Teh Running Bestie arrived on Thursday evening. Friday morning I headed to work like normal but my heart just wasn't in it (and I'd hit 40 hours by lunchtime) so I headed home. There was this fun situation where a dude that works for the company we sublet from parks like an asshole frequently, so I made sure to return the favor.![]() |
Don't fuck with my bike. Or get too close. And don't fuck with me. |
Back story: On Thursday, I rode Bagheera into work. When Twin Dad pointed out to me that Axeman (our name for the driver of this truck) parked like this, I was pretty ragey. To include actually yelling out, "IF YOU CAN'T PARK A BIG TRUCK IN A SINGLE SPOT, PARK IN THE BACK OF THE LOT!" while only 5 people were in the office (2 of my coworkers, me, Axeman, and the FSO who doesn't park like an asshole (and drives the black truck and couldn't hear me yelling)).
But I digress. Before heading home, I stopped to pick up Phil's new medication. Let's back it up again...
On Thursday Phil's vet called and said she believes he's in the early stages of kidney failure. I had held it together up to that point and then I kinda lost it. The vet agreed to fill the Doxy prescription I had requested earlier in the week (because she agreed with me that 10 days wasn't long enough (which made me want to punch her in the ovaries)) and she also put him on Vasotec, a blood pressure medication, which is helpful in some way.
Friday I shared Phil's lab results with SHUG to see if anyone had any opinions on the situation. YAY for second opinions. Over the weekend, I got some feedback on those labs from "I don't really think that's kidney failure, I think it might be polycythemia." to "Did they do a blood pressure check before prescribing him blood pressure medication?" Both of these were super helpful for me because I didn't even think of the blood pressure check and I would have never known about the other condition. Funding issues could lead to a delay, but that sonogram is probably in Phil's future...
Anyways, after I got home, I realize that I had left my lunch at work.. UGH. Since there wasn't really anything in the house, Teh Running Bestie and I headed to Mex 1 for lunch. My ortho appointment was at 1.
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The Orlando Solar Bears ECHL team was in town this weekend. Apparently some of their players needed some sports medicine work. |
From the MRI, the Ortho confirmed that I definitely have a labrum tear. Our plan of action is to do a cortisone injection this week and then wait 1 month and see if the injection and PT help reduce the pain. If after the month the pain continues, then we will go ahead with the surgical repair. We are on a reduced timeline because limping down the aisle isn't anyone's desire. The only reason we didn't do the injection on Friday is because we were doing the Bridge Run and the Ortho said I'd probably be sore from the injection.
After the doc, we headed to the expo to pick up our race packets and check out the expo. We ended up buying socks and shirts and I also picked up a pair of clearance shoes for walking around. We also signed up for the 2018 Charleston race.. Teh Running Bestie wants to run a marathon and she picked the Charleston Marathon as her marathon race, so I committed to a half marathon, so we're running "together". We're excited, but our injuries can really throw kinks in our plans, so fingers crossed. After the expo, we headed back home and went on a pack walk.
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We noticed this kamikaze when we got back to the car. |
Around 6, we headed downtown to drop off Yurtle for a parking garage slumber party. This would enable us to just be able to leave downtown without dealing with the shuttles after the race. After Yurtle was tucked in for the night, we headed back home to meet Teh German at our neighbor's "informal gathering" (they are from the UK, so we like to give them crap for their formality even when trying to be informal). We stopped by the house and picked up smores ingredients and chairs (just in case) then we headed over.
Abby (black) and Ted (brown) are our hosts' spaniels and they are awesome and snuggly. Pretty sure I accomplished the ultimate dog lady goal on Friday night when this happened:
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Me at a party.. hanging out with the dogs. |
We ended up heading home around 10:45 since we knew we had to get up early for the run. Also, we were tired because we're old.
We were up at 0530 on Saturday morning. We were on our way to the drop-off/start area by 0700.We made it to our corral by 0730 and proceeded to wait and stretch. Fortunately, it was in the 50°s, which was a little chilly, but definitely not the 38°F from the first year we ran it, BRRR! Last year was also a little chilly, but this was perfect running temps.
Because of our injuries, we knew we'd be taking it slow and even planned to stop and take photos along the course, which I usually wouldn't do because I like to get to the end, kthxbye. Our final time was right at 1:25, which we felt was pretty good considering our original time was 1:06. The big push this year was that they were giving out a medal for all finishers for the first time ever.
The race was enjoyable because I wasn't alone (unlike last year), despite the hip. Honestly, my hip doesn't hurt while I'm running (for the most part), so I wasn't overly concerned about it. I did notice it starting to tweak out by the end and I could tell a difference when I ran on roads that slanted to the left vs to the right, so I tried to stay on the left side of the road after I realized. The other thing I've learned is that if I stop to walk, it hurts to start running again. Instead, I will slow down to a trot, while maintaining a jog. This was perfect since Teh Running Bestie could just walk along beside me when she needed a break.
