When Teh German left for work on Friday morning, I told him that we would have date night when he came home. I had no idea what we would do, but I figured I could come up with something before Teh German came home from work.I accomplished work things, figured out date night, and my Costco order was delivered around 11:15 (yep that's my referral link). I had a promo code to try out Instacart (a grocery delivery service) and is there really anything better for a person who shouldn't be driving? I think not. I was impressed. I actually referred my coworkers who take care of ordering the snack/coffee stuff for the kitchen because going to Costco is really such an endeavor. The prices were a wee bit higher than what I've seen in the store (like $0.01-$0.50 more-ish), but I assume that's to make up for the service. You can choose to waive or add a service charge. The stores they shop at are based on your zip code. For me, Publix and Costco were the only options. This was fine with me, because it meant I got to shop at Costco without having a Costco membership. #notsorry.
I accomplished more work things while the dogs napped the day away. Around the time I was wrapping things up, Teh PT Husband texted me to ask if it was a good time for the camera guy to come over and troubleshoot our system. It wasn't since I was looking pretty ratchet and had intended on going to shower, but I said it was fine. While he worked on the system, I worked on puzzle.
He did not get the issued fixed, but I finished a puzzle and finally headed upstairs to take a shower. Right as I was getting in the shower, Teh German gets home and says, "You haven't showered yet?" I explained the day and told him we weren't in a hurry.
I had several options for date night.
-Go to Metto and go swing at Waterfront Memorial Park. This idea was dashed due to rain.
-Go to one of the BYOB paint things. I found one in West Ashley that was painting the bridge that evening.. and well, we know what kind of a weakness I have for the Ravenel Bridge.
-Dinner and a movie.. booooooring.
I searched on Groupon for BYOB paint events and didn't find anything.. instead, I found a Groupon for a range in West Ashley for 2 people. Teh German and I have been talking about going shooting since forever, so I finally... bit the bullet. HA!
I bought the range Groupon and had a few restaurants picked out for Teh German to choose from (since he does better with options), Home Team BBQ, a new place we hadn't been to, hibachi, and as a final alternative, Sesame.
I had to keep the excitement of my grand ideas to myself all day because he wanted the evening to be a surprise, siiiiiiigh. As a finale, I planned to go get growlers filled at Frothy Beard Brewery and/or Total Wine with Holy City Brewery as a last resort. So my plans had backup plans. It's no wonder I live so well with a German. I did tell Teh German about my intentions to fill up growlers since he was bound to notice it sitting on the kitchen island. I also informed Teh PT Family about my growler intentions and we brought their growler with us to get filled.
We headed to West Ashley for dinner after I finished getting ready a bit after 5. We encountered a sea of brake lights when we were about to get on 26, so we just took the scenic route instead. For dinner, Teh German selected Home Team BBQ (which was what I was hoping for) and we got to park in our first date spot (which is even better than using the handicap placard).
After dinner, I turned on my GPS so Teh German could follow the directions to our entertainment for the night. When we turned on the road and our destination was close, Teh German started to figure out where we were going. The range also happens to be next door to a tattoo shop, so when Teh German said, "Are we going shooting?" I responded, "Nah, we're getting matching tattoos!" He wasn't even a little bit fooled.
There was one other guy in the range shooting some machine gun looking thing. Every time he shot, it would scare the life out of me. Not necessarily because it was loud but because when I was standing there loading the magazine, I could feel the pressure of the air when he shot on my face. It wasn't my jam. So much so, I loaded my first bullet backwards and the worker standing in the range pointed out the bullet was backwards and I admitted that I knew it was backwards, but feeling the pressure on my face was freaking me out.
Teh German had some difficulties when the bottom of the magazine fell off during his first round of shooting. They offered us a different gun, thankfully. We ended up shooting 2 9mm, a .22, and 5.7mm handguns. We definitely had a.. blast.. and I'd happily do it again/more often. The only downside was that it was kind of expensive. It was about $100 total, including the Groupon. But it was date night, so whatevs.
After shooting, we headed to Frothy Beard for a growler and then to Total Wine.
The last time we got a growler, Teh German had me hold it and I didn't like it very much because it was cold and wet on my leg and it was unpleasant in every way. This time, Teh German prepared by bringing the laundry basket and dog blankets to wrap the growlers in. At first I didn't get it, but once I understood what he was planning, I was pleased.
When we got home, we released the beasts then the fam headed over to Teh PT House to deliver the beer and have smoking hour. Teh PT Wife and I also completed a puzzle.
Eventually, it got late and it was bedtime.
We had a slow start on Saturday. I wanted to go to Goodwill to find a Grease-themed costume for Grease singalong night at the piano bar and to Walmart to pick up a few items, but otherwise, no plans until the singalong. Teh German worked on breaking down pallets for his garage project while I was out.![]() |
Herpaderp cream made me look like Natalie Portman from Star Wars (with the stripe on my lip) |
I shouldn't have went to Walmart. I knew better, it was Saturday, everyone else would be there. My coupons didn't print correctly (the printed in a 4x6 area because my printer won't reset itself to normal page size since printing the RSVP envelopes). When I got there, there was no handicapped parking (you don't realize how limited handicapped parking is until you NEED it). When I got inside, I was informed that Walmart no longer offers baskets, I assume to encourage people to get a buggy so they buy more, which I refused to do.
When I was looking for shaving cream, a man looked over and asked, "Hip surgery?" I said yes and he asked how long since the surgery. I thought about it for a second and said, "Today is actually the one month mark. Holy crap, why am I in Walmart at the one month mark?" He laughed and told me to take my time recovering and we parted ways. As it happens, I needed items from food and non-food sides of the store.
