After playing with puppies and dealing with Meri and Phil's shenanigans all day at work (which is truly exhausting if you weren't aware), we set out for the vet. We were early and we saw an emergency case come in and then a bit later, I watched the family (2 adults) walk out sniffling and with red, watery eyes, and I almost cried for them. That said, if I EVER have to go the vet for an emergency and I walk in and say, "I don't think he/she is breathing," the person that I spoke with better fucking RUN to get whoever they have to get and that person better come running too. Obviously I don't know the back story, but as someone sitting in the waiting room watching them not be in a rush for an emergency, I was kinda taken back.Anyways, we were finally called back and the vet reviewed all Phil's info that our regular vet had sent over. I tried to give the whole story to the tech but I kept having to add pieces that I remembered. I feel like I've told the story so many times that I'm starting to forget. $285 later, we had a sonogram done for Phil (which didn't show anything abnormal) and we're running more tests. The vet didn't disagree with our regular vet's assessment, but he also questioned it some. He did say her course of action was everything he would have done. Really, I wasn't there for a 2nd opinion so much as the sonogram, but I appreciated how thorough he was with me. I was at the vet for an hour and a half and Meri was soooo over it. She kept coming to me for attention and wouldn't settle. She didn't love it when they took Phil back for the sonogram and she was looking for him.
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When Mom is awesome and has booties in the car.. but she lost one.. Actually, I think it's on top of the beer fridge in the garage because it fell out of Yurtle. |
We finally made it home around 4. I had to check work stuffs, so I got on the computer and also started printing out envelopes. Teh German arrived home shortly after and started to get ready for his overnight BBQ escapades with some neighbors. He left around 5:45 and I finally decided to relax for a few minutes, which didn't end up happening because each time I settled on the couch I remembered something I needed to do. Before long, Roux's Humom showed up to fetch me so we could pick up dinner (KFC) for the BBQ dudes and deliver.
After food was delivered and consumed, I went back home with Teh Dental Hygienist and we went over to the Teh PT Neighbors' house to play Organ Attack. IT WAS EPIC. We did find some issues with game play, but otherwise, we were "killing" each other off and talking some mad shit. We are all surprised PT Kid didn't wake up because we were being so rowdy.
Around 1230, I finally headed home and crashed in an empty bed since Teh German was over-nighting at the park for the BBQ thing.
Saturday morning I woke up to feed the beasts and went back to bed. I woke up again to hear a rumbly truck outside my house, but never heard the garage door open, so I was almost back to sleep when Meri went into protector mode when the bedroom door opened. It was just Teh German coming home for a quick shower before heading back out to the park.I perused social media and snuggled with my Monkey girl and Teh German left again. When he left, I finally got up and started being productive. Originally, I had wanted to go on a run, but decided that since I wanted to run, I should use it as delayed gratification for doing my house chores. I made a plan: laundry, then bathrooms, then whatever else, then go to the BBQ thing to eat.
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I consider this a win since none of the laundry fell off. That pair of jeans was still attached to the pile. |
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Only 8 loads (blankets/sheets are the worst). |
Once I got the laundry sorted and started, I decided to dremel dog nails. I had considered having Phil and Meri's nails trimmed while I was at the vet on Friday, but I struggle to pay for something that I can do myself for free. Yeah, I should have just paid. Phil shook the entire time like a leaf in a hurricane (a behavior I assume he has picked up from Meri) and by the end, I had restrained Meri, snuggled Meri, forced Meri, and begged Meri to just let me finish her damn nails. It was a superbly unpleasant experience for all involved. This time when I did their nails, I left them laying on their beds in the living room to see if it was easier than standing outside.. Nope, not really. Well, for Phil it was since he didn't get tired from standing on 3 legs, but he was still shaking. The real lesson I hobbled away with was that I should have done their nails the night before after they were completely exhausted from being at work and the vet and before dinner.
Next, I started on the upstairs bathrooms. I had told Teh German a month ago that if he cleaned the sinks, I'd do the toilets and showers. Well, I never did. In my defense, I had vacuumed the stairs and the entire upstairs, to include vacuuming the baseboards with the little nozzle thing, and I was le tired. So I finally did it. For me cleaning the shower isn't just spraying it and wiping it down, no no.. It's spraying it and scrubbing the ENTIRE shower with a scrubby sponge to get off any built up residue/gunk. OCD much? Maybe so. I spent no less than 15 minutes scrubbing our shower and trying to suffocate myself with bleach fumes. Eventually, I did wipe off the door so I could open it and just hoped that any Clorox spray wouldn't drip onto the rug (which causes bleach stains, per the dot that is currently on said rug). After the shower, I cleaned the toilet then moved to the guest bathroom to repeat the process. Again, I almost suffocated myself cleaning the bathtub, but I only had just a little bit left and I knew I could do it!