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"Bandits exit here"... in front of a church, lol. |
Everything was going great until mile 5.25 when I was thinking about getting in the car and heading home.. I realized that I did NOT bring my car key with me. If you needed an analogy about my month of March, this situation is pretty much the epitome of anything I could offer. I show up ready to go without the most important thing to make shit happen. I turned to Teh Running Bestie and just blurted it out, "I left the car key at home. This is not an April Fool's joke. I'm serious. The car key is at home." The only thing that moderately mitigated this situation was the magical appearance of unlimited Krispy Kreme doughnuts at the finish line. #noshame: I had 2.
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If KK was at every finish line, I'd probably run more races. #NOJK |
Things I did not want to have to do on Saturday morning: 1. Deal with a pissed off German. 2. Call Teh German and ask him to come downtown for any reason. Things I had to do on Saturday: 1 & 2. FML. The conversation went like this after we passed through the finish chute and got our medals:
Teh Megan: I don't want to have to call Teh German.
Teh Running Bestie: We could take the shuttle.
tM: We would still have to go all the way home and come all the way back AND the car needs to be out of the garage by 11.
tRB: Looks like you're gonna have to call him.
tM: Fuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
I call Teh German.
Teh German: Hey babe, what's up?
tM: Heyyy.. Soooo, what cha doin'?
tG: Snuggling with Meri.
tM: Well, I need you to snuggle into your helmet and bring me my car key.
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We like to enjoy the "fun" stuff at the post-race "party". |
We agreed to meet him at the visitor's center at 1030. Good idea, in theory. Problem: Roads were blocked. At 1045, I call and ask where Teh German is. He sends Teh Running Bestie his location (#applelife) and we start hobbling over towards him. When I notice we have 10 more minutes of walking left, I call and say he needs to meet us and give him directions to us.
I knew he was less than a 5 minute ride away and a bit later, he still hadn't appeared so I called him again and asked where he was. Drama ensued and I ended up having to hand the phone to Teh Running Bestie because otherwise my phone would have went through a window because I was going to throw it I was so pissed off. Magically, Teh Running Bestie was able to redirect Teh German to us.
After I got my key, we agreed to meet at Sesame for lunch. We headed back to the parking garage. Turns out, he hadn't followed my (correct) directions and he had went the opposite way. For the record, I was right and he was wrong and I didn't point this out to him. I DID point it out to Teh Running Bestie no less than 10 times. Then we had some drama trying to get out of downtown when a cop was being unclear. I went the way he was pointing and then had to do a u-turn after I had tried to clarify with him. I don't usually go here, but the cop was a douche. I got righted around and headed towards East Bay to hit 26. As we were almostttttt to East Bay, we were on a street with these massive man holes (like a solid 1.5 feet mound) in the center of the road. I was trying to avoid them and there was a car at a stop sign right as I was veering to the left to avoid the man hole who started to pull out into the road, which seemed to both of us like we were about to get t-boned. I ended up hitting the man hole, panicking that we were about to die, and finally made it to East Bay. At the red light, all the rage and emotions finally hit me and there were tears. #HotMessExpress #cominthrough
We finally made it to Sesame and had lunch. After we finished, we headed to the coliseum to pick up Teh Running Bestie's car. As we were about to get on 526, I noticed a motorcyclist on the side of the on-ramp.. Then I realized it was MY motorcyclist. We immediately pulled over behind Teh German to see what the problem was. His clutch lever had come off (a known problem) and he just needed something to hold it on until we got home. Things I will start carrying in my car: zip ties. Just as Teh Running Bestie was about to pull out her shoe lace for him, I found a sunglasses bag with a string and Teh German found a piece of something on the side of the road that he was able to use to tie it on. He came with us to pick up Teh Running Bestie's car in case something else happened, then we headed home.
When we got home, we stretched and rolled and then we went over to Teh PT Neighbor's house for a dog play date. After an hour or so, we headed home for showers and naps. After a 2 hour nap, I was right as rain. I had put ribs in the crock pot with root beer before we left for the run, so when we woke up, we started dinner. First we had to bake the bacon. While Teh Running Bestie (wo)manned that, I chopped up the brussel sprouts. There was more Teh German drama and I considered stabbing him with my knife, but felt like that wasn't a good idea since he was sitting our grey couch and blood stains are difficult. While the bacon cooked, we headed outside and watered the flowers.
We headed back inside and the bacon was done, so I swapped out the bacon for the brussel sprouts. While the sprouts cooked, Teh German scooped poop in the yard and got everything ready for the neighbors to come over for a fire. Once he was done, we ate dinner.
After dinner was cleaned up, I put a sticky note on the door that the door was unlocked and paw patrol was on duty so the neighbors knew to let themselves in. We had smores and the dogs even hung out with us outside! It was glorious. We are all old, so by 11 we had let the fire burn down and everyone headed home.
