On Friday, when it hit me that I'd no longer have a .mil account, for the first time since 2008.. I was kinda shell shocked. There's some BIG BIG changes going down in my/our world and it's very slowly starting to hit me and this was one of the first real acknowledgments that things are gonna change and then there were FEELINGS. Ugh.
Many of you noticed in the last few months that I was dealing with some work strife. After finishing school, I had planned to move on to a technical position with the same company that I had worked with since getting out of the Navy, but they didn't want to move me and I was beyond frustrated with additional tasking I had been given that was not anything related to technical writing... so in a fit of rage, I started applying for jobs.
Civilian jobs, government jobs. Jobs in South Carolina (SC) and Colorado (CO) and Washington DC and Maryland (MD). Intel jobs and computer science jobs and I was even open to some tech writer jobs under certain conditions. COUNTLESS applications put in and resumes sent out. A handful of recruiter calls and possibilities. A handful of phone and video interviews. Numerous rejections, 3 selections, 2 opportunities turned down (despite the higher salaries of both), and ultimately, 1 acceptance.
At the very beginning of July, a perfect opportunity presented itself and I was notified that I landed the job within 2 hours of finishing the interview. But then I had to wait half my life (approximately) for my background check to clear (because COVID + government + reinvestigation) and that gave me too much time to second guess and third guess and thirty-third guess my choices.
I hemmed and hawed and you probably already knew this, but Teh German is the real MVP here. He dealt with my #MeganProblems for a month and a half. He listened to me play devil's advocate with myself about what the best decision was and watched as I continued to apply for other jobs "just in case" (aka, Megan is ridiculous). And let's be honest... Without Teh German, I wouldn't be where I am today. He was my #1 cheerleader through school and when I asked him if he was reeeeeeaaaalllllyyy ok with moving to MD so I could take a technical job (aka use my computer science degree), he said yes (even if he was moderately hesitant).
For him, moving to MD wasn't in the plans. We had already decided our next move was to CO. But there were no jobs for me in CO and Teh German was well-aware just how unhappy I was with (now) Former Company. He'd listened to the rants and seen the tears and ragey FB posts. When the Dept of Justice (DOJ) finally notified me that I was cleared for "duty", I didn't immediately know what to do. I knew what I WANTED to do, but I also knew that there were some other opportunities on the table that maybe should be considered... but most importantly, I wanted to sit down with Teh German and give him ONE LAST opportunity to say, "Yeah, let's not move from SC unless it's to CO." This was a valid option because I had a contact at NIWC in Charleston that wanted to bring me on, but it was a matter of time.
For Teh German, moving means finding and starting a new job 8 months after he just started his current job. The job that we had to hire a lawyer to mitigate not getting sued by his German company. The job he likes. It means moving away from the only place he's ever lived in America, his comfort zone, if you will.
For both of us, it means leaving the GLCK and our SC Framily and nothing breaks my heart more, as we are sooo fortunate to have found such great people who live on our street and love us for all our weirdness.
Teh German said...
"Do it, babe. This is what you worked for. You tried to get a job with [Former Company] and they wouldn't take you, so if this is what you want... DO IT. I support you."
^^The real MVP, yall.
And I said yes to the final offer and then had so much anxiety!
We obviously hadn't planned on moving in the next 2 years, much less 6 months. I had planned Charleston runs through 2021. Our tickets to Barbados in October leave from Charleston. I had been with Former Company for 5.5 years and I am loyal AF. I mean, they dealt with 3 years of me going to school full-time and working full-time. They let me telework from Germany so I could study abroad. They let me telework after my hip surgery. We drank in the office. I had it made. But I was soooo unhappy these last 3 months that it was unbearable and that made the decision easier.
So.. today was my first day at DOJ. On Saturday, I drove up to MD to stay with Teh Bestie and Teh Chief Smartass. We hung out over the weekend and today I was able to take the Metro into DC to get to the office to pick up my equipment and get my ID card.
