After making good on my word about getting a document sent off by Friday, it was fuck off time. I don't know what it was about last week, but no matter who I talk to, everyone says the same thing.. Last week was fucking brutal. I was no exception to that. I stayed at the office until 1:15 and I was done. On my way home, I finally picked up some Sudafed and then made a stop by Lowe's to pick up a new family member... well, memberS, but I wanted something for the living room and did some research while I was work and decided on what I wanted and pulled the trigger. WTF am I talking about? I bought a house tree/plant thing. It's name is Groot (courtesy of Teh German) and I didn't take a single picture of it. #meganfailAfter getting home from Lowe's, I unpacked the car, started to repot the plants, but realized I needed stones to do it properly and redirected to doing laundry. I don't remember what else I did while I was waiting on Teh German to get home from work, but it obviously wasn't life changing. Under the threat of a return date, I've been trying to power through my audiobook before the library steals it back. There's one person in line for both the audiobook and ebook I have in progress, so at least turn around should be quick if I can't finish.
We agreed to leave around 5:30 to head to dinner at Carolina Ale House. We had our first dance lessons at 7:30. It was informative and it was when we were sitting in the parking lot that Teh German's anxiety got the better of him and we had a squabble. After dance lessons, we made a pit stop at home to let the beasts out and then headed downtown for a birthday party bar hop.
We left the bar around 0145. I was the driver and after we dropped Teh SC German and Teh SC Teacher off at the parking garage were they parked, we headed home. We tackled the bedtime chores and then we crashed hard.
Teh German got up with the dog on Saturday morning and when he came back to bed, we slept until 0930. I got up and picked up the house. There were dog toys every.freakin.where and we had stuff strewn all over any flat surface. I even changed the dog's collars! We're Charleston themed this round. Pineapples for Meri and seersucker for Pax.With some motivation, I finally started getting ready to head out to accomplish things. Our first stop was the Stingrays summer sale. I'm always up for some clearance shopping, but after standing in line for 30 minutes, my back started to hurt and I got whiny and Teh German agreed we could leave and go get lunch. I promised that I would buy the shirt he wants during the season since it wasn't on clearance anyways.
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This was the line for merchandise. |
We had an appointment at our venue to meet our wedding coordinator and a decorator lady I discovered on Facebook at 2, so we opted to go to Page's Okra Grill for lunch. As always, I was not disappointed. Well, it did take forever for my pancakes to come out, but whatevs.
After brunch, we headed to Alhambra to meet Christie and Marie. We came up with a decorating game plan and we lost several pounds because #Charlestonsummer = sweattastic.
Teh German and I headed home. I worked on some laundry and laid down for a nap. Eventually, Teh German joined me. At 5, the alarm went off, which meant it was time to get up and get ready for our next outing: 90s night at the piano bar. And in true fashion of the neighbor besties, we dressed the part. Teh PT Neighbors and Teh Dental Hygienist and Teh AF Maintainer went to the thrift store while we were out and found some epic 90s outfits for us to wear. I fetched mine and Teh German's outfits from Teh PT House and delivered them back to Teh German who was not thrilled to be dressing up. Finally, I reminded him of all the other times he'd dressed up for something and it turned out to be awesome instead of dreadful (specifically, that one time that he dressed up like a fairy to run a 1/2 marathon with Teh Running Bestie and I and said it was pretty cool to have people comment on how awesome he was).
We were late for the start, butttttt we did made it and we got cheered at by the performers since we were so tastefully dressed. Also, riding around in the cargo area of an SUV with someone who is trying to get somewhere in a hurry is a bit... pinball-esque. It doesn't help when you're wearing wind suit pants that are sticking to your legs but not the rubber mat under your ass. #90sproblems
The show was awesome and I agreed that next time, we'd come to the 9pm show since that's when the cool kids showed up aaannndd that show ends but the music goes on until 0200, so we don't get kicked out immediately after the show. Again, I got props for my sing-along skills, this time from the female pianist. Dave, the guy who is always there recognized me when I brought up my suggestions. I did get 2 Goo Goo Dolls songs, so I was thrilled. I knew there was no way they could get through all of the requests, so it was ok.
