-Not going to the Women's March is more disappointing now than I anticipated it would be. Still feeling all the feels and guilt about this. Especially now that I've seen some of the executive orders that Trump has already signed. #pleasehelp #GermanyIsOurPlanB
-I am an idiot and thought that Executive Orders had to be approved by Congress. They don't. #FML #sendmebacktomiddleschool
-Phil. I swear. That dog. He is afraid of our "slippery" (aka non-carpeted) floors so I bought a $700 worth of rugs for downstairs. Usually, he always has at least 1 foot on the rug, it's a very rare occasion that he takes more than a step or two onto a "slippery" surface. That son-of-a-bitch (literally, HA!) apparently had ZERO issues crossing over the perilous floors to snatch the garlic bread off the counter that had been there for several days and eat the shit out of it in his bed right in front of Meri who was locked in her doggy jail. #ButHesMyAsshole #GlutenAddict
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He must have really wanted that bread. |
-The bread eating comes on the tail of him eating a tennis ball (but not the fuzz, which is how I knew). Luckily, he barfed up some of the tennis ball the day he ate it. I later found the rest of it in a pile in the yard. I also found 2 earplugs when I was scooping poop. #MYassholes #TheyAreSoCute
-My BAB gig is going well.. I think. I didn't realize there were actually rules to follow until after I wrote my first post and then received an email saying they use AP formatting and not to double space after a period. This blogging thing is completely unpaid for the "Real Brides" and there are ads all down the side of the page, and I'm being told not to use 2 spaces? Seriously? Other than the fact that it's muscle memory, spacing after a period is completely subjective. Essentially, it's in the same boat as the oxford comma. Fortunately, it's an easy fix to paste my entire post into a word document and ctrl+f all the .(space)(space) and replace with .(space). But still, principle.
-That said, there is no interaction encouraged. It's literally, give us your post, that's it. I feel like if they focused more on interaction and content, they might actually be bigger and more successful. Also, featuring blog posts that are over a year old? #desperate #justmyopinion
-Last thing on BAB, there are SO MANY ADS on that site. I really hope that whoever we are writing for is making something from our efforts. It's not that I didn't volunteer, but now that I'm in it, I can see it more clearly. #intheweeds
-This ad on FB made me LOOOOOL. Funny they are supporting African American History Month, but those models look white. I actually had to do a double take to see they might be black women. There were no better photos? Really?
-I looked into creating a Honeyfund thingy so people can give us money towards a honeymoon instead of gifts. Problem: They charge a % to do credit card transactions. How tacky is it/should I give a fuck if I just say we're accepting honeymoon donations and include our paypal email address? I just don't want to give some company 8% of people's money because they are trying to give us money when I KNOW there are free ways to do it. #free99
-I thought I found an alternative solution to register for our honeymoon with their site.. except that a coworker informed me that they ran the same racket, they also charge a % for the transaction. #DONOTWANT #givememymoney
-I sat at my desk on Monday and Tuesday and today I'm back to standing because my hip hurts so damn bad. #DancerHipSucks
-I'm still working on learning Drupal to build a website for the DJ. I thought I found a easy solution instead of Drupal to just use a Wix website, but there is no way to do a client section through Wix, despite years and years of people requesting it. #ofcourse
-I did some Yelp stalking today on the new Yelp friends I made last night at the Yelpies. #makingfriendsishard
-I won an award at the Yelpies last night for writing over 100 reviews in 2016. #boom #LikeAnElite
-I had .83GB of data rolled over for this month. That is of 2GB per month. Yeah. Yay for wifi at work and no crazy travels from 24 Dec- 24 Jan. #nomoredatadiet
-In an effort to combat my ridiculousness from last weekend, I created a list of things to do in Charleston in Google and shared it with Teh German. Unless it's raining and everywhere is closed, we should have plenty of options of places to do things, even if we have to drop some dollas. We need to experience our city, dammit. #ThingsToDoInCharleston #besideseat
-YUGE announcement that I will speak to in the future:
(PS. I love my planner)
Don't feel too guilty, or at least let the guilt morph into motivation. It's been a week- he's cracking already from some reports. We can do this.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the Honeyfund! I really wish people would get over the "it's tacky to give/ask for money." No, it's useful. Suck it, Miss Manners.
Yay for Yelp friends! I thought maybe I had a honeymoon fund solution for you but I was wrong. A couple of my friends used honeypot, but although it's smaller than the 8%, they still take some of your money. I say do the paypal thing. You can find some fancy way to phrase it I'm sure. My goal this summer is to actually knock shit off my DFW list. Yes I'll have class, but unless I get an internship I won't be working so I have 0 excuses.