Since most things government related are still at max telework, I'll be headed back to SC this week. By the end of this week, I'll be calling the realtor to start the process of getting the house ready to put on the market. In a fortunate turn of events, Teh German accepted a new job in MD within the last week which is also operating at max teleworking.... which means 2 things... 1- We'll both be working from home for the foreseeable future, 2- There isn't a pants on fire rush to complete a move.
Our current plan is to put the house on the market and live in it while it's under contract until we have to leave. At which point, we'll move into Teh Chief Smartass/Teh Bestie's basement. During the under contract/basement dweller time, we will be house hunting in MD and hopefully this less stressful situation will give us the ability to be more selective with the house we ultimately buy.
So yeah.. that's the full rundown of the current situation.
Teh Ville is relocating and hopefully we'll be unpacking Teh Ville 3.0 (shitty house, Charleston house, MD house) by Christmas.
But also... new ID photo yall.
I wasn't allowed to show teeth. The first photo had 6 chins and I wasn't even looking at the camera, so we had a redo to get this gem. The other lady that was onboarding with me today said we looked like the daughter's of Trump because we are ORANGE, I mean check out how white my neck is... Could that lighting be any worse? Also, my shiny face is from sweating incessantly because of walking around and wearing non-breathable clothing and a MASK.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
Five on Friday #239
EINS - Random Shit
I ordered a 24 pack of Carnation Instant Breakfast shakes in cookies and cream and wild berry flavors. I knew that the cookies and cream was delicious, so I wasn't worried about that.. but I hadn't ever tried the wild berry version... and I have now.. and I have regrets about buying 24 of them...
They are way too sweet... and that's coming from me, so that's HUGE.
I'm a HUGE fan of some foods as leftovers because when they settle they are even better... This week's awesome leftovers were:
-baked (like actually baked in the oven wrapped in tinfoil after being coated in bacon grease and salt) potatoes topped with bbq (thanks to Teh PT Husband).
-beef stroganoff
I purposely didn't bathe the dogs this week because I won't be here for several days to enjoy clean dogs. I am not sorry. /shrug
But for real, my hands stink SO BAD after petting Sandy, especially around her ears/face because of when she licks whatever she's laying on, then lays on it. She really needs a bath the most. And the other dogs are starting to be smelly because they also lay on her licked spots.. UGH. So next week's goal: bathe all dogs and dog beds and bed covers, UGGGHHHH.. it's the worst. Just trust me.
On Wednesday, I finally tossed my hand-dandy notebook I've been using since 100% teleworking became a thing. From work to-do's, to interview notes, to personal to-do lists, it was all there. It was a notebook I hated (for several reasons) that I got while I was in GTMO, so I was trying to use it up. There were 3 blank pages left and I finally decided that was enough.
And then a few hours later, I had to go fetch it out of the trashcan to reference an interview I'd done.
Because, of course.
I had to go fetch the notebook because I was offered a job with DISA and I couldn't remember the specifics of the job. The job would have paid a LOT more than the DOJ job, but it wouldn't have been technical (like I want). It was located in Ft Meade, so still would have required moving. It would have combined my intel experience + computer science things, but not in the ways I really wanted. The interviewers had seemed liked they wouldn't be so bad to work for, but I just wasn't sold...
And so, I turned it down on Thursday morning, after discussing it with Teh German and sleeping on it.
+dog walks.
Wednesday: (holy fuck)
Look, if you're a normal person that doesn't shit talk the leaders of video workouts, good on you.. I am not that person. Once I get tired, the shit talking starts and I'm pretty confident that pissed off Teh German.. but well, I'm fucking miserable and I'm not hurting anyone with my shit talking, soooo I shall continue to do so.
We were both dripping after this workout. It was BRUTAL. Also, my shoulders were sore before the end of the day and the chiro couldn't get my neck/back to pop like normal because of the abuse.
+dog walks.
Friday: (why is it so fucking hot at 0530? To the point that it is difficult to breathe.)
+dog walks.
For no reason other than to challenge my own domestic skills, I sometimes repair dog toys. This involves a needle and "thread" (I use dental floss instead of actual thread since dental floss is stronger than thread and is technically "safe" to eat).
This session, I "fixed" the rocket pop and amputated a bunny leg.