After the show, we headed to D'Al's for pizza. Teh PT Husband said the food was pretty good and he's an Italian from NY so we just let him make the judgement. I knew it was good. After pizza, we headed back home. We transitioned into the correct decade and then headed over with the dogs for smoking hour.
By midnight, it was sleepy time. We gathered up the beasts and headed home to take care of bedtime chores, laundry, and then it was bedtime.
Since Teh German had gotten up with the beasts on Saturday, I took Sunday duty. I considered going back to bed, but I had an ever-growing to-do list in my head that I finally put to paper. In addition to a goals list of house projects. My head was less full after writing everything down, which was nice, but I actually needed to accomplish some of the tasks. I started with the most time-sensitive task: photo editing. I finished up right as Teh German came downstairs shortly before 10. We had a Skype date with Papa G at 10. We caught up for about 45 minutes.![]() | ||
These assholes wake me up at 0615 demanding breakfast and then they can't even hang. Bitches. |
Friday night, we had made plans with Teh German's former roommate to go out on his boat at noon on Sunday. We started getting ready around 11 and we headed to Bushy Park to meet a little after noon.
Everyone but me did some wakeboarding. Teh German and I agreed that with a $75,000 ass, I shouldn't push the limits of the hip healing process. I even agreed to not tubing if it was an option. Boooooo. Nonetheless, we had fun. I not only wore sunscreen, but I REAPPLIED sunscreen! BOOM.
Unfortunately, lightning ran us off the river. On the way home, I could have fallen asleep in the truck I was so tired. I realized right in time that I needed to go by the grocery store before going home. After a pitstop at Publix, we headed home. Immediately, I started making chicken and gnocchi soup for dinner. Because Groot and friends (new succulents and I'll probably kill) were chillin' on the patio in a half complete state, Teh German was bothered by it. Probably also could have been because Groot was sitting on the table and fell over and there was potting soil all over the patio that I needed a strong wind to clear away, but my hopes were fruitless. I potted Groot in his new house. After putting Groot in his place in the living room, I cleaned myself up, Teh German carried the potting soil and extra pots to the garage while I did the laundry and the dishes, all while checking in on dinner.
Teh German showered and after I showered, it was time for dinner. Rather than getting a rotissaire chicken, I just used some chicken I had cooked in the crockpot last week since it needed to be used. The only ingredient I didn't have on hand was gnocchi because when I had went to the store, they only had the regular size and we like the minis (#firstworldproblem, I know), thus the imperative trip to Publix. Despite a toss together soup, it was still delicious. I'm pretty sure there was taco seasoning on the chicken, but it didn't taste bad to me.
After dinner, I cleaned up and worked on puzzle since Teh German was already watching YouTube videos. Teh PT Wife and Husband came over to pick up the SD card with the wedding photos on it and headed home for dinner. I told Teh German we could watch Parks and Rec but the TV never turned on and the YouTube videos didn't stop, so I just kept puzzling.
Around 9, I put the dogs out, did my bedtime chores, put away another load of laundry (never.fucking.ending.loads.of.laundryyyy.. uuuggghh), and went bed. Teh German followed soon after. I was ragey for a variety of reason that don't need to be aired out here and my brain wouldn't stfu, so I got up and took a lorzapam and I'm almost certain I didn't move all night long until my alarm went off this morning. I still have the IDGAFs because of the lorzapam, but IDGAF soooo yeah.
Overall, a very fun weekend. Unfortunately, I'm exhausted and I'm already planning for a lazy weekend next weekend. The only things scheduled for this week are PT sessions, dermatologist appointment on Tuesday, Dan Ryan is coming on Tuesday morning to maybe do some repairs, the dogs will get their nails done this week. This weekend includes another dance lessons session and probably brunch on Saturday so Teh PT Neighbors can finally go to Page's Okra Grill.My goals list is long and formidable, but I have high hopes I can start actually tackling some of that shit. I have a feeling that once school starts, I'll have zero time to actually accomplish personal things and many of the items on that list I would like to accomplish before the wedding since they are mostly house projects.
PS. 1 of 3 miserable months of summer almost complete! Bring on October!!!
dang girl talk about busy. love the dogs new collars, and your outfits for the 90s thing are fabulous. yay goo goo dolls! i had to laugh at pinball-esque. ouch! haha.