Random updates:
- I ordered from Walmart grocery this week and did the pick up option. I'm hoping this revolutionizes my life. Or at least saves me the effort of having to walk up and down aisles trying to find random shit. I'll still pick out my own produce, kthx.
- I got a new computer at work. I was told it was an emergency spare. By that I mean, I think it got lost and they just found it in the move and now I get an upgrade. I'm not sure if I like it or not because it doesn't have a number keypad AND it's a different charger than my home laptop (which was super convenient when I'd telework). Maybe this will be the motivation I need to start saving/looking for a new home laptop (that isn't broken and will actually close without making me worry my screen will never light up again)....
- Next week is MD!!! We're definitely going, even if only so Teh German can drive a Gator at the GEGR picnic. I'm super pumped to get to hang out with Teh Running Bestie and all my other GEGR peeps.
- I have a feeling there are documents that I've worked on that haven't been submitted. This isn't really a problem except for the fact that I am often rushed to complete my part of the review process "in a timely manner" (aka rushed/only given a few hours) and this not only stresses me out, it means that I do a "good enough for government work" job when I could be taking my time and doing a thorough review.
#Imtheonewiththeproblem I'm 100% certain that sitting at work is causing my hip to hurt worse and it's also causing my back to not stay aligned and I hurt and it sucks. I streamed the World of Warcraft soundtrack this morning through the tv in the work space and there was some push back on principle, but not because the music was bad. That's what I thought, bitches. It even sparked some conversation about gaming (which isn't surprising since I work with nerds). - It's going to be an exciting weekend with neighbor-friends!
Tonight is Teh PT Wife's birfday celebration and we're going to PF Chang's and to an improv show and then to smoke hookah! I'm super pumped and I already need a nap to make it through the evening. Saturday we are meeting with our wedding coordinator/planner and I organized a group outing to watch the Stingrays game. Sunday is a wild card.
Dog things:
- Meri's wellness visit was good enough. She was super anxious, but otherwise, she checked out well and didn't have to get any shots this year (woot!). I did get a prescription for some anti-anxiety meds for her, specifically for car rides.
- Phil not being with us meant that I saved $200. Except for the fact that he got the last word, of course, when the receptionist said I had a $37 charge and we both remembered that it was for a urinalysis done on Phil 2 weeks before he died. Good job, stickin' it to me in your favorite way from the Bridge, Pal.....
- Meri was upgraded to entire house access when she's home alone this week (and until she decided to destroy something). This coincided with a new anti-anxiety medication, which I'm giving her this week to ease with the transition. After that, it will be for car rides.
- We haven't heard back from the doberman rescue yet. BUUUTTT, the dog we applied for is still listed on the site. I'm repeating to myself, "Calm your tits, Megan. They will call. Calmith your titith." PS. It's not working.
- ALL THE SNUGGLES! Meri has been extra struggly and I don't mind giving her unlimited attention since there is currently one dog. I even made a point to
sitnap on the upstairs couches with her so she could hang out with me on the couch and snuggle.
From my phone:
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Meri's new awesome collars arrived... (Not pictured: the one she is wearing that Teh German picked of the 3.) and so did Phil's new tag. |
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Passion flower bloom about to open. |
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The not planted plants. I'm thinking maybe this year they will find a home in the back yard? Except for the aloe, which will probably stay in it's pot. |
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I bought Teh Running Bestie a "mother's day" present. Mother's day was just an excuse to buy the top since I knew she had wanted this one when she was here in March. |
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I was informed by Coworkers Who Get Me that this was in the "playroom." You better believe I'll be putting this bad boy (haha) together. |
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I ordered cork boards so I could put my pins back up at our new office. The cubes don't have cork behind the fabric, so you can't stick pin into it. Booooooo. |
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My new laptop charger had this stuck to it and it was kinda peeling off, so I removed it. Then I found the hidden Mickey. It was a sign. |
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Teh PT Wife sent me this Snap yesterday. I stepped on it when we went on our Pack Walk. It is definitely unused. Maybe this was a neighbor telling us not to reproduce? HA! |
From the internet:
-Teh German and I are pretty much unstoppable now that we haaavvvvveeeeeee The Gansta Translator!
-When I discovered the following image wasn't real.. I was crushed.
-Target has women's dresses buy 1 get 1 50% off. Guess who isn't interested in wearing pants in June? This girl! So I went on a dress shopping spree.. To mean that I bought almost all the colors in this dress because it's my absolute fave. Really the shout out goes to Teh WJL for picking it as our bridesmaids dresses. I bought even more dresses on Thursday after I checked the dresses I already had and realized I had bought the wrong size. The dresses in my closet are smalls. The dresses I ordered are med and large. I can't risk them being sold out online, so I ordered more and will end up doing a massive return next week. #solidlifechoices
-I consider myself a compassionate person, but of all the things that South Carolina could be doing, THIS is where we put our focus? Some foundation founder actually said, "Getting them outside and giving them the opportunity to do things in the outdoors aids in the healing process, we believe." Uhh.. you're talking about terminally ill children. I'm not sure you understand what "terminal" means.
This is the same state (FML this is my state now) that is trying to pass legislation to allow anyone open carry [a gun] without a permit. I repeat (in all caps) WITHOUT A GUN PERMIT. In case you live under a rock, this is the same state where a white youth shot up a church and killed 9 people in the name of white supremacy. Roof was able to obtain a weapon despite having a pending felony charge because background checks aren't thorough and now we want to do away with them completely because it goes against the 2nd Amendment? I cannot with this shit. I'm all for owning guns and going through the process. Keep your guns.. but go through the processes to prove you aren't shady as shit so the rest of us don't have to worry about you going crazy and shooting up another church... or whatever.
-Another BAB article I wrote went live. You've probably already read about my save the date drama.. buttttt, I shared it again.
-Kathy talked about this a while ago and I agreed with the idea and so I've been sharing this lately about coordinating workouts with your menstrual cycle. Oh yeah, and cut yourself some slack if it's fat week and you don't feel like working out. It's a thing, not just you, and you're not alone.
-These cookie cutters could make me bake more cookies.... I think.
10 things that made me happy this week:- Being able to medicate Teh German so his nose stopped running like a faucet. #SudafedFTW
- The smell of Vaporub on Teh German at bedtime.
- Snuggles with Meri
- Meri not destroying the house when she's unsupervised.
- Roux's Humom - in general, but especially for how she is always willing to let Meri hang out and all the photos she sends me of Roux and Meri.
- Adulting all week and making dinner rather than going out.
- Company and how they are extremely flexible and awesome and enable me to do awesome things (to include teleworking for the month of June/the ability to take PTO on short notice).
- The New Music Friday Spotify playlist.. anddd the World of Warcraft soundtracks being on Spotify. Soooo, really Spotify in general.
- Afternoon naps, evening pack walks, dinner, and still being able to watch a few episodes while doing puzzles.
- Secrets.
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
Holy shit, open carry without a permit. No no no. What in the EFF are they thinking?!?
ReplyDeleteThat's really nice of your friend to take Meri and let her play and hang out during the day when you guys are at work. :)
So at your new workplace, I assume you can't have or the office isn't designed for a standing desk? Surgery will be soon and I hope in time and with healing, you'll feel a significant improvement. :)
Have a great week hun. :)