As The Citadel is a military/prep school, we definitely had class on Friday. Teh German was off and I was stabbing him with my 5am eye daggers when I dramatically rolled myself out of the bed to go on a run and then get ready for work. He didn't hear any of that.. of course.School was school and work was work. I headed home to anxiously await Teh Advising Sister's arrival. She arrived about 20 minutes after I got home and we chilled at home for a little bit. Teh German had gotten some fillings done Friday afternoon, so he took a pass on going out with us.
We ended up downtown for dinner and drinks. It was my first official "wing woman" experience, and I think I could have done better, but for a first time, not so shabby.
At Co, we were seated at a community table (with bench seats (this is relevant)) and 2 guys sat down at the other end of the table. The one on my side kept sliding closer to me. About the time I was going to look over and ask if I could help him with something, he decided to introduce himself to us since we going to be dinner neighbors. It was only mildly awkward, but we managed. Eventually 2 others joined them and we were all introduced. We didn't speak to them other than the introductions, but they seemed nice enough. We had a debacle with the food and ending up sending our food back. It was disappointing in other ways when it came back out, but we were hungry and didn't care. We eventually paid our checks and headed out.
Since it was nice out, I decided our first stop would be Republic. There was a live band playing 90s/2000s alt rock which wasn't so bad, but wasn't really what we were looking for. We had a drink there and people watched.
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Who brings their dog out to a loud ass bar on a Friday night? Like, really. I love my dogs, but they don't deserve to have their ear drums busted by some cover band. |
When the dog people left, we took their seats on the couch to finish up our drinks. We chatted with the people across from us and my military radar went off when we sat down (based on some tattoos) and then they said they were visiting from VA Beach/Norfolk and I did a victory dance in my head. After we finished our drinks, we left Republic and walked down King Street to see what else was open/looked interesting. We bypassed the empty bars and the country western bar and the bar where there was a line of sorority sisters outside.
We finally ended up at Macintosh, which was a solid decision. We ended up getting seats at the end of the bar AND we realized we had accidentally stalked our dinner neighbors. It ended up working out though because one of them bought us shots of Grand Mariner. The only downside to running into them again was that they had a drunk friend with them and she was SLAAMMERED. She explained to us that we were the only 15 minutes of fun of her entire night and she was totally up for selfies with made me laugh.
Eventually, they left and there had been a guy sitting close who had ordered a burger and fries. Not that we were hungry, but they were truffle fries and they smelled delicious. After Drunkie left, Teh Advising Sister asked if his burger was good and he said yes and explained the special sauce they use and we both preached about how good the fries smelled. The waitress then asked us something weird and I didn't understand and I realized the burger guy had ordered us a side of the fries.
The fries were DELICIOUS, just as we expected. But we were stuffed from Co and couldn't come close to eating the entire dish of fries. Nonetheless, we thanked him and chatted with him for a bit before finally deciding that we were ready to head home.
Also, while we appreciated free drinks and food.. BOTH guys who gave us free stuff were married. I'm not an experienced wing woman, but I don't think that's how it's supposed to work. Nonetheless, we got some delicious fries and a shot.. so we aren't complaining.
After Macintosh, we HAD to make a pre-home stop at Callie's Hot Little Biscuit. #WORTHIT.
We were soooo full from all the drinks and food, but I explained that we HAD to have one warm biscuit, so Teh Advising Sister and I split a cinnamon biscuit and then it was bedtime.
We didn't have any plans on Saturday. I woke up early with a headache, not sure if it was alcohol or weather induced, so I happily let Teh German take care of the beasts. I got up to pee and medicate and went right back to bed.We didn't wake up until 1030 and both felt bad since we had company. We got up and Teh German made coffee for everyone, I headed up the biscuits for breakfast, and we worked out a plan for the afternoon. Teh Advising Sister had suggested doing a distillery tour, so I did some research and we figured out a game plan and we headed out. Teh German passed on this adventure to so he could go riding since it was super nice out.
