Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Not Lasagna

So recently I accidentally merged 2 different recipes and the concoction turned out delicious, so I'm gonna share it here so I can reference it later.

These recipes are very similar, so it wasn't a far reach to mix them up.

It might not look like much, but it tastes delicious!

Ingredients (I used):
-1 roll sage sausage
-enough mushrooms, thin sliced
-half an onion, diced
-enough garlic
-1 (yellow) squash
-1 zucchini (/green squash)
-1 package baby gnocchi
-fennel seeds (enough)
-16ish oz spaghetti sauce
-enough ricotta cheese
-enough mozzarella cheese

-Preheat oven to 400°F.
-In a dutch oven (or some oven safe-stove cooking container), begin cooking sausage. 
-When sausage is almost done, throw in mushrooms, onion, and garlic.
-Mix in squash, gnocchi, and spaghetti sauce.
-Cover and put in oven until squash and gnocchi are tender (i.e. you can stab them with a fork without too much resistance).
-Remove from oven.  Top/fold in the mozz cheese (you're welcome for that reference).  
-Drop dollops of ricotta cheese on top, as desired.

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