EINS - Random Shit
-After the hurricane in 2018 where Charleston was supposed to get slammed, but my phone said that it wasn't even going to rain, I started to believe whatever weather service Google uses over every other service. Google weather services (to mean, whatever service Google syndicates) was the only accurate prediction the entire time, despite our disbelief. Teh PT Husband also has a Pixel phone and when our phones said it would rain, it did. When it said it wouldn't rain, it didn't.All that to say that I rode Bagheera into work today since I'm about to not have the opportunity for a month and a half and I haven't been able to ride this semester because cold, then the motorcycle parking area off campus was torn up, so I didn't have anywhere to park, and also the pollen storm for the entire month of March ensure that I kept my outside time to a minimum.
-I have a neck rash... again. In the exact same storm of circumstances that happened last time I got the rash (a week after getting my hairs did + insane amounts of stress), I can't determine what is causing the rash. I feel that it's stress.. but who knows. And by rash, I'm confident I mean shingles. These bumps linger for over a week and itch like crazy but it hurts to scratch them. I would think that if it was caused by my hair color, my entire scalp would be covered in the rash, but it's only the back of my neck and upper back.
-WE BEAT THE CAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If this GoT burn doesn't bring you joy, IDK what will. |
I try to keep myself in check on Facebook because I don't want the Caps fans friends to feel like I'm rubbing it in their face, but here it's game.fucking.on.
WE WON! WE FUCKING WON! We won against the Stanley Cup Champs! AND WE FUCKING DESERVED IT. We worked our asses off for that win and it didn't even feel like the Caps wanted to win. The feeling was not the same as when we watched the 2018 playoffs when they wanted it. Nonetheless, anytime Lovechkin (Ovechkin) was in front of the goal, I was quivering in my boots.
-More in hockey related things...
I bought myself a Canes jersey when the playoffs started, then I "vaguebooked" about purchasing a surprise for Teh German last week... just in case. Well, the surprise was a Caps jersey for him. Because I did 2 separate orders, ordering his as an after thought since a 20% off code for NHL.com was an enabler, I addressed his package to him. Then I pulled some Teh German shit, tracking the shit out of the packages all freakin' week long. Initially, my jersey was set to arrive April 29 and Teh German's was supposed to arrive April 27. They ended up both arriving on April 23, which was awesome because it meant we had them in time for game 7. BUTTTT, since I had put his name on his package and he saw the return address said NHL.com, he opened that bitch before I even got home. I did at least get several heart eye emojis when he sent me the photo of his new jersey. He was legit surprised, so it was fine.
Anyways, the gif above is extra applicable because I couldn't decide on a player to put on my jersey, so I went with Stormy the mascot. I considered Caroline, the female mascot, but no one really knows who she is, so I went with Stormy.
-This week I finally determined what my enough was in regards to school effort. I half assed a coding assignment and accepted the 72 on it and BSed through the required assessment report. I didn't answer some of the questions on some of my Networks homework because I didn't understand what was happening. I looked the answer up, but didn't understand what I was seeing, so rather than BS it, I just didn't do it.
-Final exam schedule looked/s like this:
Weds @ 1300: German
Thurs @ 1300: Data Algorithms
Thurs @ 1715: Digital Systems Engineering
Sat @ 1300: Networks
(there is no exam for my cyber security class)
What this means was that game 7 was really inconvenient since I really needed to study since my Thursday exams were for my 2 most difficult classes. I sacrificed sleep to stay awake and study, after I sacrificed my time on Wednesday evening to watch hockey (through TWO overtimes, which was super inconvenient, of course).
Besides hockey and school, this week has been rather uneventful.
-I almost lost my shit more than once over Cadets haggling teachers for extra credit points or curves on grades, or anything to that effect. Look here you little fuckers, do your fucking work when it's assigned. Do it well. Then you don't need to haggle for points and curves at the end of the semester. Also, it's very unprofessional, IMO, especially of students who "embody" honor and military bearing and professionalism.
-I switched from Verizon to Google Fi this week. It was a pain in the dick to set up because of operator error. When I was putting in my info, I typoed the zipcode and when I went to delete it, I accidentally hit submit. After requesting a callback no less than 5 times from Fi support, I finally found a fucking number and called them. It didn't work. I finally opened a chat and the rep cancelled the port and we re-initiated it and got everything set up properly and it took 15 minute to work properly. After an hour of struggle. So we'll see how this works for Germany. Apparently calls are $0.20 PER MINUTE unless I'm on wifi.. so I guess I won't be doing a lot of that. This would have been the same had I stayed on Verizon, so I'm going to compare the service for a few months and see if I want to stick with Google Fi (since I'm on wifi 90% of my life) or go back to Verizon.
ZWEI - Money Shit
-Flights from Stuttgart to Venice. It was faster and about the same price as taking the train.-Commonhouse shirts to be reppin'
-Woot shirt w/ Daria #NOTSORRY
-New conch earring
-The most disgusting alcoholic beverage during the Stingrays game.
-Meri's grooming w/ a solid tip because after I called they pulled her in right away.
-Saturday "snack" at Boxcar Betty's with Teh PT Wife, pre-shopping
-Tommy Hilfiger polos and Apple Jacks for Teh German Runner
-Coldstone with Teh PT Wife, because we were right there. PS. The blueberry muffin ice cream is on.fucking.point
-Dog food to sent to MD for the beasts vacation
-A book for Nephew J. It's got elementary english words and it says them outloud! I can't remember who suggested it, but I love them.
-Lotion for Mama J
-Motorcycle kickstand pad so I can park on the grass/gravel.
-Hairs did.
DREI - From My Phone Shit
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Proof. |
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91°FUCKING degrees. I'm already over summer. |
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Hockey > Studying for final exams. |
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My face Thursday after completing my 2nd exam of the day. |
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HALLLLLOOO DEUTSCHLAND!!! I'm coming at you with all my hoodies! |
VIER - From the Internet Shit
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She is learning to be content, right here, where she is. -MHN |
FÜNF - Things that made me happy this week
- Literally, the end is near. So near, I downloaded an app and put a countdown to graduation on my phone. 371 days, 12 hours.
- Embodying the stressless life. I mean, the neck rash say that is a lie, but I didn't lose my shit or go crazy or have a meltdown due to the stress, so I'm calling it a wash.
- Allowing myself to NOT do my best on my last assignments.
- CAROLINA HURRICANES advancing to round 2 of the playsoffs!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!
- Being at work all day on Friday. Not splitting my time and having to be all over Charleston is so relaxing.
- Being invited to work meetings for documentation things. Crazy, right?
- Riding Bagheera into work. Fuck the prediction of rain.
- Our gathering this weekend. Unless Teh German has a meltdown beforehand. Then less so.
- Blue hair, don't curr. This is a cop out, but for real, my crazy hair bring me joy. Even if it might be giving me a neck rash.
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
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