We tried to start out at Striped Pig (where the Yelp Christmas parties are held) but when we arrived, there was a sign on the door that said they were closed because of the holiday. Slightly annoyed, we headed to High Wire Distilling after calling to confirm they were open.
We did the tour, which was actually super interesting, and then sat down for a flight. We sampled the vodka, gin, amaro, agricole (rum from sugar cane (vs molasses), and barrelled gin.
FYSI: High Wire Vodka is disgusting and no one should drink it. On the other hand, their barrelled gin and amaro made me happy and I also purchased a bottle of extra aged rum. They had found a barrel of rum that had been in the barrel for over 2 years. I'm pumped to try it.
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empties! |
After High Wire, we were hungry, but we wanted to check out a alcohol ice cream shop that Teh Advising Sister had found. They hadn't answered the phone when we called, but I checked online and hours I found on Google and Yelp said they were open, so we headed there anyways. Because of the way we took to get there, we were conveniently by Metto so we stopped in for an afternoon coffee. When we arrived at Hard Scoop Distillery, they were closed. At which point, we were done with the drinking and it was time for dinner. We agreed on Mexican, and then I just had to determine where to get Mexican from.
I decided on La Norteca and called Teh German to ask if he wanted to meet us there since he was in Mount Pleasant. He passed since he was going to Mexican for dinner later that evening with the Neighbor Bestie Husbands. This did not deter us from getting delicious mexican food.
After dinner, we stopped in to At Home to peruse.
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If this isn't an analogy of my life, I don't know what is. |
We had plans at 6 to go to a Passion Party and we were late because I got carried away. Oops. No worries, though, the party didn't start without us. FYI: I might be one of those overly sex-educated people. For instance, when the seller/host/whatever she's called asked when the first vibrator was used I said, "During Cleopatria's time when she would have a vial filled with bees and use it as a vibrator." That wasn't the correct answer. The correct answer (for an electric vibrator) was the 1900s. The next question was, "What was it used for?" I got that question right with, "To treat hysteria."
If anyone wants to be a sex-know-it-all like me, just come visit. If you use the downstairs bathroom, you should sign the guest book and then check out the pink book with a condom wrapper on the cover, titled, "SEX". Other reading materials include Emma by Jane Austin and some German book by Bastian Sick. I would advise you to choose wisely.
This is the 2nd passion party I've ever been to. If you are a passion party virgin, a passion party is a women-only party where a Mary Kay rep tells you that your sex life is sad and you need things (scented/flavored body products/lubes/numbing creams/etc) to make it better. And by Mary Kay I mean Pure Romance. Like most at-home "parties" were things are being sold, it's a pyramid scheme set up. I was a little underwhelmed by this host's planning since many of her toys were dying or dead, many things were out of stock. After the presentation of the all the body creams/lubes/etc and vibrators (some of which could probably unscrew the studs from your walls if you held it up to the area long enough), we received a brochure (with prices) in exchange for a card with our information on it. I was not tricked by this. Not even a little.
Of course, some gems from the catalog.
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Sleeping shirt: $89 Boyshirts w/ pockets: $79 Cami with fancy back and no built in bra: $79 Shorts: $69 Me: WWWWWTTTTTTFFFFF????? |
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This is the versatility page. Tighten your vaj, stretch your vag... /shiver PS. You can get a 10 pack of party condoms for $7 at Walmart. |
I ended up having a reaction to something that was sprayed on me. I did buy some things, and if I have a reaction to those things, I'll be calling up the host for my money back. Especially since all the lotions/lubes/etc were $20 a bottle. For all the sizes. 3 oz. 20 oz. $20.
Please note, I'm not blaming the hostess, I'm blaming the company. Some of the ladies in attendance were interested in some of the toys but after searching for the description of the items on Amazon, they realized that what Pure Romance was selling for $150+ was only $30 on Amazon (and free 2 day shipping). And that's how pyramid schemes work. :)
After the party ended, we headed over to Teh PT House to fetch husbands and hang out. We did smoke hookah, which we hadn't done in a while. Eventually, it was bedtime and we all headed home. We didn't go to bed immediately, but stayed up chatting for a bit and then it was bedtime.