With the bathrooms done, I considered cleaning the floors, but opted to check social media instead. This resulted in printing out a few envelopes as well, a trade off for social media time. Finally, I decided to get ready and head to the BBQ thing. I decided to ride, which meant that I skipped showering. I arrived a few minutes before 2. I had anticipated getting there a bit earlier, but "just one more envelope" kept happening.
We hung out in the guy's tent area while we waited on judging to start, aka when we could start eating. I sampled some of the BBQ that Mr. Golfer had made and it wasn't as spicy as I had anticipated, thankfully. I was stupid and hadn't eaten anything all morning, saving my appetite for the BBQ thing. I had planned on sampling other group's BBQ, but that never ended up happening because I didn't have any cash and I was sated after a few bites of our group's BBQ (skinny week is seriously the best).
They started the judging early because people were confused why there were food tents set up but they were refusing to give people food, valid. Why would you say an event starts at 2 if you're not going to let people eat when the event starts? WTF? There were food trucks, which I felt took away from the actual purpose of the event, the BBQ smoking thing. Obviously, no one asked me my opinion. We hung around until the winners were announced at 545ish. We, sadly, did not win, but the guys are already planning next year's event. Whatever floats their boat. Their first decision was to not arrive until the wee hours of the morning instead of arriving at 7pm the night before. Apparently showing up at 0400 the day of is just as efficient and saves people from sleeping in lawn chairs. At least the weather was good for them.
Since I rode Bagheera, I headed home alone and Teh German was dropped off by Mr. Golfer. Teh German had said he was going to shower, but he was too slow (taking a "Teh German time" in the bathroom) and I jumped in instead. There was some contention over our evening plans. We had agreed to go to Teh PT Neighbor's house, but Teh German was tired (as expected) and he was going to back out. I eventually guilt-ed him into it.
We played 2 games of Organ Attack since 2 of the guys hadn't gotten to play since they were at the BBQ thing the night before. When we switched gears and started playing Cards Against Humanity (CAH), Teh German decided it was his bedtime and headed home. I played CAH for a while and around 1030, I called it quits because I was also tired.
We slept in on Sunday morning until 1030. We agreed to ride out for brunch since we hadn't brunched in a while. Rather, we hadn't brunched together in a while. I threw out several options and our decision making was interrupted by a calendar reminder on my phone that said it was almost time to Skype with Papa G.We slowly got out of bed and threw on clothes and headed downstairs for our chat. I had to laugh when I noticed that Papa G had a list of items that he wanted to discuss. In most excellent news, they have booked their hotel and flights and we officially have Germans coming to Charleston for the wedding!!! YAYYY!!!
After our Skype session ended, we put our boots on and headed to Graze for brunch on the bikes. I'm trying to ride as often as possible between now and June 1st because I know that Bagheera won't be getting much attention as I'm recovering. Boooooo.
I had the chicken livers and grits with brussel sprout leaves and Teh German had chicken and waffles. Teh German didn't seem to be in his usual rush to finish up after we were done eating and I discovered it was because he was texting with the biker "gang" to see if they had any plans to ride. I told him that I wasn't going to join them because I wanted to go home and work on wedding envelopes.
The actual printing of envelopes wasn't stressful, except for the random times in the middle of printing that the printer would disconnect from the network and I'd have to restart the print (fortunately, stopping in the middle didn't ruin the print job, but one side of the print was darker than the other and it was just something I accepted. #DIYproblems). But the looming task of "wedding invite envelopes" was stressful to me. In addition, Teh German told Papa G that we'd be done with them by the end of this week, to which I added a, "Hopefully."
I finally told Teh German it was time to leave after he hadn't gotten a response from them for about 10 minutes. We were almost home when Teh German tapped in (over the helmet bluetooth system) and said that his gang had called and he was going to go meet up with them. I told him to have fun and came home and started printing.
I printed and printed and printed... and I was almost done when I realized that I had forgotten to put "& Guest" on our solo invitees' envelopes. #Meganfail So, just like I did with the "don't bring yo kids" cards, I printed out some little slips of paper that said, "Feel free to bring a guest, but don't forget to include them in your RSVP!" Teh Dad called me later in the afternoon and we chatted for about an hour and a half. Since I was already sitting at the desk, I went ahead and started putting the invites in the envelopes. Teh Dad was keeping me entertained, so it was a perfect task to keep me occupied in the meantime. Originally, I had threatened Teh German with this task, but it was as simple as sliding the paper into the invite and adding the additional "no kids" to all the invites and "+1" strips to the applicable invites.
Teh German arrived home around 6:15 and hadn't eaten yet. I wasn't really hungry. Teh German hung out with me in the office while I continued the invite stuffing and asked him questions off my list that I had written down (just like Papa G, looooool). I figured rather than text him while he was out riding or with the dudes, I'd just wait till he got home to discuss things that I'd thought of.