My laptop has been sitting at the Geek Squad Service Center since the 20th and ZERO diagnoses have been made. I'm trying to be cool about it, but I am not cool. I need to know if I'm replacing it or it's getting repaired, how fucking hard is this? This wouldn't even be an issue if the box had been sent to me in May when I originally requested one.
I've been satisfied enough with the Best Buy warranty up to this point, despite the pain of last summer and having to send the laptop back 3 times for all repairs to be correctly completed... but this is horrible and I don't understand blaming this situation on COVID.
I dropped it off on the Aug 8th. It arrived on Aug 20th.
FUCKING LOOK AT IT so I can move on with my life.
I'm gonna be honest, I was rather disappointed that my PM (aka boss) didn't come to my going away gathering. Not sure if he's social distancing or what, but either way, I was disappointed. I did appreciate the few people that did make the effort to come out though.
And I got my motherfuckin' fried Oreos! I ordered them as soon as I got there and ate them before everyone had even arrived because #NoFucksGiven.
My WoW subscription is on a monthly renewal plan and it was set to renew tonight at 8:48pm. I just cancelled it as I've been playing less and less since I don't have a laptop to play on AND I'm about to go out of town without a laptop and won't be playing anyways. Also, I have no idea what the new job holds, so I figured I'd cut the string. It was good summer/end of school entertainment while it lasted, but I was already getting bored, so it's better to cut the string now than sinking even more time into it.
ZWEI - Money Shit
-Groceries-Awkward Yeti sticker pack... I told myself no, but I've done this multiple times and I figured I'd finally just bite the damn bullet... after I found a coupon code that actually worked.
-Desk decoration to self-celebrate new job.
-Toothbrush heads
-Razor heads
-Stuff for the cleaner (magic erasers, swiffer dusters)
There were actual fraudulent charges on my credit card that I noticed when I was making this list... so I had to call Chase and report it. So annoyed. I hate people who do this shit. It grieves me in my soul that people just STEAL.
DREI - From My Phone Shit
I should really just rename this section: pictures of my dogs. /shrug
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Monkey-Doodle naps warm my wine chilling heart. |
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Check out Pax's thicc ass thunder thighs. |
Pax sleeping, a series:
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When you go to get leftovers and there's only 2 bites in the bowl.... /rage. |
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Friday office situation. |
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Lawdy this Doodlebug melts my heart when she does this... and so many other things. |
VIER - From the Internet Shit
Hurricane Laura is so destructive and bad for America, Donald is trying to get it to speak at the #RNC tonight. #HurricaneLaura2020— NastyWomanLizStewart (@LizStewartComic) August 27, 2020
Teh Bestie highly recommends this video: Celebrating 100 Years of Women Equality. It's an hour and a half long, and I will be listening to it on my drive up to MD tomorrow, but I trust her, so I'm putting it here for you.
The other day on Amazon, I was clicking around and there was a strange merman ornament listed as a suggested item I might be interested in. Do I know why? Absolutely not. Did I click on it? Yes, because I was confused why a merman was wearing a belt. So I'm checking out this ornament and in the "people also purchased" section was MORE mermen, aptly named "Pet The Puss" and "Flaming Oh!".
I could not help myself. I just kept clicking. I clicked on the company name: December Diamonds and was taken to SEVEN(ish) PAGES of mermen, fairies, mermaids, and other etc ornaments/figurines + some ads thrown in. I think what really got me was the names of the figurines/ornaments.
Some of my favorites, in no particular order:
I'm going to assume "Cock Daddy" was not allowed. |
You are welcome, Gentle Readers, you are fucking welcome.
FÃœNF - Things that made me happy this week
- 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 more days.
- Another job offer... even if I ultimately turned it down.
- Lint balls from jean strings.
- Motherfuckin' sexy mermen hilarity.
- Going away gathering.
- Teh German accepting a MD job offer this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- My phone being filled with cute dogs photos. #NotSorry
- Counting down to #Megney time!!!!! (that would be Teh Megan + Teh Bestie).
- People being excited for us.