Sunday morning, we planned on going to Holy City Brewing for brunch. I got up early and did 4.75 miles and then took the dogs on a jog around the block, to which Pax said, kthxfuckyou and we ended up walking the last quarter of the block because he was NOT having it. Meri was in her element pulling me along. Both dogs were sooooo quiet for the rest of the day. It took me less than 5 minutes to leash them up and jog them around the circle and it was probably one of the smartest decisions I'd made all month (last 30 days or ya know, for April, you choose).Teh PT Wife reminded me the night before that I had also committed us to going to Teh PT Husband's parents for Easter lunch, so Teh German agreed to split something with me so we would be able to eat again at 2.
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Lemon-lime soda, Bellini, beer. |
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Easter Eggs for an appetizer!!!! Deviled eggs with pimento cheese, ground mustard, and pork rinds. It was ahhmazing. |
Teh German and I split the chicken and waffle and Teh Advising Sister got Fish and Grits. Teh Advising Sister was leaving Charleston from brunch, so Teh German and I had taken the bikes. It was a great ride. ~70°F is my optimum riding temp.
We went home after brunch to skype/facetime with the Germans. We were late to Easter dinner, but everyone understood and I had told them when I knew we were going to be late not to wait on us. We were only 30 minutes late, but considering when the chats started, we were ok with that.
Teh Italian Yankee Mom outdid herself with lunch. There was salad, lasagna, ham, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and there was also green beans with pinto beans and rice and pork. It was like Southern food met Italian food and made babies. Everything was delicious. THEN there were no less than 5 options for dessert. It wasn't even a discussion between Teh German and I, we knew we wouldn't be eating dinner later.
I was a spoil sport and had to leave "early" so I could accomplish my homework. It was just as depressing as you can imagine. Conveniently, Teh German arrived home right as I finished my homework. We were able to squeeze in 2 episodes of Vikings and I'm sad that Floki is being Loki-ish, which isn't really surprising, but we'll see what happens.
Then it was time for bedtime chores and sleepy time.
Overall, a great weekend. I'm excited for Teh Advising Sister to close on her house so we can come and visit Raleigh! We discussed all kinds of house things. It was also fun to go out downtown since that's not something I normally do. It was an awesome visit!Homework is kind of in a lull right now because we're in that "it's almost the end of the semester" period where we start prepping for finals and we're taking tests if we have any more before our final exam. I did some more thinking about my summer class dilemma and I think I'm going to take Calc 2 this summer and leave Chem 2 and the lab for next summer.. maybe even at a different school if it's offered? IDK. I did finally come to the conclusion that I probably will not be able to handle a class I hate, Chemistry, a lab for said class, AND a difficult computer science class in a single month AND do well.
PS. When I told Papa G that I was getting 1's and 2's (A's and B's) in school he was proud and that made me happy that I make the effort to get A's and B's. Last semester I was satisfied with passing because wedding and first semester and new things.. but this semester the bar has been raised because those reasons are no longer applicable.
This week includes:
-Local elections tomorrow
-Bio Test which is probably not going to go well.
-New cleaners will come to give a new estimate.
-Saturday is the Bridge Run. I might actually be ready if I can get my ass out of the bed either Tues or Weds morning for a run.
23 days until no more Spring 2018 semester classes!
28 days until my last exam is over!
45 days until the honeymoon adventure begins!
(Oh fuck, maybe I should book the Sydney lodging!)
It's official, I need to make me some deviled eggs. I really thought about it over the weekend but then got lazy. However, you're the second person I've seen post pictures of them & as it would turn out, I still really want them.
ReplyDeleteI wish more guys, although not so much the taken kind, would buy me food at a bar. Drinks are nice & all but I'd much prefer a side of fries lol. You want me to like you, buy me food.