Sunday morning was my sleep in morning. Teh German was saved from dog duty by Teh Running Bestie (because she really is the best!). We slept in and it was glorious. We got a slow start and I worked on planning our day. Teh German had motorcycle/brewery plans and we had "festival" plans. I wanted to go to brunch so I scoped out a few places in Mount Pleasant (since there was an activity there I wanted to go to) and gave Teh Running Bestie some options. We got ready and headed out. We had some #languagebarriers in the form of confusion between the 2 restaurants Craze and Graze (#Engrishishard). We ended up at Graze, which I hadn't been to for brunch, but did not disappoint. Our server was garbage, but the food was good. While we waited on food, we discussed some options for the rehearsal dinner/lunch and the post-wedding brunch. Now I have calls to make... ugh.After breakfast, we headed to the Bee and Honey Festival. This is one of my must-attend events in Charleston so I can stock up on honey for year/summer. After sampling honey from every possible tent, I finally picked my favorite and bought 3 bottles. That should last me for a while. After the Bee Festival, we headed to the Flowertown Festival in Summerville. It was MASSIVE. I didn't expect it to be so large! We walked through almost all of the vendor tents and found Teh SC Greyhound Neighbor eventually since she was also a vendor at the event. Around 4, we started to head back to the car. On the way home, we stopped by Publix to pick up ingredients for sandwiches for dinner since I didn't have anything else planned.
When we got home, we relaxed some. Around 5, we headed to the empty lots for dog photos with Roux's Humom. After a taxing dog session (it was like herding cats), we headed home for dinner. After feeding the beasts and the humans, we headed back out with the dogs for a pack walk.
When we got back home, Teh German had cleaned up all the dinner stuff (since Teh Running Bestie had asked him to). I thawed the last of the Dole Whip and distributed it and we ate it while watching Modern Family and playing with our screens.
It was bedtime around 9, because #oldpeople.
This morning was difficult and I just did not want to get out of bed. I did eventually manage to rouse myself and I made it to work. I called the ortho and scheduled my injection for tomorrow. I still don't know what to do about Phil, who had an accident this morning at the back door because Teh German wasn't fast enough for him. I'm hoping the Doxy arrives soon and that will help the most, and by help I mean before magic.Sadly, Teh Running Bestie leaves tomorrow. We have running plans now, which is always a plus. We picked up information for several Charleston runs that I'd like to do, but I'm worried about the hip recovery stuff and committing to these races that I might not actually be able to do.
Races include:
- Isle of Palms Run -October 7, 2017
- I didn't get to run this race last year, despite signing up since we had to go out of town for Teh Sister's last stand in NC. Additionally, it was a month after the Disneyland run with my gimp toe and my toe was still not up to par (and it still isn't if you want the truth).
- James Island Connector Run - October 28, 2017
- This would be a pre-wedding run. We've already discussing having "runaway groom" and "runaway bride" shirts. How cute would be it be if we're "running away" together?
- Turkey Day Trot - Thanksgiving 2017
- This was an easy 5k and made me feel less guilt about all the food I put in my mouth
- Although the shirt really sucked and there was no medal.
- Kiawah Island Half Marathon - December 9, 2017
- I figure if I can do a half marathon in December, the half I signed up for in January should be no problem.
- Charleston Half Marathon - January 13, 2018
- Teh Running Bestie will be doing the full, I'll be doing the half and Teh Soccer Mom will be coming down to cheer us on. Teh German better join Teh Soccer Mom in the cheering section or run in one of the races after all the times he's said he's going to sign up for a race with us and hasn't....
We'll see how it all pans out.
We had intended to go see Beauty and the Beast this weekend, but we just didn't make time for it, which is fine. I like a nice balance of go-go-go and relax time.
This week includes mitigating Phil's in-house accidents, maybe talking Teh German into a dog door, pack walks, hip injection and physical therapy, and on Friday I'm headed to Asheville for a ladies weekend. I'm excited for a 4 day weekend and wearing earplugs to bed on Thursday night so I can sleep in. #priorities
Poor Phil....he's in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a pretty crazy weekend! Mine was nowhere near as crazy but maybe I'll actually write a post about it and pretend that I actually am a blogger once again. Only time will tell. Still nice to catch up with your blog though! That's a lot of running around and I'm glad that you didn't stab anyone because blood stains are a pain in the butt to get out!
Hopefully it's not the start of kidney failure & you're able to solve the mystery soon. I hope the shot works for your hip too.
ReplyDeleteI'm jealous of the bonfires!
Forgetting the key sounds like something I would do... donuts would help a little though.
Hey girl,
ReplyDeleteHoly shit, a labrum tear eh? I had to look up images to see what the year would look like. Looks like for surgery, they'd just stitch that "cushioning" back in place. Are these kinds of tears common or uncommon? Sounds wickedly painful and I cringe every time you write you're in pain. Good on you for completing the race. Seriously, that's awesome. :)
Forgetting keys, my mind, everything. That's me.
Thinking of Phil and hoping it isn't kidney failure. :(