Another no-Wednesday post week. #notsorry. Truthfully, I just didn't have enough to "confess". I think instead of confessions I just need to change my prompt to "It's Ok..." I give self-guilt myself about a lot of things and I just need to let myself off the hook. I am my own worst enemy.For instance...
It's ok..
...that I ripped the sheets with my brace on Monday night. #shithappens and I can do nothing about it. It just sucks that those are some of my favorite sheets because they are so soft. BUTTT, this does give me a reason to finally replace the sheets (as if we really need replacements) since I also may or may not have bleached the pillow cases with some benzoyl peroxide cream after Teh German moved in...
...that I just (re)discovered that my keyboard has function keys to control Spotify.
...that I've planned a Nerd day on Saturday (after we clean the bathrooms and take the dogs for a nail trim) since my new Kindle arrived on Thursday and my new laptop arrives today.
...to wait after new toys arrive to tinker with them since I'll be busy all day today with work/Ortho appt/shooting a wedding.
...to wear jeans to work, especially when wearing dresses means wearing another outfit under my dress so I can wear my brace.. and well, that's just too many layers for Charleston summer.
...to put off work because it's not high priority right now to compose this post. The formatting is a nightmare that will require some serious dedication and it just seems like too much effort my first week back at work.
...to work half days at the office as I "ease" myself back into being at the office.
...that I didn't get this post done before my doctor's appointment on Friday... Which leads us tooooooo.....
The Hip Update:Ortho informed me earlier that I could have been out of my hip brace 2 weeks ago/the 1 month/4 week mark. I tried to set him on fire with my eyes but failed. That would have saved me a set of sheets and a lot of shitty sleeps.
Good sides to this:
-No more brace.
-I can actually work on things at PT.
-I'm mostly healed.
-No more driving restrictions.
-No more ripped sheets.
-Better sleeps.
-Less guilt over not wearing my brace.
Bad sides:
-No more external lap band/sweat band, which was certainly helping with the wedding diet.
-What the fuck do I do with a $1000+ hip brace and $(how ever much I paid for) crutches?
From my phone:
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That car is same color as Teh Mom's favorite color of nail polish when I was a kid. The car even turned iridescent in certain light. |
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The start of the idea for my wedding band design. Actually this band, but swap the rose and white gold. |
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We're dog sitting this weekend. Edie is the fawn, Sweet Tea is a pocket pit (back against the fence) and you know who Meri and Pax are. |
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Meri stood in that position for a solid 2 minutes until Sweet Tea finally decided to play. |
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She likes 'em big... and fluffy.. |
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Edie likes to marinade her brain and get smarter. |
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New ID. Yaaarrrr matey. |
From my brain:
-I still need to buy sudafed. Having to purchase it from a pharmacy annoys me.-It bothers me that there is no orientation for The Citadel for veteran day students. It would be nice to have someone take me around and actually introduce me to the school rather than go to a webpage and download a map and hope for the best. Also, maybe I've been ruined by NCSU, but when the shit can I finally pay for parking?
-I need to go backpack shopping. I love my backpack, but the beverage holder on the side is too small and ripped and it makes me sad. I need to find a backpack with extra padded straps like this one, but at least moderately cute.
-I was honest about why I was returning a Kindle that I ordered on Prime Day. I accidentally ordered a black one and the order couldn't be cancelled so I had to accept it and just purchase another one. To get the color that I wanted, yellow, I had to make another order. Which means now I have to return the black one and I'll be paying $3 to return it since it was my own mistake. I probably could have lied and said it was wrong, but I'm going for some good karma.
-I have no idea what I'm wearing to the wedding I'm shooting in 2 hours. I should work on that.
-When you ask someone to dog sit for you, here's a few tips:
1. Do not bring your dogs to the beach to wear them out and let them guzzle down salt water if you know it gives them ass pee.
2. Do not start your dog on a new food the day you drop them off with the dog sitter. Again, ass pee.
3. Breakdown your dog's daily life for the sitter so they can know what to expect from your dog(s). When the dogs expect to be fed helps the sitter understand why your dog is acting so weird at a particular time. What time the dog wakes up tells the sitter when they can expect to need to let the dog out.
You can ask our dog sitter, I leave an obnoxiously detailed note when we leave the dogs. This is to help my dog sitter help me. We keep Meri and Pax on a consistent schedule because our life works better when they are on a schedule. Everyone knows what to expect. Dogs thrive on consistency.
-I've ran the carpet cleaner 2x in less than 12 hours and it makes for an unpleasant day.
-I will be working normal work days next week and I'm kinda dreading it. Additionally, we have customers visiting and I'm considering wearing my hip brace so they will stay out of my way.
-I have high hopes my ring won't be super expensive. We're planning on buying 2 sets of rings. A real ring and a silicone ring for each of us.
-I really feel like I need a brain dump, but I've noticed I've started to censor here and it makes me sad.
10 things that made me happy this week:- NO MORE MOTHER FUCKING HIP BRACE.
- I remembered our anniversary (8/2) last night and I thought of the perfect gift for Teh German.. oh and I already bought it. #likeaboss
- Ridiculous ID pictures.
- New technology (my new laptop arrives today at some point and the new Kindle should be here on Monday).
- Clean Yurtle.
- New stickers
- Dog sitting (I should caveat this with the fact that doesn't include the stress that the dogs wouldn't eat, one was afraid of me, and I've already had to use my carpet cleaner 2x in the last 24 hours).
- Being back at work and having a routine.
- Watching some Grey's Anatomy.
- Making appointments to take care of shit that needs to get handled that I've put off and put off... (dermatologist, Yurtle doc appointment, hair cut, massage, Dan Ryan repairs, dance lesson, etc).
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
For the backpack- so I'm kind of obsessed with Ju-Ju-Be right now. It's a diaper bag brand, but I'm using one for my purse. They have a backpack style too (called the Be Right Back), and it's supposed to have good padded straps. There are a bunch of different styles, you can wash them, they have two bottle pockets, and I think I've read that they fit a laptop pretty well. Might be worth looking into.