Friday was our last day at the office we were subletting. We were all super pumped because that office smelled horrible and the network was actually a torture tactic and other various things. I was a little sad to pack up my cube though. Our old/new desks have clear partitions and well.. that just ain't very private. Not that I have secrets, just that I like people not seeing how I'm wasting time.After relocating all my desk stuff to Yurtle, I headed home. I made a grocery store pit stop on the way home to pick up some outstanding items on my store list. Then I noticed that some meats were on sale and my tiny buggy was quickly filled. #firstworldproblems
I got home and put everything away and separated the huge trays of chicken boobs ($1.99/pound #win) and decided to read until it was time for a pack walk since I knew the beasts would be caged for the evening. Teh PT Wife and Teh Dental Hygienist and I took to the streets. Phil didn't make it very far (expectedly) and he went home early while the rest of the beasts got an extra long walk.
After I got back home, I had some time until it was time to leave, so I laid down for a quick nap. I didn't really sleep, but to rest didn't hurt my feelings. Teh Dental Hygenist and her husband were picking me up at 4:30 to head to Mellow Mushroom, where Teh German would meet up with us.
After dinner, which took forrrrreeevvvveeerrrr, in true Mellow Mushroom style, we made it to the coliseum right at 6:55 for the concert that started at 7. The Yelp Squad was right out front, so it was easy to pick up our tickets. I was surprised that our free tickets were for the floor, but we opted to sit in the nosebleeds with our homies since that's where their tickets were for and I knew that we would be less likely to steal someone's seats in that section.
We picked up some 90s swag from the Yelpers and then headed to our seats.
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The fanny packs were actually kids (oops), so Teh German wore his as a "cool" hat. |
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Selfie with our friends (who happen to be our neighbors)! |
Honestly, I wasn't overly impressed at the I Love the 90s concert. There were a lot of acts and so they each came out and sang one or two of their most popular songs and talked a lot. Maybe that's a 90s thing, the talking, but a lot of people were annoyed with all the yakkin'.... lookin' at you Salt N Pepa.
After the concert ended, we headed home. Phil had an accident in his crate, which I kinda expected. After getting the crates cleaned up (Meri's crate blanket needed to be washed as well) and getting dog breakfast prepped, we headed to bed.
Teh German had big plans of tackling yard work on Saturday. Because I'm a team player, I also got involved. We had cereal for breakfast to save our Mellow Mushroom leftovers for lunch. I also put chicken in the crockpot for enchiladas for dinner. Then, we headed outside to do yard things. Teh German edged the yard and struggled with the lawn mower (since he didn't have the right tools to lower the blades) and I gave him permission to buy a new lawn mower (the effort was just not worth the frustration imo). While he was doing yard things, I was planting the Publix flowers in the hanging baskets. I also replanted the lavender plant I got at the same time. I then set about fertilizing all the flowers with miracle grow. Not sure if I did it right, but I did try.After we were done with the front yard, I headed inside and found Teh German heating up his leftover pizza. I offered him half of my calzone as well, which he did not turn down. When we were done with lunch, we headed out back to tackle the weeds. Hoursssss of weed pulling went down. I did manage to chat with Teh Sister who currently has a greyhound foster dog (which makes this sister soooo proud!) and we may have taken a break for a short bit where I was pretty sure I could have fallen asleep, but then Teh German said, "Babe.." and I had to respond like I wasn't almost asleep, which kinda killed it. We finished up the rest of the weeding and then we were done for the day.
A former coworker had invited us over to watch the Stingrays game since it's the playoffs, they bought the playoff package. We showered and sat down on the couch to kill some time until it was time to head to their house. We may have napped because being outside all day is exhausting and when you're broke like me, it was extra rough for my back and hip (in fact, 2-3 days later/at the time of writing this, I'm still unbelievably sore).
When the alarm went off, which Teh German suggested we set, "Just in case," we both got up and changed and headed out the door. He's so smart. That's why I'm marrying him. I wanted to pick up cupcakes at Publix and Teh German needed cash to pay for dinner.
We had chinese for dinner and rice krispy treats for dessert and watched the Stingrays loose. After the game, which thankfully didn't go into overtime like the night prior, we headed home and crashed into bed. No Phil accidents this time. Thankfully.
We planned to go to brunch at Holy City Brewing with Teh Cool Kids at 1130, so we got a slow start. Since Teh German had gotten up with the beasts on Saturday morning, I took my turn on Sunday. I came straight back to bed and fell back asleep.![]() |
We enjoyed some Meri snuggles. |
We ended up being late, but it was ok since no one was really in a rush/Teh Cool Kids are cool. Teh German and I were pretty testy with each other and on the way there I told him we weren't speaking to each other until after we arrived and maybe even after he ate because I wasn't in the mood to deal with that. I took the opportunity to do my German lessons.
When we got to Holy City, we ordered drinks and food. I wasn't sure what I wanted for a beverage so I ordered the pineapple thing on the menu, thinking it was going to be the pineapple soda they had a few months ago. WRONG. It was pineapple beer. That would explain 1- why there was no ice in my soda, 2- why the bartender looked at me like I had 2 heads when I asked for a straw.
