Monday, July 2, 2018

Weekend Review {7/2}


I went into the office Friday morning, despite having a 1000 appointment near the house.  NBD.

My 1000 appt was to get my hairs did.  I made sure to schedule my next appointment later because work is a thing.  I actually got to do work on Friday, which made my day.

After my hairs was did, I headed home to wait on Teh German to get off work.  When he came home, we agreed to go to Smoky Oak Taproom for some deeeeeelicious bbq.  Originally, I needed to make a trip downtown to scope out where I needed to go for my College of Charleston class, but after looking it up, I was able to GPS it without issue AND there is a parking garage nearby, so anxiety mitigated.  I would have looked it up sooner, but I had a brain fart and couldn't remember where to look up the location of the class on the website.

Since we didn't have to go downtown, I asked Teh German if he still wanted to go all the way to Smokey Oak and he said yes.  We invited the Neighbor Besties and Teh AF Maintainer and Teh Dental Hygienist said yes.  They met us there around 6:45.  Our waitress was super nice and the food was, expectedly, delicious.

After dinner, we headed back home.  After changing into stretchy (waist) pants, we all headed over to Teh PT House for hanging out.  We finally tried the kangaroo jerky I had picked up in Australia.  It wasn't my jam, but I don't really like jerky in generally.  Sadly, the bag was not resealable, wttttffff.

Eventually, it was time to go home for bed.


Saturday was kind of a lazy day.  I got up with the dogs and started playing with Teh Dental Hygienist's Cricut.  I hit a roadblock when I didn't have the transfer paper to get my vinyl sticker from the paper to the water bottle.  Ugh.  Then I realized I could have created a design on my computer, with better fonts, and set to Photoshop to create something.  Then, as I was trying to get the Cricut to connect with the computer, Teh Neighbor Besties peer pressured me into going out shopping with them.


I am a sucker, so I did.  I picked up a few (3) pairs of linen pants from NY&Co, more globe decor at Hobby Lobby, laundry detergent at Ollie's, and some groceries at Bi-Lo.  The pants need to be hemmed, but I am SUPER pumped about linen pants.  Especially with these hot flashes.

This doesn't mean anything in real life, but in the Yelp world, I have checked into a lot of places in this area and I am the Dutchess of the most locations to be the Baroness of the area.
I consider it a win.

When we got home after 4:30, Teh German was still in his seat on the couch.  He had at least gotten up to eat lunch and do the dishes.  I put everything away and we watched an episode of Man in the High Castle while I was trying to troubleshoot the Cricut problem.

After a chat with tech support for 45 minutes, where someone in India remote connected to my computer, moved my taskbar from the right to the bottom of my screen, changed the time and date on my computer to Oct 2017, and was finally able to install a legacy program for the Cricut I was using, I realized that I could NOT load a self-created image into the program and print it.  Thus, leading me to a dead end.... and Amazon.

Soooooo, I bought myself a Cricut so that way I can create whatever I want and have a machine to cut it.  Soooo if you're looking for some vinyl stickers, I got you.  I appreciate donations for materials and startup costs.  It will be delivered by the time I get home today.  WOOT.

After that debacle, I packed up Teh Dental Hygienst's Cricut to deliver back to her and sat with Teh German and watched a few more episodes.  We finally headed to bed around 11:30.


Sunday, Teh German was on dog duty, but we woke up around 8:30 and rolled out of the bed by 9 to head to the Charleston Deli for deeeeeelicious brunch.  We'd been planning on going all week, so I was ready.  I mixed it up and got a BLT with egg and avocado instead of my regular biscuit.  It was not a poor life choice.

After breakfast, we headed to Work so Teh German could measure the planter boxes that Twin Dad had built.  Teh German had volunteered to raise the bottom of the boxes so we wouldn't need filler materials.  I told Teh German I'd go with him to Lowe's while he got the materials we needed for the project, so we headed to Lowe's after getting the measurements.  While Teh German waited on the boards to be cut, I went to look at open box specials and found a corner cabinet for the laundry room for $75.  Well tyvm, yes, yes I will.

We loaded all the stuff and checked out and headed home.  When we got home, Teh German and I carried the cabinet upstairs and Teh German then headed back to Work so he could go ahead and do the planter box project since we didn't have anything else planned.  While he was out, I did laundry and cut up a watermelon and was lazy until Teh PT Wife invited/announced that she was going to the pool.

Watermelon, ice, and a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Of course, as I was leaving, Teh German arrived home.  He turned down my invitation to go to the pool.  After I got home from the pool,  I showered, did more laundry, and went back downstairs to make meatloaf.  While the meatloaf was cooking, I ate leftovers for dinner.  After playing with the dogs, I sat down to draft this bad boy up.

After getting it all down, I tried to interact with Teh German, which was difficult.  By 8, I was pissed off enough to do my bedtime routine, take care of chores, and go to bed early.  Teh German followed me and we finally ended up talking out some issues we've been dealing with.  Then it was finally sleepy time.


Glad we finally sorted through some issues.  Neither of us do well being out of sync, so I'm glad we righted the #BestTeam4Ever around.  It was also a good lazy weekend and a solid last weekend before school starts back.

Wish me luck, my summer classes start on July 5th.  I'll be taking Calculus 2 and Data Structures and Algorithms (a computer science course).  Both of these classes are said to be 2 of the hardest classes of my CS major, so wouldn't it make sense for me to do them 1) at the same time, 2) during a compressed schedule?  Of course.  This is my life.

-This afternoon I'll get my results back from my blood work.  Hopefully, providing my doc with a clue as to what is causing my hot flashes.
-Wednesday is Treason/Independence Day.  No works, no schools.  Teh German has requested that we go to the neighborhood bbq sponsored by our HOA at noon, and I grumbled but said yes after Roux's Humom said she would be an accomplice in misery.  I expect it will be a mabillionty degrees and that there will be a mabillionty loose children running around and screaming.  Positive Patty, reporting for duty!
-Thurs is skool with all the cool kids who take classes during the summer.
-Saturday is when I get to use my $20 in rewards and pick up my new pair of Birks (do the cool kids call Birkenstocks, Birks?  Just me?  Oh well).

In case you were worried, only THREE weeks until Teh Running Bestie and I are in cahoots again.  This time we're headed to Chicaggggooo for the Rock n Roll 5k and 10k.  We're meeting Teh Kiawah Running Friend there.  We haven't started geeking out yet, but I'm sure the time will come.

Only 3 more months of hell temps to go!
Lawd have mercy on my hot flash, southern heated heart.

1 comment:

  1. -I really need some linen pants.

    -Got a watermelon shake at Cookout last night...yum!

    -Good luck with summer school!

    -Some friends have decided to forgo fireworks and do sparklers and smores at their house, and I feel good about that choice after your kid comments :-p Because yes, those events are totally so children can run around like crazy and tire themselves out.


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