when I turned off the lights after getting into bed. It was definitely a good time, even if there was a carnitas debacle in the car when we got home. The host had asked if we wanted anything to take home and I said we'd take some of the pork (the party was feliz navidad themed) since we already had corn tortillas at home. Host put it on a paper plate, but there was also juice on the flimsy paper plate. Teh German was holding the plate and Teh German was pretty drunk. Not only did several pieces of clothing end up with the juice on them, but when I took the plate from Teh German, the plate collapsed and juice essentially went all over the middle console in Yurtle. Ugh.
So instead of ignoring it, I brought the offending plate in the house, put the contents in a bowl and tossed the plate in the trash. Then I returned to Yurtle with the Clorox wipes to clean up the juice from everywhere so my car didn't smell like a mexican restaurant the next day. After that was done, I made a pit stop in the laundry room to go ahead and put the carnitas clothes through the wash so the oils didn't stain. It was a lot of adventure for how late it was.
Teh German had said he wanted to be up by 8 to get started on stuff and things. He had wanted to clean the Jetta, get a tree, and build the entertainment center for the loft. We had another holiday gathering between 1-5.I woke up at 0730 with the dogs. After feeding them and letting them out, we all went back to bed when they came back inside. I slept on and off, but when I realized it was after 9, I tried to gently rouse Teh German, knowing he had wanted to accomplish things. I, too, had a list of things to accomplish. I needed to make a return at Target, stop by Michael's and order a frame for my Bahrain end-of-tour picture, and go by the grocery store (which I'd been saying I would do for a week and a half (in my defense, I did get half of the list after work one day last week, but I was tired of it looming over my head)).
I did my return at Target and went back to check to see if the replacement item was in stock. Of course not. Instead, I got on the app and ordered it online instead. It was a queen size set of flannel sheets and they had free delivery. WOOT. Since I was already in the bedding section, I also checked out comforters. They had one I liked, but I didn't have a shopping cart with me and I didn't want to carry it around, so I added that to my online purchase. Reminder: free delivery. Because Teh Running Bestie (Teh MD-AR) had given me slack about the state of my guest pillows, I purchased pillows. I checked to see if they could be added to my online order, but nope, so I bought them in store. It helped that they were 20% off on Cartwheel. I also suckered myself into a dog toy for Phil and Meri for Christmas. It's a super long red fox that honks and crunches. I think it will be a hit.
After Target, I went to Michael's. The lady recognized me from doing my Disney medals frame, so she was quick to help me decide on a frame and we a frame ordered for my Bahrain map. Once it arrives, it will go up in the office. I may also grab 2 flag frames for my two GTMO flags (one flown September 11th (the day I left the island) and another flown as my end-of-tour gift (my VX-1 end-of-tour gift was a mustache shaped flask with IT2 engraved in it that is currently in use)). I may take my Sept 11 flag and actually make it into a shadowbox for my ribbons and name tapes and command tapes from my uniforms, but I haven't fully decided on that yet. That's definitely a one day project.
After Michael's, I headed to Publix to get the rest of the items on my list. I was looking for the molten fudge cookies by Pillsbury that came out when I still lived in MD, but they were no where to be found. Determined to find these cookies, I was even willing to go to Walmart.. in December, on a Sunday, right after church let out. Desperate. They didn't have them either. I could tell I was hungry because I got 2 packs of cookies (smores and peppermint chunk), 2 boxes of granola bars, and a container of dog-sized PB (since it's only sold at Walmart). When I got to the parking lot, I downed a granola bar, knowing that I was going to get hangry very soon.
I headed home and had just parked in the garage when I heard my neighbor say my name from the driveway. At which point, I remembered that the day before when we were leaving to go to the distillery, I had told him I'd be at his house before noon to answers some questions he had about some neighbor's names. I think he was sending out Christmas cards and wanted to make sure he had everyone's name correct.
After his questions were answered, Teh German helped me unload the car. I unpacked the groceries, deboned a rotisserie chicken, tried on my new khakis from Old Navy (yay they fit, even if the petites are still a little long), and got the laundry started. While I had been gone, Teh German had built the entertainment console upstairs and had watched YouTube videos. He had been in a meh mood when he woke up, which I attribute mostly to an unacknowledged hangover, since 33 year old bodies don't rebound like 20something bodies and we had done a LOT of drinking over the weekend.
Once Teh German was showered and I was done with my tasks, we headed to the neighbor's holiday drop-in. It was mostly other people from our street, most of which we'd been with at the distillery or later at the party. It didn't matter because our street is awesome. We hung out and chatted for a while, snacking as we needed (for me, a lot of snacking). Eventually, we were out of adult beverages and we decided to relocated out gathering to the "dog park" house (the house with the biggest lot has this epic backyard that is perfect for a gaggle of dogs to run free with each other) after making a pit stop at home for refills and beasts.
We stayed for several hours. Meri and Phil were having a blast. Even Phil was in on the running and was trying to play with Max, the littlest french bulldog mix. Phil was barking Max to get him to play. Meri was baring at the other bulldog/pit and Roux to catch her. The 5 of them were having quite a time. Then, it was dinner time for Phil and Meri and they started being obnoxious. A little after 6, we headed home to feed the dogs and to make dinner. I was tired of the dogs in my face begging me like they'd never eaten before, so we gave in.
I made a chicken orzo soup for dinner, which I didn't think was all that great. We actually sat on the couch and ate dinner while watching HIMYM. Around 8:45, we started our last episode of the night. After the episode ended (the episode where Ted gives Lily and Marshall the apartment), it was time for chores and bedtime.
Knowing that this weekend was going to be full of holiday merriment, I tried to keep us on the DL last weekend. Nothing about this weekend was stressful, but I think we are both anxious about his aunt's arrival, in a good way. She and her friend will be our first German visitors. We also have a lot of accomplish before she arrives since we didn't really get much accomplished like we had planned yesterday.
Tonight's activities include getting a tree, possibly decorating it, folding the last load of laundry, doing some cleaning (ya know, because someone doesn't like blitz cleaning LOOOOL), and whatever else I can fit into the evening. I also brought a change of clothes and will be stopping near the naval base on my way home to get a run in. I'm thinking that if I get my run in before going home, I'll actually do it. Let's just say I need to do something because I refuse to buy more clothes and I'm unwilling to do any more expanding. Additionally, we do have 5k in January and I'd prefer not to have to huff and puff my way through it. I mean, come on.. it's just a 5k...
This week includes company prep, finishing the Christmas decorations, Company arrives on Wednesday evening/night. I also need to do the laundry, pack an overnight for my Raleigh trip for Teh Sister's college graduation, pack for Disney, and preferably not loose my mind before/during all this activity while hosting guests.
Linking up with Biana
Super busy weekend for you! Awesome that you got to reuse the maid of honor dress! It looks absolutely adorable paired with a cardigan!
ReplyDeleteAh the megaphone, the gift that keeps on giving. I love that you got one & I hope you cherish it always lol. I prefer when breweries/distilleries don't have tours, or if they do they aren't required. I've never been to a winery so I'd probably do one of those but I feel like as far as tours go, when you've seen one you've seen them all. Just give me my tastings so I can get my drank on!