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Weekend Review {8/24}
It was a miserable workout since it was just about to start raining when we started.. Then it started raining as we were doing our 400m laps. See also: reasons I can't fucking breathe: 100% humidity. Oh and the rain did NOT bring the temp down. It just got wet and more miserable. I did hard mode for my workout and, since it was raining, the dogs didn't get walks, but they were appeased with bully sticks instead. /praisehands.After a shower, it was time for productive things.. which mostly meant me sitting at the computer doing random work things. I did my last tech writer task, which was bittersweet.
After work, it was couch time.
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He was eating his foot/scratching his face. Mostly I was worried I was going to get stabbed in the eye with a paw. |
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This cutey-patooty. <3 |
We had a Friday evening argument, leftovers for dinner, and watched Community until bedtime.
Teh German got up with the beasts on Saturday morning, while I stayed in the bed and scrolled and drifted in/out of sleep. I did eventually get up and put on clothes and went out to pick up the grocery order and the few items that weren't from Sam's, Octoberfest beer for Teh German, Halloween Oreos for myself. #YOLOWhen I got home, we discussed the afternoon plans. We had dinner reservations at Myles and Jun Yakitori with Twin Mom and Dad and another coworker and his wife at 6 and we were originally supposed to go to a gathering at one of Teh German's coworkers, but that ended up being cancelled because of the weather, which actually worked out...
Because around 1230ish, Teh German got a call asking if he could bring our trailer to fetch a crashed motorcycle. It was a very bad situation, the rider was taken away in an ambulance and had several surgeries within 12 hours of being at the hospital. And here's how/why this applies to me. This person was riding with a group that I've ridden with before. A group that I wasn't overly comfortable with because of how fast they'd go or stupid stunts they'd do. This accident validated the way I feel about riding with certain groups and how vehemently opposed I am, the majority of the time.
That said, I'm also ~10 years older than the person that went down and I'm not shy about when I'm uncomfortable. I've straight up said, "If this shit keeps happening, I will go home." This person's inexperience, coupled with the pressure to ride at a higher level than their actual skill level, plus a bike that was too powerful/large for them made it a recipe for disaster and... to be completely honest, I was part of a large group of people that expected something like this to eventually happen, and that feels horrible and is completely unfair to the individual that went down, but is true, since they refused any guidance about the situation.
While Teh German was being a tow truck, I played WoW.
By the time Teh German came home, I was showered and ready for dinner so that way he could get ready and then we'd both be ready when it was eventually time to leave.
Dinner was fucking fabulous. I tried to drink an entire pitcher of the sangria but couldn't because I was sooooo full. I had warned Teh German that dinner was my job celebration since he had refused to celebrate any other time that it was appropriate, so I ordered the whole pitcher of sangria (should have gotten half, didn't think), beef tongue yakitori, and the wagyu beef entree.. and had ZERO RAGRATS. Twin Dad ordered half the yakitori menu and he shared some of the stuff with the table so I also tried beef heart and some type of mushroom.
After dinner, we went over to Twin Mom/Dad house and hung out for a few hours before finally heading home to feed the beasts the rest of their dinner, sit outside for some scrolling time, then it was finally bedtime.
Sunday was my day to get up with the beasts, so I did that, then went back to bed for scrolling and naps. I, eventually, got up and went downstairs to talk to Teh Bestie about dinner plans while I'm there next week. Teh German came downstairs and decided to make breakfast instead of having cereal. I got off the phone and helped him by dicing the potatoes for the potato skillet he wanted to make.Teh German is the one who has to cook fried potatoes because I can never get them to properly fry. He just does it so much better. So he did sage sausage, fried potatoes, and eggs in the skilled, topped with cheese, and he also made bacon, just because.
After breakfast was 2nd coffee time, then Teh German decided to go out to the garage to do garage things. I gamed. Meri was confused at extra voices in the garage when Teh PT Kid came by to chat with Teh German.
In the evening, we had totchos (tater tots + taco chicken dip) for dinner. After cleanup and doggy dinner, we watched Community until bedtime.