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Everyone at the table, "It sure looks like beer." |
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Chicken and waffles |
After brunch and beers were consumed, we headed out. Teh German and I headed to the tobacco store to pick up shisha for the hookah and everyone else to the grocery store. When we got home, I started the laundry and laid down for a nap. When I woke up, Teh German was no where to be found and I may have had a meltdown when he didn't answer my text and he finally answered when I called and told me he had went to Teh PT Neighbor's house on his own since I was asleep.
He did come home after he realized I was super pissed off. Honestly, I had searched the entire house and yard for him and couldn't find him. I don't know at what point I grew out of yelling for people from the porch, but I didn't do that. I could have guessed where he was and just walked over on my own, but I knew I'd be pissed and we didn't need to have that battle in front of everyone. Also, Teh German didn't even leave and note and yes, he was only 2 doors down, but he had vanished and I just didn't like being abandoned. No matter if he was trying to be nice because I was sleeping or not. If that's the case.. LEAVE A DAMN NOTE or text me.
Mostly, it was a misstep by Teh German in whatever impasse we had going on between us. We hadn't really been talking because we were only getting on each other's nerves, but he overstepped when he left the house. Me going to bed to take a nap was not against the rules because I was still at home. He had decided to leave without telling me and that's not ok... apparently. There were seriously tears and ugly crying when I pretty much hung up on him after he told me where he was. I did say bye twice so I didn't technically hang up on him.
After he came home and apologized for deserting me, I told him I'd be fine (but refused to say that it was ok, because I was not letting him off the hook). We leashed up the dogs and headed over to Teh PT Neighbor's house.
Several of Teh Cool Kids were over and Teh PT Husband and Teh German smoked cigars while others of us enjoyed the hookah. I will pat myself on the back and say I definitely got some good flavors.
We finally headed home around 6 since it was after doggy dinner time and Phil and Meri were starting to get relentless. Once the beasts were fed, I made enchiladas for dinner (yay for having extra leftovers this week). Teh German was super (and maybe still trying to make up for deserting me) and asked if there was anything he could help with while I was making dinner. I set him upon various tasks that I had on my mental to do list and asked him to roll the laundry and start a new load. Yeah that was a disaster. Let's just say it was good that I went upstairs and double checked his work while he was outside setting up the sprinkler to water the yard.
After dinner was cleaned up, we watched 2 episodes of Modern Family and took our time getting upstairs for bed. When Teh German finally made it upstairs, I instructed him on how to start the laundry. As in, I told him what to do and he did it so that way he had done it before. I think this is the 2nd time I've walked him through the process, but whatever. I told him I'd be writing up some instructions and putting them in the laundry room for him in the near future.
Finally, it was bedtime.
Another good weekend for the books. It really is awesome to be friends with our neighbors because we don't feel like we need to go out to have a good time. We also really like being at home since we really love House, so having friends within walking distance is yet another perk.Today was super busy since it was the first day at the new office, which is why this post is going up so late.
If you've been around here for long, you may remember that May and I don't often see eye to eye (and I try to bypass the month entirely), but who knows. This year could be the year that changes.. HAHAHAHHA.. probably not. Truthfully, I'm trying to fit as much into this month as possible since June 1st is my hip surgery and the end of my "freedom", if you will.
This week holds Phil's Cushings test (Tues), I'll be meeting with my advisor on Thurs and that same night Teh German and I will be attending our 2nd Brewseum event at the children's museum downtown. Originally, we had considered going to NC for the weekend, but that's looking like a no-go since neither of us are particularly motivated to road trip and I don't have a dog sitter lined up for the beasts. That kinda works out for me because long riding sessions really set off my hip and it's really not worth the 4 hour drive to NC if I'm not going to be able to enjoy myself.
You know what I miss? I Love The 90s/80s/etc on VH1. Actually maybe it's still a thing but I don't have cable...I'm pretty sure it's not though. Sometimes I lay down to nap & I don't actually sleep but I don't even care. Sometimes I just have to be horizontal for awhile to make everything better.
ReplyDeleteOOO a lavender plant. Hmmm I might need to get me one of these. I need to replant my succulent, & maybe get it a friend.
I love that you have cool neighbor friends. I have a neighbor that is never home because he's a pilot. I have a loud annoying neighbor who yells at 4-5 in the morning...well all the time actually. And then I have a neighbor who I haven't seen in FOREVER, he may have moved out...
I'm cringing at the thought of pineapple beer. Mostly because I don't like pineapple. As far as the straw, I don't do it a lot, or really all that often at all actually, but sometimes I like a straw for my beer because straws make everything better...and I can drink it faster.
I haven't done hookah in forever. Now I'm really wanting to. A couple of friends of mine used to have one so we would do it from time to time, actually I think they still do but it's sort of broken so we never use it.
Hope you pack lots of fun into May!
Let me know how Phil's appointment went.