Normally, this is just a minor inconvenience. On crutches, it becomes a little more dire. I did opt to only bring one crutch since this is the week I'm weening myself off of the crutches. Oh yeah, and remember that I didn't have a basket, so I was holding 4-5 items in my arms/hanging from my fingers. As I passed the accessories section, I grabbed a beach bag and dropped everything in it because I was over carrying shit. I had considered getting a rolling cooler as I passed those, but I thought that might be annoying to drag behind me. I picked up my food items and realized I had forgotten something in the medication section, so I had to go all the way back to the other side of the store. I would have just ignored it, but I had a $7 off coupon and well, that was not to be snubbed.
When I finally made it to the registers to check out, there were 3 of 15 registers open, in true-Walmart way. Of course, my coupons didn't work and the cashier had to call a manager over. She would have had to call over a manager any way since the coupon was for a large amount. We waited. One manager came and said someone else would have to come. 2nd manager came and tried to say the coupons weren't valid. I finally lost it. I pointed out that the coupons had different expiration dates. She asked why it was so tiny and I was sassy when I said, "Because I was printing out 4x6 wedding envelopes before I printed the coupons and my printer and I are having a fight right now and the paper size didn't reset."
She responded by saying I didn't need to get upset. I let loose and said, "Look, I've crutched my ass across this store and I'm sweating like crazy and I've waited in line and then we waited for a manager and now you're trying to tell me my valid coupons aren't valid. They are and we both know it." She made haste to get me out of the store pretty quick after that. I felt bad for the people in line behind me, but I saved $20 from coupons, so it was worth my time.
When I got home, I said hello to Teh German, put the stuff away, and went upstairs, took off my brace, and laid in bed finishing my audiobook and doing puzzles on my Kindle. I was over everything.
Around 4:15, Teh German came inside to see if I was alive and I started getting ready for Grease night. Teh German and I chatted while I got ready. I even broke out my curling iron to flip my hair out (which lasted all of 5 minutes after I walked outside).
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Rockin' it like 1997 with a curling iron. |
Unfortunately, there isn't a good photo of me in my costume, but I went as Rizzo at the slumber party. I straightened my hair and flipped it out to look like I wear wearing the wig when she was making fun of Sandy.
We had a blast, which seems to be the standard. I feel pretty proud of myself when "Danny" fist bumped me for my solid singing skills. I wasn't actually paying attention when he heard me, just singing and looking at the bar so it surprised me. All those hours practicing with Teh Sister and Teh Mom in the car paid off apparently.
We headed home after the show. Teh Dental Hygienist really wanted to go out. We decided we'd go to King Street Grill. The men didn't want to join us, so an Uber was called and we headed to the bar.
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When I got home, Meri actually initiated play with Pax. It was adorable and I'm glad they are playing. |
Teh PT Wife's Mom met us at King Street Grill. She ended up leaving before we were ready, so to get home we had to call another Uber. There was some dancing, but not much. We learned that people don't start showing up to dance until 11:30 and that's past my bedtime. Every time Teh PT Wife said she was ready to go, Teh Dental Hygienist ordered another round. At 1230, we finally headed home.
The guys were all still at Teh PT House, so we drunkenly fetched them and then it was bedtime.
A much needed slow start on Sunday. Teh German actually got up before me. My head was killing me and I thought it was due to a hangover (but based on the current weather, it might have been a hangover and #barometerhead) so I stayed in bed and napped until I had to get up and start getting ready for brunch.Originally, we had intended to go to Page's Okra Grill, but a wait time of 1.5-2 hours made that into a quick no. Instead, we headed to Charleston Cafe, where the food was equally delicious and the wait was only 15 minutes.
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Cheddar herb biscuit with eggs, fried chicken, and sausage gravy. #noregrets |
After brunch, the men and the women parted ways. The men ventured to Trader Joe's then home. The women went to Home Goods/Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Metto, then to the outlets to hit up a few stores.
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I switched out the M for this prettier one, but I was amused to find my initals! |
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That tag is tiny, so let me transcribe for you.. This Coach Mickey purse is almost $600. Uhhh no. |
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This Coach Mickey shirt? $164.99. FUCK NO. |
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ALL the patches! It brought out my eyes. Looool. |
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I bought a pink shirt!!! |
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Teh Dental Hygienist and I waiting on Teh PT Wife to try on dresses. We may have also changed her phone's wallpapers to goofy pictures of us. #notsorry |
It was around 5:30 when we finally got home. Teh German said he spent the day catching up on his YouTubes. I could tell he was restless so he ate dinner (I wasn't hungry) and then I suggested we watch some Modern Family. He was down for that. I was glad because after crutchin' around for hours and hours, I needed to rest.. and NOT wear my hip brace.
Another weekend for the books. The biggest thing for me was the realization in Walmart that I need to slow the fuck down and stop feeling so much pressure to rush my recovery. Yes, I want to be done with the crutches and the brace, but hip repair is different than hip replacement. At 1 month post-surgery, it wasn't expected of me to be up and completely functional. I've resumed all my pre-surgery responsibilities (cooking, laundry, etc), I sometimes drive against my doctor's suggestion. I would also like to walk a 5k in September and then the 10k right before the wedding, but the reality is, if I can't, I can't.This week holds me driving myself to PT and tomorrow is the 4th of July (which I have made zero plans for). This weekend we are headed to NC to go to the Highland Games. Pax and Meri get to stay home with the dog sitter. What this really means is that I get to finally use one of my new Inside Out checks. In fact, I might have already written the check just so I don't need to go to the ATM or PayPal money.
Happy July, Gentle Readers!!
Walmart sucks. Especially during any kind of physical recovery. I was beast-ing things after having the baby, until I took a trip to Walmart and then all of a sudden I almost fell out and had to leave immediately.