Despite a Friday evening tiff, the weekend actually went well. Sometimes, I feel super lazy not being crazy busy on the weekend, so I guess that's still the residual Stockholm Syndrome from being in school for 3 years.Teh German has the rest of an interview (it's weird, don't ask) this afternoon for an MD job. So fingers crossed on that situation. This week I'm wrapping things up and trying not to be an asshole to the Cyclone who keeps insisting they are going to "work on the pain points" of all the shit I've been doing for the last 2 years, as if I didn't try to make the processes better and why not attempt these things sooner than now since everyone knew I was struggling? Fuck you. Ugh.
I keep telling myself that current Company problems are NOT my problems anymore, but apparently I'm always in disaster mitigation mode. Even Teh German told me the same thing.. I just need my brain to comprehend it. One day, maybe.
Until then.. 3ish more days... as I'm not planning on doing much on Friday.. because.. well.. just no thanks.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Five on Friday #238
EINS - Random Shit
Every day is a new day.. Which means that each morning when I wake up for work, I tell myself,
"10 days."
"9 days."
"8 days."
"7 days."
and so forth.
Workout things.
5 supermans (face down)
10 situps
5 hollow hold (face up)
10 crisscross (L+R=2)
10 heel taps (L+R=2)
+ 3 mile run + .5 mile loop with Sandy + 1 mile loop with Pax and Meri
I wanted to add in more running because these WODs are not enough cardio for my dessert loving ass... Sooo I've integrated more to make it slightly more difficult, which both Teh German and I kinda love-hate. If we aren't feeling it on a particular day, workouts can be scaled for ease, that's the best thing about garage workouts.. no Buff Billys making you feel inferior. Just two sweaty foodies in the garage moving around awkwardly.
Monday is generally an overall body day.
Wednesday is generally focused on core workouts.
Friday is generally heavy on the run with some random activities.
Let me just say that Wednesday Megan planned Friday's workout and Friday Megan hates Wednesday Megan.. Like, I'm here for a challenge, but in addition to "hard mode" workout, it was also 9492942% humidity so I couldn't BREATHE which made everything rather miserable.. and then it started drizzling which didn't actually cool anything down, so then I was dripping MORE and couldn't breathe.. in general, it was miserable and I didn't die, but I almost quit more than once. Also, I still fucking hate jump rope things. I ended up subbing jumping backs for the double unders because whipping myself with a jump rope takes me from "yeah, let's do this" to "I WILL FUCKING HULKSMASH ALL THINGS" in a second.
I googled myself this week to see what came up (as I do a few time a year just to make sure I'm not overly stalkable)..
-Citadel commencement thingy (which I hope will ultimately come down since it's associated with my photo and full fucking name).
-Race results from various races (why does Google crawl that? eww, go away).
-The DVIDS video from GTMO (that will never go away).
I cleaned out my desk this week. It was bittersweet. Also, I have a lot of shit.
I'll turn in my laptop and key on my last day, but at least this is taken care of.
I will admit, I didn't change the joke on the whiteboard. I debated it, but ultimately didn't. Not sure why.
While cleaning out my desk, I found these bad boys. Oh yeah, that's the 4 parking tickets from my first month at The Citadel because no parking map or clear explanation was provided and then one from a few years later when I couldn't find parking and didn't want to park a millionty miles away since I was already late for class and risked it. The ticket was issued 5 minutes before I returned to my car.But guess what.. I didn't pay ANY of these fines because .. well.. I didn't.. and they never came to me with a bill prior to graduation, so guess what, Citadel security... You suck.
I know it's super first world-y, but I ran out of wet wipes in the bathroom and I was legitimately sad. I only bought them because the TP shortage and now I can't live without them.
I've been doing very good at brushing Sandy daily to every other day and it just makes her look soooo pretty. She hates, so I've been dispensing chicken hearts as an after-treat, so hopefully that makes up for it.. But she gets such bad tingle-tangles and mats, so it HAS to be done.
Also, if she'd stop licking everything and then laying on the wet spots 3 things would happen: 1- she'd smell less bad, 2- she'd get less mats, 3- I'd be less annoyed at her constant glopping noises.