When he got home, he wasn't pleased that I had stuffed the envelopes. His reaction was something along the lines of, "Now you're going to tell everyone I didn't help at all." I had to correct him and explain that I did it to keep myself occupied while I talked to Teh Dad and I had no intention of saying such a thing... buttttt he did owe me big.
While we were debating on a dinner plan, since I've become notoriously horrible at menu planning on the weekends (after several weekends where I would plan dinner then we ended up doing something else), Teh PT Wife came over to deliver my CAH since they were still playing when I left the night before.
After Teh PT Wife left, Teh German and I agreed on Vinny's Pizza for dinner. I called in the order and Teh German went out to pick it up. Before he picked it up, he stopped by Publix for me since I needed a few items (cereal, half gallon of milk, and 4 gallons of vinegar (for the laundry)). It was complicated because the fucking Imperial measurement system. While Teh German was out, Teh PT Wife and I did a quick pack walk. When we finished, she let me borrow an adhesive envelope sealer that she had used on their invites. It was magical and life changing.
Teh German eventually arrived home with our dinner, the cereal that I had requested, a gallon of milk, and no vinegar (since they were out of the gallon size). We ate dinner and after cleaning up, I headed back into the office to finish sealing the envelopes. Eventually, Teh German came in the office to sit with me as I finished up the invites. He'd been on his phone since he'd finished eating his pizza and he was still on his phone when he came into the office. At 9:30 I said it was bedtime and got no response.
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Ready for sending! |
Finally, at 9:45 I got up and left the office, leaving Teh German sitting there. When I walked into the kitchen I noticed that someone (Phil) had smeared his poop foot all over every rug downstairs. It was my tipping point. There were tears. I blamed Teh German since he had let the dogs inside. Why hadn't he noticed the poop spot right at the door and stopped the critter with the poop foot? For it to be everywhere was too much after the stress of all the things I had accomplished throughout the weekend. Just one more item on my never ending to-do list: Use the carpet cleaner on all the rugs downstairs. I wiped up the spots as best I could after prepping dog breakfast and went upstairs while Teh German did the dishes that had been accumulating in the sink since Friday morning.
I crawled into bed and starting reading while I waited for Teh German to finish the dishes and get ready for bed. After 10 he finally got into bed and I was so frustrated that I couldn't fall asleep. Around 10:45, I finally got up and took some Tylenol PM and grabbed my journal binder and went to the loft to write.
Based on the contents, the last time I journal-ed was Oct 2015. I thought I had definitely written in 2016, but nope. This is actually a good sign. Generally, I only journal when I'm extremely frustrated. My last entry from 2015 started with, "In a change of pace, this is actually a happy entry." I gushed on and on about Teh German and how much I loved him and how great he was. This means that in 2016, when I was frustrated, I was communicating with Teh German about it, rather than just keeping it to myself.
After writing for an hour or so, I finally started to get tired. I wrapped up my entry and skimmed through some other entries and finally I headed to bed. It only took me a minute to fall asleep, thankfully.
Big weekend of accomplishments! I'm waiting on information about 2 German invites, but after that, they are being mailed to Papa G for distribution. Other than hand delivered invites, I'm waiting to send the American batch out until the German invites arrive to Papa G. They are already stamped (both stamps) and ready to go.
This week is kinda quiet. We have the Blink-182 concert on Wednesday night. We are debating on going to NC either this weekend or next to ride the bikes since I know that it won't be an option for me after May 18th (since we're going to MD and then staying here for Memorial Day weekend).
It is storming today in Charleston. I went into work this morning. While I was getting ready it hit me that I had been kind of a cunt to Teh German and that poop-foot could have happened to anyone. Granted, I would have seen it after the first step before it was smeared all over downstairs, but whatever. On my way into work, I decided that I'd run to Metto and deliver coffee to Teh German as an atonement for being such a shitty-shit fiance. Then it started storming, which always jacks up traffic to the max because anything that falls from the sky blows the minds of drivers in Charleston.
When I checked Google Maps, all the interstates were blood red so I had to postpone my coffee delivery until after my 0900 meeting. When there was a lull in the rain after my meeting, I quickly packed up and headed to Yurtle. I picked up coffee and headed to Teh German's company. Teh German surprised me by coming out right as I was reaching for the door. I explained that I had been a douche and I was sorry for my shitty behavior. He accepted my offer of coffee with glee since he didn't have cash and was out of coffee pods at work.
After the drop-off, I headed home to hang out with Phil and Meri. If it hadn't been storming, I would have went back to work, but since it is storming for the rest of the day and dealing with evening traffic wasn't on my list of things to do, I came home. Phil and Meri have spent our time together peer pressuring me into taking a nap. I did rouse them for a quick walk with Roux and took the opportunity to hand deliver some invites.
Here's to a good last week of April!
That sounds like a good weekend. I hope your week is going well!