EINS - Random Shit
-I didn't do my standard millionty hours of homework last weekend, so all week I've felt like I'm behind. I'm not, but because I was caught up but not ahead, I was out of sorts. Despite plans this weekend, I'm going to sit down and power through a few hours of German so I don't have to do it during the week and I can focus on homework for my other classes. I also have a question about my Circuits homework, which should be simple enough to get answered, then I can take care of that assignment too. I've mostly stopped caring about my Cybersecurity class after an assignment wasted hours of my time and then we had to go back through all the same steps and apply "fixes" to the issues that we'd "discovered" in the first round, rather than just applying fixes at the time of discovery. Wasting my time makes me stabby because my time is precious. My Network class doesn't currently have any assignments and my Algorithms homework is already complete.-Humor me, why don't I earn travel rewards when I'm charged for my annual renewal fee for my miles credit card? #RUDE
-Teh German's big boss (BB) in Germany is probably my least favorite person ever. Mostly because he stressed out Teh German, which causes stress in MY life, which is unnecessary. All week long Teh German was supposed to have his annual performance review with BB. All week long the meeting has been delayed. I not only find this incredibly unprofessional (once is fine, but rescheduling more than twice? NOPE.), but also extremely disrespectful. I'm aware that Teh German isn't the highest level of importance to BB, but still.
The problem for me is that this is consistent behavior. Almost every meeting has to be rescheduled at least once, which I greatly disapprove of.
-Speaking of annual reviews.. Had mine. The shitty shit from last summer with the PM Who Shall Not Be Named who wrote me up has been handled and did not affect my performance review. *praise hands* We've all agreed to never speak of or think of that individual ever again. Since I have been chomping at the bit about it anddd I was in his office, I brought up the study abroad issue to my boss. We have just decided to embrace the challenge that I am in all regards. I had fully expected him to say that I was asking for too much and it probably wouldn't happen and it wasn't worth the hassle of discussing it with corporate, but he seemed to be willing to advocate for me. #WIN. It probably helps that his daughter is currently on a study abroad in London. #ThanksBae.
I applied for 2 scholarships, one that I am ineligible for, grrr. I should find out around spring break time if I received anything or not. That said, as long as Company says it's ok, I'm going with or without the scholarship. Teh German and I discussed it and we both agreed that the money was there and the opportunity was there and it was something I always wanted to do, so I should do it. Even if it means being apart for a month and missing out on some super awesome racecations with Matilda and Teh Running Bestie and the associated awesome medals (there's always next year).
-I ordered my class ring!!! They will arrive in April for trying on/sizing purposes. They will be distributed in October. I have RSVPed to the ring presentation ceremony. I'm more excited than I thought I would be. I never purchased my NC State class ring, because I never wore my HS class ring that Teh Mom bought me, though I do still have it. Teh German was the one to encourage me to get my Citadel ring... and to think about purchasing my NC State ring. The NC State ring is still under review, but Citadel ring = ordered.
I've always been more of a diploma frame fan. It was the one thing I wanted as a graduation gift after I graduated from NC State, and the money I received as graduation gifts, sadly, had to be put towards living expenses since I was unemployed and eating was more important than a diploma frame for a diploma I didn't even have, or have a place to even hang the frame.... *shrug*
Spoiler Alert: I did eventually buy my diploma frame after I got my you-joined-the-navy bonus dollas.. and my DSLR camera. Both items were totally worth it. I still often gaze upon my diploma frame with great joy.. and I still lurve my DSLR camera, although I have thought of replacing the camera recently for a more upgraded version.
I am super pumped because The Citadel gives out HUGE diplomas, which means a HUGE frame. I've been scoping them out at the bookstore every time I go there for any reason. #NOTSORRY
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Coming: October 2019. |
-My massage lady at Teh Chiro's office gave me a 150 minute massage on Monday (that would be 3 50 minute sessions, aka 3 "1 hour" massages). I had scheduled a 2 hour massage because I knew that I'd be torn up from my half and since no one made the 1100 appointment, she just continued working on me because I was really, really torn up. She was digging out knots all over my entire body. To the point that on Tuesday and Wednesday, I was sore to the touch. I would barely brush my thigh and I'd want to have an outburst. I love her.
-I finally broke down and ordered White Fragility and 2 other books on race from Amazon. My library still doesn't have it, and it's not long enough for an Audible credit.
-While teleworking on Friday, I used my phone as a wifi hotspot. It's the first time I've ever purposely used my phone as a hotspot. There was one time I accidentally tried it, back in 2009 (not 2012, thank you), when I didn't realize what that meant and Verizon charged $25 to connect as as hotspot... Yeah I called them immediately to correct that issue.
-People that know about my 2012 situation will find this story amusing. Teh German and I had been discussing something about 2019 things and then this happened.
Me: It's like we're not in 2012 or something.
Teh German: You mean 2019?
Me: Did I say 2012?
Teh German: Yep.
Me: Well, you knew what I meant. You people always know when I say 2012, I usually mean the current year.
Teh German: Yeah, we know....
Me: Sometimes you gotta work to be my person.
-I bought a new sports bra from VS last weekend and I'm afraid to try it. Also, I've not had an opportunity to try it out, so there's that as well. But.. what if I chafe?! That's serious.
ZWEI - Money Shit
-Cash dollas for massage tip-Billz Billz Billz
-Audible subscription (when that goes back up to $15, I'm going to cancel for a while to get caught up on the backlog)
-Car wash subscription
-Chase credit card annual membership fee, which I think is shit, but it's the only way to have a miles rewards credit card. Yes, I could just use my debit card, butttt I've earned enough points with this card to be able to take 2 racecations, soooo I guess $95 isn't that much in the end, but principle!
-Birthday things (Teh German accidentally left his wallet at home, NBD)- brunch, parking, photobooth.
-Walmart order x2
-Lunch after forgetting it at the office 2x this week.
-Birfday cake for Saturday's celebration.
DREI - From My Phone Shit
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Monday-do-not-talk-to-me-about-football face. I even put in earbuds and I was the only one in the office. Still the first person who came in asked me if I watched the game. I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. |
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What kind of bird sticks to sweaters? Vel-crow. |
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How is Magic even still a thing? |
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Dean's List, 3 semesters strong (aka, all my semesters at The Citadel). |
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We had a visitor last night. When I let the dogs back in, he was awol. I cannot be certain one of the dogs didn't eat him... |
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Honestly, this solution worked better than I anticipated and I am pleased with my life choices. |
VIER - From the Internet Shit
FÜNF - Things that made me happy this week
- Mickey birthday ears.
- Bagheera days. Even if it means no hoodies.
- Accomplishing my coding homework in a timely, mostly painless manner.
- Planning for potential flights to Germany.... Stay tuned, Auntie P.. I may be coming to see you soon!!!! :D
- Outlander book 90million987. Or book 7, or maybe it's book 8. IDK, I can't keep up with it, but it's the last one that I have to listen to and I do love the narrator.
- Looking up half marathons in Germany that give out participation medals.
- Being able to wade through most of the German websites (meaning websites were written in German) to determine if they actually gave out participation medals.
- Fun bandaid designs.
- Double Stuf Oreos with milk. Seriously, this package I bought is ON POINT and when I dunk the cookies in milk, they get perfectly soggy. SO MUCH JOY IN MY MOUTH.
- Friends who identify and agree with my ragey FB posts.
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
Hell yeah Dean's List!