I started shopping for a barbell to use for garage workouts.. and then I remembered that I'm 99% sure thrusters with an unloaded barbell is how I ended up needing hip surgery in 2017 and closed out all those tabs.
#MoneySaved (in so many ways)
ZWEI - Money Shit
-Food-Dog food
-Dog treats
-Swim trunks/underwear for Teh German
-Azul for lunch since I was in Park Circle.
-Bojangles, it is what it is.
DREI - From My Phone Shit
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Me: Let's take a selfie. Pax: Let's fucking not. |
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Me: Let's take a selfie, PAXXXXX. Pax: Ugh, fine, but I hate you. |
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This is my circus and these are my monkeys. #HereForTheDisaster |
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Sandy SAT on Pax to get this spot.... |
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And this was where she ultimately ended up. #MomLife |
VIER - From the Internet Shit
FÃœNF - Things that made me happy this week
- Quittin' something that was making me supremely unhappy. I mean my job, just to be clear.
- Solid workout programming (by me, kthx).
- Getting my VA appointments rescheduled... rescheduled from like February and before that September 2019... Whoops. In my defense, they got SUPER pissed at me for going to the VA Clinic with the flu (or maybe it was COVID, no one knows! wee!).
- "What are they gonna do, fire me?" on motherfuckin' reeeeppppeeeaaaatttt.
- Paximoose coming behind the control center (my desk) for lovins multiple times this week.
- Brushing the Floofernoodle consistently and cutting out her mats when necessary. We both know it's a necessary evil.
- Rainy days that mean nap days.
- Taking care of business during my first DSU since I don't get called on and just sitting on the call while I'm not even in the room. /shrug
- Teh German getting an interview with an MD company.
- Yakitori on Saturday!!!!
Happy Friday, Gentle Readers.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Weekend Review {8/17}
Workout, dog walks, shower, breakfast, massage, nap time. That's what PTO Fridays look like.. and that's how I rolled.![]() |
Post-massage nap? Yes, please, thank you. |
So I felt like an asshole after the fact, but someone called me from an 828 area code and I didn't know who it was, so I let Google screen the call. I was napping, so I said I'd call back, but I laughed at this way more than I should have. Also, please note, that my Granny has switched phone numbers several times and not given me her new number(s), so I do NOT feel bad not recognizing that it was her. Generally, unknown NC numbers that call me are spam.
I did eventually get up and do productive things like the laundry and installing WoW on Teh German's laptop since my 2011 laptop was just not reliable enough.
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Dat bendy snoots. <3 |
Teh German came home at 1:30 and showered and packed and at 2, he and Teh PT Husband loaded up and headed to Asheville for bro beers weekend. I play WoW until it was time to feed the dogs and make myself presentable for semi-fancy dinner at 5Church with Teh PT Wife and Kid.
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sttttteeeeaaakkkk |
Ok so, let me explain this next photo with TWO bites of $45 steak on it. This is what my plate looked like when the server approached our table and asked if she could take my place.
BITCH NO YOU CANNOT. THERE IS STILL FOOD THERE. I did not ask for a box. My fork is not upside down. GTFO of my face with that shit. I crossed my hands over my plate and told her NO, she could NOT take my plate. WTF?
No shit, she tried to take all of our plates before we were actually finished and she took the bowl of fries we'd shared before they were all gone or could be put into a box! I get that it started to get busy, but we had a reservation and we hadn't even been there an hour. Additionally, we had to wait a bit of time to put in our order since she stood at the table next to ours talking to them for a solid 5+ minutes instead of looking over to check and see that we were ready (which was obvious), we had to pull someone else to take our order. Did not like. The food was good, but the service definitely left something to be desired. Also, I really struggle with servers who take the glasses from the table to do refills. Especially when you take 2 glasses of the same beverage. I do NOT expect you to be able to remember whose was whose.
After dinner, we put leftovers in the car and walked down Market St with the goal of going to Kilwin's for dessert. We stopped in a cookie shop and I picked up this Charleston hand towel since I'm already feeling nostalgic and we haven't even put the house on the market yet. We got some soap samples. Then we finally made it to Kilwin's. Much tasty joy was had.
When I got home, I handled the beasts, giving them the other half of their dinners, then plopped in front of the computer for some WoW time.
With the husbands gone, it had been decided it would be eat out weekend. So Saturday started at Vicious Biscuit at Nexton, then a trip to Target for a whole bunch of shit we/I didn't overly need, but bought anyways (underwear for husband, new swim suits for husband, my preferred toilet paper, dog toys).![]() |
Super sad these were too big and have to be returned. |
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The best part about Teh German driving? I got the WHOLE GARAGE TO MYSELF. |
When I got home, I distributed new toys (not sorry for all those Snaps) and then had some couch time with the beasts which turned into nap time.
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Big Booty Judy practically sitting on me. |
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Finally settled. |
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Leg bolsters are a thing now? |
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The other children had their couch. |
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Pants McGee over there was panting so hard that she was rocking the couch, which woke me up from my nap because it was making me motion sick. Fun. |
I had wanted to go out for dinner and invited Twin Mom out, but she reversed it on me and invited us over for their lowcountry
With crusty bread, I headed to dinner with Twin Fam. One of my coworkers and his wife was there as well, which was fun to see them as well. Dinner was fucking delicious and the company was awesome and it was nice to get to hang out.
I headed home after 9:30 to call a very drunk Teh German back, feed the beasts the rest of their dinner, and then go to bed.
I was roused suddenly before 0700 after Meri had jumped on the bed by her letting out a cry and her arm being at a funky angle. As it was dark and I was barely functional, I had to do some detective work and finally figured out she had her dew claw stuck in the ring where her tags are attached to her collar. HOW?! I do not know, luck I guess.I fed the beasts and scrolled for a bit and went back to sleep. I finally got up because Sandy was downstairs whining, which I assumed meant she needed to go out. No, it meant that I wasn't within breathing distance. I made her ass go outside anyways.
Since I was up, I started working on the menu for the week. Eventually, I headed upstairs to get ready since Teh PT Wife and I had discussed going to brunch on Sunday after they got back from church. As I was finishing blow drying my hair, so I looked like I had tried, I got stood up.
I went downstairs and debated going to brunch by myself or just figuring out something at home. Instead, I messaged Teh German and asked if they had eaten since they were on their way home. He explained they hadn't really eaten much and he'd be hungry when he got home, so we planned to go to the Cuban place for "linner" (lunch+dinner) when he got home.
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Green fries. An absolute must. |
I had actually wanted to go back there last weekend, but we were busy so it didn't happen. I'm not sorry.
After we ate, we headed back home for couch snuggles/scrollin' time. I unintentionally took a nap, which led to disastrous sleeps. After I woke up, I played some WoW since Teh German had moved on to watch his YouTube videos.
Eventually, it was bedtime, and despite my best efforts, the last time I looked at the clock was after midnight and wake up time was at 0515. Le siiiigh.
Overall, a good weekend. Got some socializing in, did some unnecessary shopping, ate delicious foods.It's been a rough start on this Monday, but Teh German let me whine, so that was nice. Sore pieces, shitty sleeps, a difficult workout, dog walks to start the day, but it was a pleasant 70° this morning (instead of +75°, which makes for an even more miserable workout). Then a dog was running around loose in front of the house this morning, so the beasts have been on high alert.
My life is so uneventful now that my calendar app on my phone actually has BLANK SPACE at the bottom where the list goes on and on. It kinda blows my mind to have so few events going on but I am also happy with it after the last 3 years of chaos.
Oh and speaking of chaos (if you made it this far you deserve to know)... My start date for my new job is 8/31! Finally got some good news last week and handled it in a calm, controlled manner and gave Teh German one last chance to back out of leaving Charleston. He agreed that I should take the job, so we'll wait till he gets a start date to put the house on the market, which is different than our original plan, but puts less stress on us/him. I've been told I'll be teleworking, which is fine, but I also have the option to go up to MD and stay with Teh Bestie if I need to be there. Soooo YAY!
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